
IPMI简介:from wikipedia

The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is a standardized computer system interface used by system administrators to manage a computer system and monitor its operation.

The development of this interface specification was led by Intel Corporation and is supported by more than two hundred computer systems vendors.[1]. Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and NEC Corporation announced IPMI v1.0 on 1998-09-16, v1.5 on 2001-03-01, and v2.0 on 2004-02-14.


The baseboard management controller (BMC) is the intelligence in the IPMI architecture. It is a specialized microcontroller embedded on the motherboard of a computer, generally a server. The BMC manages the interface between system management software and platform hardware.

Different types of sensors built into the computer system report to the BMC on parameters such as temperature, cooling fan speeds, power status, operating system (OS) status, etc.


物理连接: 将BMC 的专用网口连接网络


开启服务器,进入BIOS,选择:BMC  激活IPMI。

可以IP地址,比如改为192.168.111.111,子网掩码:  (当然也可以设置为dynamic动态获取IP)。

在下面User configuration设置中Enable一些user,将有管理权限的用户enable起来,也可以设置管理密码、修改用户名等工作。




# ipmitool -H yourIP -U myuser -P mypassword power status  (查看服务器的电源状态)

# ipmitool -H yourIP -U myuser -P mypassword power reset   (关闭电源并重启机器)

# ipmitool -H yourIP -U myuser -P mypassword power on   (开电源启动机器)

# ipmitool -H yourIP -U myuser -P mypassword power on   (关闭电源)

# ipmitool -H yourIP -I lanplus -U myuser -P mypassword sdr type Temperature (服务器温度)

# ipmitool -H yourIP -I lanplus -U myuser -P mypassword sol activate  (连接串口)

# ipmitool -H yourIP -I lanplus -U myuser -P mypassword sol deactivate  (断开串口)



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