


sentinel-2数据下载 大气校正 转ENVI格式_乌梅呓声的博客-CSDN博客_snap转envi

sen2cor下载地址:     Sen2Cor – STEP

Two different versions of Sen2Cor are available:

Sen2Cor_v2.8 is the latest release supporting Sentinel-2 L1C data generated with the current (14.5) and previous (14.2) Products Specification Document, as input. Sen2Cor_v2.8 release contains new features and improvements respect to Sen2Cor_v2.5.5.

Sen2Cor_v2.5.5 is the previous release and it is needed if the user intends to process old Sentinel-2 L1C data generated with the Products Specification Document older than 14.2 and not reprocessed by ESA.




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Windows 64-Bit Windows 32-Bit Mac OS X Unix 64-bit
Sentinel Toolboxes These installers contain the Sentinel-1Sentinel-2Sentinel-3Toolboxes
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SMOS Toolbox These installer contains only the SMOS Toolbox.
Download also the Format Conversion Tool (Earth Explorer to NetCDF) and the user manual.
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All Toolboxes These installers contain the Sentinel-1Sentinel-2Sentinel-3Toolboxes, SMOS and PROBA-V Toolbox
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输入L2A_Process.bat –help,得到如下图所示结果即为成功。下一步即可进行大气校正Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
C:\Users\Administrator>cd Sen2Cor-02.08.00-win64
C:\Users\Administrator\Sen2Cor-02.08.00-win64>L2A_Process --help
usage: L2A_Process.py [-h] [--mode MODE] [--resolution {10,20,60}][--datastrip DATASTRIP] [--tile TILE][--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--work_dir WORK_DIR][--img_database_dir IMG_DATABASE_DIR][--res_database_dir RES_DATABASE_DIR][--processing_centre PROCESSING_CENTRE][--archiving_centre ARCHIVING_CENTRE][--processing_baseline PROCESSING_BASELINE] [--raw][--tif] [--sc_only] [--cr_only] [--debug][--GIP_L2A GIP_L2A] [--GIP_L2A_SC GIP_L2A_SC][--GIP_L2A_AC GIP_L2A_AC] [--GIP_L2A_PB GIP_L2A_PB]input_dirSentinel-2 Level 2A Processor (Sen2Cor). Version: 2.8.0, created: 2019.02.20,
supporting Level-1C product version 14.2 - 14.5.positional arguments:input_dir             Directory of Level-1C inputoptional arguments:-h, --help            show this help message and exit--mode MODE           Mode: generate_datastrip, process_tile--resolution {10,20,60}Target resolution, can be 10, 20 or 60m. If omitted,only 20 and 10m resolutions will be processed--datastrip DATASTRIPDatastrip folder--tile TILE           Tile folder--output_dir OUTPUT_DIROutput directory--work_dir WORK_DIR   Work directory--img_database_dir IMG_DATABASE_DIRDatabase directory for L1C input images--res_database_dir RES_DATABASE_DIRDatabase directory for results and temporary products--processing_centre PROCESSING_CENTREProcessing centre as regex: ^[A-Z_]{4}$, e.g "SGS_"--archiving_centre ARCHIVING_CENTREArchiving centre as regex: ^[A-Z_]{4}$, e.g. "SGS_"--processing_baseline PROCESSING_BASELINEProcessing baseline in the format: "dd.dd", whered=[0:9]--raw                 Export raw images in rawl format with ENVI hdr--tif                 Export raw images in TIFF format instead of JPEG-2000--sc_only             Performs only the scene classification at 60 or 20mresolution--cr_only             Performs only the creation of the L2A product tree, noprocessing--debug               Performs in debug mode--GIP_L2A GIP_L2A     Select the user GIPP--GIP_L2A_SC GIP_L2A_SCSelect the scene classification GIPP--GIP_L2A_AC GIP_L2A_ACSelect the atmospheric correction GIPP--GIP_L2A_PB GIP_L2A_PBSelect the processing baseline GIPP大气校正 步骤如下:
C:\Users\Administrator\Sen2Cor-02.08.00-win64>L2A_Process.bat  --resolution 10 C:\Users\Administrator\Sen2Cor-02.08.00-win64\S2A_MSIL1C_20191005T030601_N0208_R075_T49RFL_20191005T060401\S2A_MSIL1C_20191005T030601_N0208_R075_T49RFL_20191005T060401.SAFE 对所有数据进行大气校正,命令如下:
C:\Users\Administrator\Sen2Cor-02.08.00-win64>L2A_Process C:\Users\Administrator\Sen2Cor-02.08.00-win64\S2A_MSIL1C_20191005T030601_N0208_R075_T49RFL_20191005T060401\S2A_MSIL1C_20191005T030601_N0208_R075_T49RFL_20191005T060401.SAFE
Sentinel-2 Level 2A Processor (Sen2Cor). Version: 2.8.0, created: 2019.02.20, supporting Level-1C product version 14.2 - 14.5 started ...
Product version: 14.5
Operation mode: TOOLBOX
Processing baseline: 99.99
Progress[%]:  0.00 : Generating datastrip metadata
L1C datastrip found, L2A datastrip successfully generated
No resolution specified, will process 20 and 10 m resolution
20 m resolution will be downsampled to 60 m
Progress[%]: 0.09 : PID-11104, L2A_ProcessTile: processing with resolution 20 m, elapsed time[s]: 2.353, total: 0:00:08.932000
Progress[%]: 0.09 : PID-11104, L2A_ProcessTile: start of pre processing, elapsed time[s]: 0.001, total: 0:00:08.933000
Progress[%]: 0.09 : PID-11104, L2A_Tables: start import, elapsed time[s]: 0.044, total: 0:00:08.977000
Progress[%]: 0.11 : PID-11104, L2A_Tables: band B01 imported, elapsed time[s]: 0.281, total: 0:00:09.258000
Progress[%]: 0.27 : PID-11104, L2A_Tables: band B02 imported, elapsed time[s]: 4.137, total: 0:00:13.395000
Progress[%]: 0.46 : PID-11104, L2A_Tables: band B03 imported, elapsed time[s]: 4.832, total: 0:00:18.227000
Progress[%]: 0.66 : PID-11104, L2A_Tables: band B04 imported, elapsed time[s]: 5.062, total: 0:00:23.289000
Progress[%]: 0.79 : PID-11104, L2A_Tables: band B05 imported, elapsed time[s]: 3.494, total: 0:00:26.783000
Progress[%]: 0.87 : PID-11104, L2A_Tables: band B06 imported, elapsed time[s]: 1.903, total: 0:00:28.686000
Progress[%]: 0.94 : PID-11104, L2A_Tables: band B07 imported, elapsed time[s]: 1.940, total: 0:00:30.626000
Progress[%]: 1.02 : PID-11104, L2A_Tables: band B8A imported, elapsed time[s]: 1.908, total: 0:00:32.534000


安装后可以在SNAP中将数据转为ENVI等格式输出,操作流程为打开SNAP,点击file-open product,选择需要转格式输出的数据.safe文件,选择MTD开头的.xml文件。


应当首先进行resampling。点击raster- geometric operations- resampling,选择resampling parameters,调节参数,点击run。

完成后SNAP左侧会出现操作完成后的结果。选中它再点击file - export- ENVI即可完成。转出后的格式可以用ENVI打开。








重采样后的结果就可以导入ENVI5.1中显示了,但其存储方式是一个波段一个文件,在ENVI中融合一下(ENVI中搜索layer stacking工具)就可以得到多波段文件了。

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