
When you visit a webpage in a browser, all the resources, such as images, style sheets, and Javascript files, are downloaded and stored in the browser’s cache. This allows webpages you’ve already visited to load more quickly because the browser doesn’t have to download the resources again.

当您在浏览器中访问网页时,所有资源(例如图像,样式表和Javascript文件)都会下载并存储在浏览器的缓存中 。 这样一来,您已经访问过的网页就可以更快地加载,因为浏览器无需再次下载资源。

Update: Google removed this experimental flag from Chrome. If you try to visit a web page while you’re offline, Chrome may automatically load cached versions of some web pages—but there’s no way to control this. Mozilla Firefox still has a built-in “Work Offline” mode, so you may want to try Firefox.

更新 :Google从Chrome删除了此实验性标志。 如果您尝试在离线状态下访问网页,Chrome可能会自动加载某些网页的缓存版本,但无法对其进行控制。 Mozilla Firefox仍然具有内置的“脱机工作”模式 ,因此您可能需要尝试Firefox。

The cache can also be useful if you know you’re going to be somewhere where the internet connectivity is spotty, or where you won’t have any connection at all. Chrome’s offline mode allows you to use the cache to view webpages you’ve already visited (and were copied to the cache) when you are offline.

如果您知道将要出现互联网连接不畅或根本没有任何连接的地方,则缓存也很有用。 Chrome的离线模式可让您在离线状态下使用缓存来查看已经访问过(并已复制到缓存中)的网页。

Chrome’s built-in offline mode is not easy to find, but we’ll show you where to find it and how to enable and use it.


NOTE: Offline mode is enabled in the chrome://flags features. These are experimental features that may change, break, or disappear at any time and could negatively affect your browsing experience. However, if you follow our instructions, you should have no problem.

注意:在chrome:// flags功能中启用了离线模式。 这些实验性功能可能随时更改,中断或消失,可能会对您的浏览体验造成负面影响。 但是,如果您遵循我们的指示,则应该没有问题。

To enable the built-in offline mode in Chrome, type chrome://flags/#show-saved-copy  in the address bar and press “Enter”. This will take you directly to the command you’ll be enabling, which makes toggling the setting even easier.

要在Chrome中启用内置的离线模式,请在地址栏中输入chrome://flags/#show-saved-copy ,然后按“ Enter”。 这将直接带您将要启用的命令,这使切换设置更加容易。

Under “Show Saved Copy Button”, select “Enable: Primary” from the dropdown list. The “Enable: Secondary” option provides the same functionality in a slightly different way. You can use either and we’ll discuss the difference a bit later in this article.

在“显示保存的副本按钮”下,从下拉列表中选择“启用:主要”。 “启用:辅助”选项以略有不同的方式提供相同的功能。 您可以使用其中任何一个,我们将在本文稍后讨论差异。

To have your change take effect, click “Relaunch Now”.


Now, when you’re offline and you visit a website, it will be loaded entirely from the saved copy in the cache instead of downloaded from the website’s server. So, if you know you’re going to be without an internet connection, be sure to visit the websites you want offline access to before then, so they are stored in the cache for offline access.

现在,当您离线并访问网站时,它将完全从缓存中的已保存副本加载,而不是从网站的服务器下载。 因此,如果您知道将要没有Internet连接,请确保在此之前访问要脱机访问的网站,以便将它们存储在缓存中以供脱机访问。

When you visit a website while you’re offline, you may briefly see the following “This site can’t be reached” screen. This screen displays when “Enable: Primary” is selected in the Show Saved Copy Button drop-down list on the chrome://flags page. Notice that the “Show saved copy” button is blue and is displayed to the left of the Reload button.

当您离线访问某个网站时,您可能会短暂看到以下“无法访问此网站”屏幕。 在chrome:// flags页面的“显示已保存的副本按钮”下拉列表中选择“启用:主要”时,将显示此屏幕。 请注意,“显示保存的副本”按钮为蓝色,并显示在“重新加载”按钮的左侧。

This screen goes away quickly, but there will be another one (we’ll show you in a bit) that will allow you to access the cached copy of the website you’re trying to visit.


If you selected “Enabled: Secondary” under Show Saved Copy Button, the “Show saved copy” button is gray and on the right. But, it works the same way in either position.

如果在“显示已保存的副本”按钮下选择了“已启用:辅助”,则“显示已保存的副本”按钮为灰色,位于右侧。 但是,无论在哪个位置,其工作方式都相同。

The “This site can’t be reached” screen is replaced with the “There is no Internet connection” screen. To access the cached version of the website you’re trying to visit, click the “Show saved copy” button.

“无法访问此站点”屏幕将替换为“没有互联网连接”屏幕。 要访问您要访问的网站的缓存版本,请单击“显示保存的副本”按钮。

In addition to Chrome for Windows, the offline mode feature is also available in Chrome for Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android, and works the same way as it does in Windows.

除了适用于Windows的Chrome,脱机模式功能还适用于Mac,Linux,Chrome OS和Android的Chrome,其工作方式与Windows相同。

Remember that you are viewing old versions of webpages when you access cached copies of them. You can use offline mode to view any website offline, but it’s probably more useful for websites that don’t update that often, so the cached copy is not quite so out-of-date. Besides viewing cached copies of websites while you’re offline, there are also many Chrome apps that you can use offline.

请记住,当您访问网页的缓存副本时,您正在查看的是旧版本。 您可以使用脱机模式来脱机查看任何网站,但是对于不经常更新的网站来说,它可能更有用,因此缓存的副本并不是太过时了。 除了在离线状态下查看网站的缓存副本之外,还有许多Chrome应用程序可以离线使用 。

If you visit a website that is not cached, you’ll see the screen above, but the Show saved copy button will not be available. Also, if you clear your cache, you’ll have to visit the websites you want offline access to while you have an internet connection, so those websites are stored in your cache again and available when you do not have an internet connection. Not clearing your cache is also a way to speed up your browsing experience in Chrome.

如果您访问未缓存的网站,则会看到上面的屏幕,但“显示保存的副本”按钮将不可用。 另外,如果您清除缓存 ,则必须在具有Internet连接时访问要脱机访问的网站,以便这些网站再次存储在缓存中,并且在没有Internet连接时可用。 不清除缓存也是加快Chrome浏览体验的一种方法。




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