

Computer teacher job resume

Name: XX Zhao

Gender: Male


Age: 32

Location of the account:

Nationality: China

Marital status: married

Nationality: Han

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 65 kg

My phone:

My Email:

Job search intention

The type of talent: ordinary job

Job: high school teachers, teacher occupation technology, computer software:

Work experience: 6

Title: primary

Job type: part time

Date available: at any time

Salary requirements: Negotiable

I hope the work area: Huadu District, Huadu District, Huadu District

Work experience

High tech technical school in Guangdong Province, beginning and ending date: 2009-08 ~ 2011-03

The nature of the company: the institution industry: Education / training / Colleges

Position: computer teacher

Job description: Beida Jade Bird ACCP enlightenment star - network programming related courses

Reason for leaving: on-the-job, weekend part-time

Guangzhou Garifuna vocational technical school start stop date: 2007-09 ~ 2009-07

Company type: private enterprise industry: Education / training / Colleges

Position: computer professional teacher

Job description: the subject mainly multimedia technology, Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, ASP dynamic web design, C language, e-commerce etc.. During this period, three part-time computer intermediate certificate of training teachers, with student certification through the rate of more than 96%. During the teaching before, has served as class teacher management work, the accumulation of a large number of higher vocational technical school students class work experience, repeatedly by the school of praise, also won the students love! Personal style classes also get school and students alike.

Reason for leaving: complex

Guangzhou Youmai ornament Technology Co., Ltd. start stop date: 2007-03 ~ 2007-05

Company type: private enterprise of the industry: real estate / building

Position: Sales

Job description: in Guangzhou Youmai ornament technology limited company to do business

Reason for leaving: not suitable for

Guangzhou City metallurgical senior technical school start stop date: 2004-09 ~ 2007-01

The nature of the company: the institution industry: Education / training / Colleges

Position: the teacher computer engineering department

Job description: the subject mainly multimedia technology, web design, e-commerce, Photoshop, CorelDraw, Flash, Dreamweaver etc.. During this period, in addition to the normal teaching, has a part-time guide for the class of two graduation design and thesis defense, achieved good results. In 2006 April, served as the school of non computer teacher "double teacher" training instructors, training office application software and powerpoint.

Reason for leaving: want to do business

Education background

University one is graduated from Huanggang Normal University in Hubei:

The highest degree: Bachelor Degree: Education Graduation Date: 2004-07

Professional: Educational Technology (Information Technology) professional two:

The starting date of termination date schools (Institutions) and the specialty certificate obtained Certificate No.

Diploma, Bachelor of information technology teacher qualification certificate of communism, 2000-09 2004-07 of Huanggang Normal University Educational Technology

2005-04 2005-04 multimedia CAI stereo curriculum and virtual reality design training class of multimedia CAI certificate * * *

Language ability

Language: good English

Mandarin Level: excellent

Ability to work and other specialty

The good communication ability and team cooperation consciousness. Honest and trustworthy. Have patience, self-confidence, strong ability of self-study!

The application of computer and English ability: understand network, will protect the computer hardware failure. Proficient in commonly used software, can the independent development of small and medium-sized units of dynamic web site. Good oral and written English ability.

The sports, and actively participate in various activities, especially like badminton and volleyball.

The level of information technology has a high school teacher qualification certificate.

Detailed personal biography






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