基于 meson构建的应用程序,可以借助 meson test来进行测试。meson test支持很多参数,如下所示:

$ meson test [-h] [--maxfail MAXFAIL] [--repeat REPEAT] [--no-rebuild][--gdb] [--gdb-path GDB_PATH] [--list] [--wrapper WRAPPER][-C WD] [--suite SUITE] [--no-suite SUITE] [--no-stdsplit][--print-errorlogs] [--benchmark] [--logbase LOGBASE][--num-processes NUM_PROCESSES] [-v] [-q][-t TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER] [--setup SETUP][--test-args TEST_ARGS][args [args ...]]


positional arguments:args                                  Optional list of test names to run."testname" to run all tests with thatname, "subprojname:testname" tospecifically run "testname" from"subprojname", "subprojname:" to run alltests defined by "subprojname".optional arguments:-h, --help                            show this help message and exit--maxfail MAXFAIL                     Number of failing tests before abortingthe test run. (default: 0, to disableaborting on failure)--repeat REPEAT                       Number of times to run the tests.--no-rebuild                          Do not rebuild before running tests.--gdb                                 Run test under gdb.--gdb-path GDB_PATH                   Path to the gdb binary (default: gdb).--list                                List available tests.--wrapper WRAPPER                     wrapper to run tests with (e.g.Valgrind)-C WD                                 directory to cd into before running--suite SUITE                         Only run tests belonging to the givensuite.--no-suite SUITE                      Do not run tests belonging to the givensuite.--no-stdsplit                         Do not split stderr and stdout in testlogs.--print-errorlogs                     Whether to print failing tests' logs.--benchmark                           Run benchmarks instead of tests.--logbase LOGBASE                     Base name for log file.--num-processes NUM_PROCESSES         How many parallel processes to use.-v, --verbose                         Do not redirect stdout and stderr-q, --quiet                           Produce less output to the terminal.-t TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER, --timeout-multiplier TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIERDefine a multiplier for test timeout,for example when running tests inparticular conditions they might takemore time to execute. (<= 0 to disabletimeout)--setup SETUP                         Which test setup to use.--test-args TEST_ARGS                 Arguments to pass to the specifiedtest(s) or all tests


#include <stdio.h>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int i = 0;for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {printf("arg-%d: %s\n", i, argv[i]);}return 0;


project('simple', 'c')
exe = executable('main', 'main.c')
test('test1', exe)
test('test2', exe)
test('test3', exe)

使用 meson test运行测试用例:

$ meson test -C build/ --test-args="-a 1 -b 2" test1 test2
ninja: Entering directory `/home/zhoumin/test/meson/build'
ninja: no work to do.
1/2 test1        OK              0.01s
2/2 test2        OK              0.01sOk:                 2
Expected Fail:      0
Fail:               0
Unexpected Pass:    0
Skipped:            0
Timeout:            0Full log written to /home/zhoumin/test/meson/build/meson-logs/testlog.txt

上述 test1test2作为 meson test的参数,指定了需要运行的测试用例名称。--test-args="-a 1 -b 2"作为 meson test的参数,指定了给应用程序传递的参数信息:"-a 1 -b 2",打开 build/meson-logs/testlog.txt文件,可以看到应用程序接收到的参数列表,如下所示:

==================================== 1/2 =====================================
test:         test1
start time:   10:36:27
duration:     0.01s
result:       exit status 0
command:      MALLOC_PERTURB_=237 /home/zhoumin/test/meson/build/main -a 1 -b 2
----------------------------------- stdout -----------------------------------
arg-0: /home/zhoumin/test/meson/build/main
arg-1: -a
arg-2: 1
arg-3: -b
arg-4: 2


  1. https://mesonbuild.com/Commands.html
  2. https://mesonbuild.com/Meson-sample.html

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