
  • 前言
  • 一、进入Coursera官方网站
  • 二、选择自己感兴趣(需要)学习的课程
  • 三、申请助学金
  • 四、另外









这里以DeepLearning.ai 中的Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization为例。



I am very interested in this course. I believe that this course can effectively help me in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and make my professional skills more perfect.
However, since I am now a full-time student who does not have a job, I can’t afford the extra monthly study fee by relying on scholarships and daily part-time tuition and living expenses.
I am currently studying in the university. My learning, adaptation, communication and organization skills are excellent. In my spare time, I actively participated in various volunteer activities and artificial intelligence competitions to improve my skills. However, in the process of the competition, I increasingly found my lack of knowledge, so I need to learn more courses about machine learning and deep learning to broaden my knowledge and enrich my theoretical knowledge in the professional field. Meanwhile, classic courses can also deepen my understanding of this subject.
I am determined to complete this course, please give me this opportunity.

I am a student majoring in computer science and technology, and my research direction is artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our courses cover computer science, big data, and theoretical mathematics.
In the process of learning, I gradually found that we need to dig deeply into machine learning and deep learning, which can help artificial intelligence students understand the underlying principles and infrastructure of artificial intelligence, and enable us to write our own programs systematically according to our own ideas from scratch. This course can help me deal with big data better from basic programming and analyze what I have learned through programming.
In addition, PYTHON has increasingly become a required skill for ai-related jobs. Through the study of this course, I can better enrich my professional skills and become a professional with both theoretical knowledge and operational ability. I hope to find a job related to artificial intelligence and machine learning after graduation, mainly engaged in the research of theoretical machine learning.

I am completely independent from home now, without any economic income. Scholarships and part-time income sometimes cannot even meet daily needs, and I have plans to continue my Ph.D., and I expect that my income will not be high in the next four years.
I hope that I can give back to the website through my good things, such as promoting the coursera on the website, forums and other platforms, through my excellent results word of mouth marketing.




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