Dear reviewers, I am a student from China who has no income yet.I am a postgraduate at Sichuan University. I major in Computer Science. There are some reasons that I want to apply Coursera Finance Aid. My income is barely enough to cover my living expense. I don’t have extra money to get the certificate. As a young student without income, I cannot afford it. I will continue to study for at least two and a half years, during which time I have no financial resources.My family can only provide me limited finance support which does not cover the cost of extra online courses. However, I really want to learn this course to improve my programming skill and help me completing my research. Thank you for your consideration. I promise I will learn it seriously. No pain, no gain. And I will keep my step forward to the top. I am looking forward to your reply.

Dear reviewers, I am a postgraduate at Sichuan University. I major in Computer Science(CS). Undoubtedly, in-depth learning is one of the hottest research directions in computer field. It is applied in all aspects of life and constantly changing the world. It can be said that every computer major student should learn this course.However, as a graduate student majoring in computer science, I know nothing about the most popular knowledge of machine learning and in-depth learning. I think this course is very helpful to me.In order to do better research and work in the future, I must learn this course.Professor Andrew’s in-depth learning course has been well received, and I have also studied his machine learning course. I like his lecture style very much, which has benefited me a lot, and I hope to learn in Coursera. I love the course and it could be a wonderful experience for my learning process. I am grateful to your help if I get the Finance Aid. Thank you!

There is no income, and in a short period of time to continue learning, unable to work, there is no ability to pay the cost. After working in the future or having other income, they will choose to pay or borrow at a low interest rate.

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