Matlab提供了合并多个.fig文件的函数subplot(),通过调用subplot()函数可以将多个.fig合并为一个大的.fig文件。具体的工作原理是:subplot将画布划分为一个网格(grid),通过指定每个子fig文件的位置,将多个子fig合并为一个大的fig。该函数常用的方法如下:subplot(m, n, p),m表示网格的行数,n表示网格的列数,p表示子fig文件在网格中的位置。比如m = 3, n = 2, 不同p值如下图所示:


h1 = openfig('1.fig','reuse');

ax1 = gca;

h2 = openfig('2.fig','reuse'); % open figure

ax2 = gca; % get handle to axes of figure

h3 = openfig('3.fig','reuse');

ax3 = gca;

h4 = openfig('.4.fig','reuse');

ax4 = gca;

h5 = openfig('5.fig','reuse'); % open figure

ax5 = gca; % get handle to axes of figure

h6 = openfig('6.fig','reuse'); % open figure

ax6 = gca; % get handle to axes of figure

h7 = figure; %create new figure

s1 = subplot(2,3,1); %create and get handle to the subplot axes

s2 = subplot(2,3,2);

s3 = subplot(2,3,3); %create and get handle to the subplot axes

s4 = subplot(2,3,4);

s5 = subplot(2,3,5); %create and get handle to the subplot axes

s6 = subplot(2,3,6);

fig1 = get(ax1,'children'); %get handle to all the children in the figure

fig2 = get(ax2,'children');

fig3 = get(ax3,'children'); %get handle to all the children in the figure

fig4 = get(ax4,'children');

fig5 = get(ax5,'children'); %get handle to all the children in the figure

fig6 = get(ax6,'children');

copyobj(fig1,s1); %copy children to new parent axes i.e. the subplot axes


copyobj(fig3,s3); %copy children to new parent axes i.e. the subplot axes


copyobj(fig5,s5); %copy children to new parent axes i.e. the subplot axes


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