
  • 1. 内容简介
  • 2. IPFS-HTTP效果图
  • 3. 实现步骤
    • 3.1 安装create-react-app
    • 3.2 React项目创建
    • 3.3 运行React项目
    • 3.4 浏览项目
    • 3.5 安装ipfs-api
    • 3.6 完成UI逻辑
    • 3.7 导入IPFS
    • 3.8 编写上传大文本字符串到IPFS的Promise函数
    • 3.9 上传数据到IPFS
    • 3.10 跨域资源共享CORS配置
    • 3.11 再次刷新网页提交数据并在线查看数据
    • 3.12 从IPFS读取数据
    • 3.13 总结
  • 4. 下篇文章预告

1. 内容简介

  • 【IPFS + 区块链 系列】 入门篇 - IPFS环境配置
  • 【IPFS + 区块链 系列】 入门篇 - IPFS+IPNS+个人博客搭建



3. 实现步骤

3.1 安装create-react-app


localhost:1123 yuechunli$ npm install -g create-react-app

3.2 React项目创建

localhost:1123 yuechunli$ create-react-app ipfs-http-demo
localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ls
README.md   package.json    src
node_modules    public      yarn.lock
localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$

3.3 运行React项目

localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ npm start
Compiled successfully!You can now view ipfs-http-demo in the browser.Local:            http://localhost:3000/On Your Network: that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use yarn build.

3.4 浏览项目



3.5 安装ipfs-api


  • 项目结构

  • 安装ipfs-api


$ npm uninstall --save ipfs-api
localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ls
README.md   package.json    src
node_modules    public      yarn.lock
localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ pwd
localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ npm uninstall --save ipfs-api


3.6 完成UI逻辑


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';class App extends Component {constructor(props) {super(props);this.state = {strHash: null,strContent: null}}render() {return (<div className="App"><inputref="ipfsContent"style=/><button onClick={() => {let ipfsContent = this.refs.ipfsContent.value;console.log(ipfsContent);}}>提交到IPFS</button><p>{this.state.strHash}</p><button onClick={() => {console.log('从ipfs读取数据。')}}>读取数据</button><h1>{this.state.strContent}</h1></div>);}
}export default App;


3.7 导入IPFS

const ipfsAPI = require('ipfs-api');
const ipfs = ipfsAPI({host: 'localhost', port: '5001', protocol: 'http'});

3.8 编写上传大文本字符串到IPFS的Promise函数

saveTextBlobOnIpfs = (blob) => {return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {const descBuffer = Buffer.from(blob, 'utf-8');ipfs.add(descBuffer).then((response) => {console.log(response)resolve(response[0].hash);}).catch((err) => {console.error(err)reject(err);})})}


3.9 上传数据到IPFS

this.saveTextBlobOnIpfs(ipfsContent).then((hash) => {console.log(hash);this.setState({strHash: hash});



import React, {Component} from 'react';
import './App.css';const ipfsAPI = require('ipfs-api');
const ipfs = ipfsAPI({host: 'localhost', port: '5001', protocol: 'http'});class App extends Component {constructor(props) {super(props);this.state = {strHash: null,strContent: null}}saveTextBlobOnIpfs = (blob) => {return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {const descBuffer = Buffer.from(blob, 'utf-8');ipfs.add(descBuffer).then((response) => {console.log(response)resolve(response[0].hash);}).catch((err) => {console.error(err)reject(err);})})}render() {return (<div className="App"><input ref="ipfsContent" style=/><button onClick={() => {let ipfsContent = this.refs.ipfsContent.value;console.log(ipfsContent);this.saveTextBlobOnIpfs(ipfsContent).then((hash) => {console.log(hash);this.setState({strHash: hash});});}}>提交到IPFS</button><p>{this.state.strHash}</p><button onClick={() => {console.log('从ipfs读取数据。')}}>读取数据</button><h1>{this.state.strContent}</h1></div>);}
}export default App;


3.10 跨域资源共享CORS配置

跨域资源共享( CORS )配置,依次在终端执行下面的代码:

localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"]'localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["*"]'localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Credentials '["true"]'localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Headers '["Authorization"]'localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Expose-Headers '["Location"]'


localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ipfs config Addresses.API
localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ipfs config Addresses.API /ip4/
localhost:ipfs-http-demo yuechunli$ ipfs daemon

3.11 再次刷新网页提交数据并在线查看数据

  • 上传数据,并且查看返回hash值

  • 在线查看上传到IPFS的数据

3.12 从IPFS读取数据

  • ipfs.cat
ipfs.cat(this.state.strHash).then((stream) => {console.log(stream);let strContent = Utf8ArrayToStr(stream);console.log(strContent);this.setState({strContent: strContent});


  • Utf8ArrayToStr
function Utf8ArrayToStr(array) {var out, i, len, c;var char2, char3;out = "";len = array.length;i = 0;while(i < len) {c = array[i++];switch(c >> 4){case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:// 0xxxxxxxout += String.fromCharCode(c);break;case 12: case 13:// 110x xxxx   10xx xxxxchar2 = array[i++];out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F));break;case 14:// 1110 xxxx  10xx xxxx  10xx xxxxchar2 = array[i++];char3 = array[i++];out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x0F) << 12) |((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) |((char3 & 0x3F) << 0));break;default:break;}}return out;
  • 完整源码
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import './App.css';const ipfsAPI = require('ipfs-api');
const ipfs = ipfsAPI({host: 'localhost', port: '5001', protocol: 'http'});function Utf8ArrayToStr(array) {var out,i,len,c;var char2,char3;out = "";len = array.length;i = 0;while (i < len) {c = array[i++];switch (c >> 4) {case 0:case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:case 5:case 6:case 7:// 0xxxxxxxout += String.fromCharCode(c);break;case 12:case 13:// 110x xxxx   10xx xxxxchar2 = array[i++];out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F));break;case 14:// 1110 xxxx  10xx xxxx  10xx xxxxchar2 = array[i++];char3 = array[i++];out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x0F) << 12) | ((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) | ((char3 & 0x3F) << 0));break;default:break;}}return out;
}class App extends Component {constructor(props) {super(props);this.state = {strHash: null,strContent: null}}saveTextBlobOnIpfs = (blob) => {return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {const descBuffer = Buffer.from(blob, 'utf-8');ipfs.add(descBuffer).then((response) => {console.log(response)resolve(response[0].hash);}).catch((err) => {console.error(err)reject(err);})})}render() {return (<div className="App"><input ref="ipfsContent" style=/><button onClick={() => {let ipfsContent = this.refs.ipfsContent.value;console.log(ipfsContent);this.saveTextBlobOnIpfs(ipfsContent).then((hash) => {console.log(hash);this.setState({strHash: hash});});}}>提交到IPFS</button><p>{this.state.strHash}</p><button onClick={() => {console.log('从ipfs读取数据。')ipfs.cat(this.state.strHash).then((stream) => {console.log(stream);let strContent = Utf8ArrayToStr(stream);console.log(strContent);this.setState({strContent: strContent});});}}>读取数据</button><h1>{this.state.strContent}</h1></div>);}
}export default App;

3.13 总结


这是【IPFS + 区块链 系列】 入门篇 - IPFS + Ethereum (上篇)-js-ipfs-api,下篇讲解如何将IPFS和以太坊智能合约结合进行数据存储。

4. 下篇文章预告

这是【IPFS + 区块链 系列】 入门篇 - IPFS + Ethereum (上篇)-js-ipfs-api,下篇讲解如何将IPFS和以太坊智能合约结合进行数据存储。


IPFS + 区块链 系列】 入门篇 - IPFS + Ethereum (上篇)-js-ipfs-api相关推荐

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  3. 【IPFS + 区块链 系列】 入门篇 - IPFS+IPNS+个人博客搭建

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