• 代码:https://github.com/ikuokuo/start-taro


yarn global add @tarojs/cli


taro init my-app


? Taro v3.0.16

Taro 即将创建一个新项目!Need help? Go and open issue: https://tls.jd.com/taro-issue-helper

? 请输入项目介绍!? 请选择框架 React? 是否需要使用 TypeScript ?Yes? 请选择 CSS 预处理器(Sass/Less/Stylus) Sass? 请选择模板源 Gitee(最快)✔ 拉取远程模板仓库成功!? 请选择模板 taro-ui

✔ 创建项目: my-app...✔ cd my-app, 执行 git init✔ 安装成功...创建项目 my-app 成功!请进入项目目录 my-app 开始工作吧!?



下载并打开微信开发者工具 https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/devtools/download.html ,然后导入 my-app 项目:


❯ yarn dev:weappyarn run v1.22.10$ npm run build:weapp -- --watchnpm WARN lifecycle The node binary used for scripts is /var/folders/d3/gg88014s28j41dgh6dznfp7h0000gn/T/yarn--1605187598317-0.7594031278537579/node but npm is using /usr/local/bin/node itself. Use the `--scripts-prepend-node-path` option to include the path for the node binary npm was executed with.

> my-app@1.0.0 build:weapp /Users/ikuokuo/start-taro/my-app> taro build --type weapp "--watch"

? Taro v3.0.16

Tips: 预览模式生成的文件较大,设置 NODE_ENV 为 production 可以开启压缩。Example:$ NODE_ENV=production taro build --type weapp --watch

生成  工具配置  /Users/ikuokuo/start-taro/my-app/dist/project.config.json

编译  发现入口  src/app.ts编译  发现页面  src/pages/index/index.tsx✅  编译成功



❯ yarn build:weappyarn run v1.22.10$ taro build --type weapp? Taro v3.0.16

生成  工具配置  /Users/ikuokuo/start-taro/my-app/dist/project.config.json

编译  发现入口  src/app.ts编译  发现页面  src/pages/index/index.tsx✅  编译成功

Hash: 3e1757774efcf01a6850Version: webpack 4.42.0Time: 6089msBuilt at: 11/12/2020 9:46:51 PM                           Asset       Size  Chunks             Chunk Names                          app.js     77 KiB       3  [emitted]  app              app.js.LICENSE.txt  500 bytes          [emitted]                        app.json  177 bytes          [emitted]                        app.wxss    0 bytes       3  [emitted]  app                       base.wxml   66.9 KiB          [emitted]                         comp.js   72 bytes       5  [emitted]  comp                       comp.json   54 bytes          [emitted]                       comp.wxml   84 bytes          [emitted]            pages/index/index.js    150 KiB       6  [emitted]  pages/index/indexpages/index/index.js.LICENSE.txt   1.21 KiB          [emitted]          pages/index/index.json   71 bytes          [emitted]          pages/index/index.wxml   82 bytes          [emitted]          pages/index/index.wxss   1.44 KiB       6  [emitted]  pages/index/index                      runtime.js   1.46 KiB       0  [emitted]  runtime                         taro.js   94.4 KiB       1  [emitted]  taro                       utils.wxs  981 bytes          [emitted]                      vendors.js   13.5 KiB       2  [emitted]  vendors          vendors.js.LICENSE.txt  295 bytes          [emitted]Entrypoint app.config = runtime.jsEntrypoint pages/index/index.config = runtime.jsEntrypoint app = runtime.js taro.js vendors.js app.wxss app.jsEntrypoint comp = runtime.js taro.js vendors.js comp.jsEntrypoint pages/index/index = runtime.js taro.js vendors.js pages/index/index.wxss pages/index/index.js

✨  Done in 11.08s.



  • React: https://taro-docs.jd.com/taro/docs/react

  • Taro UI: https://taro-ui.jd.com/#/docs


  • taro: https://github.com/nervjs/taro

  • Taro Docs: https://taro-docs.jd.com/

  • Taro UI: https://taro-ui.jd.com/

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