

上传文件时接收文件的超时时间,也就是说如果你设置socket-timeout为10s, 而10s到了文件还没有上传完,就会timeout的错.
argument: required_argument
shortcut: -z
parser: uwsgi_opt_set_int
help: set internal sockets timeout


argument: required_argument
parser: uwsgi_opt_set_64bit
help: enable post buffering

enable http body buffering. uWSGI will save to disk all HTTP body bigger than the limit specified
post-buffering = 8192
will save to disk all the HTTP body bigger than 8K. This option is required for Rack applications as they require a rewindable input stream.


argument: required_argument
parser: uwsgi_opt_set_64bit
help: set buffer size for read() in post buffering mode

set the internal buffer size during post buffering (this is the memory allocated to read chunks of the socket stream)
post-buffering-bufsize 65536
will allocate 64k as the buffer for socket recv(). For a 128k body two cycle/syscall will be used.
This is a very advanced option you will probably never need to touch


[uwsgi-body-read] Error reading 65536 bytes. Content-Length: 560903 consumed: 0 left: 560903 message相关推荐

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