docker 删除映像

Docker RMI (Docker rmi)

docker rmi removes images by their ID.

docker rmi通过其ID删除图像。

To remove the image, you first need to list all the images to get the Image IDs, Image name and other details. By running simple command docker images -a or docker images.

要删除图像,首先需要列出所有图像以获取图像ID,图像名称和其他详细信息。 通过运行简单命令docker images -adocker images

After that you make sure which image want to remove, to do that executing this simple command docker rmi <your-image-id>. Then you can confirm that image has been removed or not by list all the images and check.

之后,确定要删除的图像,然后执行此简单命令docker rmi <your-image-id> 。 然后,通过列出所有图像并检查,可以确认图像是否已删除。

删除多张图片 (Remove multiple images)

There is a way to remove more than one images at a time, when you want to remove multiple specific images. So to do that first get Image IDs simply by listing the images then execute simple followed command.

当您要删除多个特定图像时,可以使用一种方法一次删除多个图像。 为此,首先只需列出图像即可获取图像ID,然后执行简单的后续命令。

docker rmi <your-image-id> <your-image-id> ...

docker rmi <your-image-id> <your-image-id> ...

Write Images IDs in the command followed by the spaces between them.


一次删除所有图像 (Remove all images at once)

To remove all images there is a simple command to do that. docker rmi $(docker images -q)

要删除所有图像,有一个简单的命令可以做到。 docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Here in the above command, there are two command the first which execute in the $() is shell syntax and returns the results whatever executed in that syntax. So in this -q- is a option is used to provide to return the unique IDs,$() returns the results of image IDs and then docker rmi removes all those images.

在上面的命令中,有两个命令,第一个在$()执行的命令是shell语法,并返回以该语法执行的结果。 因此,在此-q- is a option is used to provide to return the unique IDs, $()返回图像ID的结果,然后docker rmi删除所有这些图像。

想要查询更多的信息: (For More Information:)

  • Docker CLI docs: rmi

    Docker CLI文档:rmi

码头工人 (Docker rm)

docker rm removes containers by their name or ID.

docker rm通过容器的名称或ID删除容器。

When you have Docker containers running, you first need to stop them before deleting them.


  • Stop all running containers: docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

    停止所有正在运行的容器: docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

  • Delete all stopped containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

    删除所有停止的容器: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

删除多个容器 (Remove multiple containers)

You can stop and delete multiple containers by passing the commands a list of the containers you want to remove. The shell syntax $() returns the results of whatever is executed within the brackets. So you can create your list of containers within this to be passed to the stop and rm commands.

您可以通过向命令传递要删除的容器列表来停止和删除多个容器。 shell语法$()返回括号中执行的任何结果。 因此,您可以在其中创建容器列表,以传递给stoprm命令。

这是docker ps -a -q的细目分类 (Here is a breakdown of docker ps -a -q)

  • docker ps list containers

    docker ps列表容器

  • -a the option to list all containers, even stopped ones. Without this, it defaults to only listing running containers

    -a列出所有容器,甚至停止容器的选项。 没有这个,它默认只列出正在运行的容器

  • -q the quiet option to provide only container numeric IDs, rather than a whole table of information about containers


更多信息: (More Information:)

  • Docker CLI docs: rm

    Docker CLI文档:rm

有关Docker中映像的更多信息: (More info about images in Docker:)

  • Docker image guide


  • Where are Docker images stored?


有关Docker中容器的更多信息: (More info about containers in Docker:)

  • How to automate Docker container deployment


  • How to fix Docker container vulnerabilities


有关Docker的更多信息: (More info about Docker:)

  • A beginner's guide to Docker


  • Docker DevOps course (free video course)

    Docker DevOps课程(免费视频课程)

  • Docker 101: from creation to deployment

    Docker 101:从创建到部署


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