





webrtc::VideoSendStream* Call::CreateVideoSendStream(

webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config config,

VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config) {

if (config_.fec_controller_factory) {

RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "External FEC Controller will be used.";


std::unique_ptr<FecController> fec_controller =


? config_.fec_controller_factory->CreateFecController()

: absl::make_unique<FecControllerDefault>(Clock::GetRealTimeClock());

return CreateVideoSendStream(std::move(config), std::move(encoder_config),




// Currently, both ULPFEC and FlexFEC use the same FEC rate calculation logic,

// so enable that logic if either of those FEC schemes are enabled.

fec_controller_->SetProtectionMethod(FecEnabled(), NackEnabled());


// Signal congestion controller this object is ready for OnPacket* callbacks.

if (fec_controller_->UseLossVectorMask()) {



从中可以看出,fec controller中的:

VCMProtectionCallback* protection_callback_; 是RtpVideoSender。

// RtpVideoSender routes outgoing data to the correct sending RTP module, based

// on the simulcast layer in RTPVideoHeader.

class RtpVideoSender : public RtpVideoSenderInterface,

public OverheadObserver,

public VCMProtectionCallback,

public PacketFeedbackObserver {

根据RtpVideoSender的功能描述,其是要把outgoing data定向到发送RTP的模块,因此在这里进行fec控制也就不足为奇了。那么和RtpSenderVideo的区别在哪里呢?


也就是说具体的功能是RtpSenderVideo来完成的。rtp_video_sender管理各个stream的发送。要使用各个stream的sender video...。要对webrtc整个的编码打包流程有个总体的概览,这个blog是目前为止最好的诠释)

1 FecControllerDefault


loss_prot_logic_: prot是protection的意思。

在SetEncodingData函数中,主要是设置编码参数,包括宽、高、层数和payload size。主要是丢包保护逻辑要使用这些参数。

void FecControllerDefault::SetEncodingData(size_t width,

size_t height,

size_t num_temporal_layers,

size_t max_payload_size) {

CritScope lock(&crit_sect_);

loss_prot_logic_->UpdateFrameSize(width, height);


max_payload_size_ = max_payload_size;



void FecControllerDefault::SetProtectionMethod(bool enable_fec,

bool enable_nack) {

media_optimization::VCMProtectionMethodEnum method(media_optimization::kNone);

if (enable_fec && enable_nack) {

method = media_optimization::kNackFec;

} else if (enable_nack) {

method = media_optimization::kNack;

} else if (enable_fec) {

method = media_optimization::kFec;


CritScope lock(&crit_sect_);





1.1 UpdateWithEncodedData


EncodedImageCallback::Result RtpVideoSender::OnEncodedImage(

const EncodedImage& encoded_image,

const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific_info,

const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) {



Fec controller是一个接口,把要更新的信息传递到loss protection logic,最终通过loss protection logic完成最终的计算。


void FecControllerDefault::UpdateWithEncodedData(

const size_t encoded_image_length,

const FrameType encoded_image_frametype) {

const size_t encoded_length = encoded_image_length;

CritScope lock(&crit_sect_);

if (encoded_length > 0) {


const bool delta_frame = encoded_image_frametype != kVideoFrameKey;

if (max_payload_size_ > 0 && encoded_length > 0) {


const float min_packets_per_frame =

encoded_length / static_cast<float>(max_payload_size_);

if (delta_frame) {



} else {


min_packets_per_frame, clock_->TimeInMilliseconds());



if (!delta_frame && encoded_length > 0) {






1.1 UpdateFecRates


// Get the encoder target rate. It is the estimated network rate -

// protection overhead.

encoder_target_rate_bps_ = fec_controller_->UpdateFecRates(

payload_bitrate_bps, framerate, fraction_loss, loss_mask_vector_, rtt);






(5)根据开销设定视频编码的码率:网络传输带宽 (1 - 开销)。这样会反馈到编码器。

uint32_t FecControllerDefault::UpdateFecRates(

uint32_t estimated_bitrate_bps, //网络目标比特率

int actual_framerate_fps, //实际的帧率

uint8_t fraction_lost, //丢包率

std::vector<bool> loss_mask_vector, //丢包掩码向量

int64_t round_trip_time_ms) { //rtt

float target_bitrate_kbps = //目标比特率

static_cast<float>(estimated_bitrate_bps) / 1000.0f;

// Sanity check.

if (actual_framerate_fps < 1.0) {

actual_framerate_fps = 1.0;


FecProtectionParams delta_fec_params;

FecProtectionParams key_fec_params;


CritScope lock(&crit_sect_);


loss_prot_logic_->UpdateBitRate(target_bitrate_kbps); //估计出的网络目标比特率

loss_prot_logic_->UpdateRtt(round_trip_time_ms); //rtt

// Update frame rate for the loss protection logic class: frame rate should

// be the actual/sent rate.

loss_prot_logic_->UpdateFrameRate(actual_framerate_fps); //帧率

// Returns the filtered packet loss, used for the protection setting.

// The filtered loss may be the received loss (no filter), or some

// filtered value (average or max window filter).

// Use max window filter for now.


media_optimization::FilterPacketLossMode filter_mode =



uint8_t packet_loss_enc = loss_prot_logic_->FilteredLoss(

clock_->TimeInMilliseconds(), filter_mode, fraction_lost);

// For now use the filtered loss for computing the robustness settings.

//计算丢包概率 /255



if (loss_prot_logic_->SelectedType() == media_optimization::kNone) {

return estimated_bitrate_bps;


// Update method will compute the robustness settings for the given

// protection method and the overhead cost

// the protection method is set by the user via SetVideoProtection.



// Get the bit cost of protection method, based on the amount of

// overhead data actually transmitted (including headers) the last

// second.

// Get the FEC code rate for Key frames (set to 0 when NA).


key_fec_params.fec_rate =


// Get the FEC code rate for Delta frames (set to 0 when NA).

delta_fec_params.fec_rate =


// The RTP module currently requires the same |max_fec_frames| for both

// key and delta frames.

delta_fec_params.max_fec_frames =


key_fec_params.max_fec_frames =



// Set the FEC packet mask type. |kFecMaskBursty| is more effective for

// consecutive losses and little/no packet re-ordering. As we currently

// do not have feedback data on the degree of correlated losses and packet

// re-ordering, we keep default setting to |kFecMaskRandom| for now.

delta_fec_params.fec_mask_type = kFecMaskRandom;

key_fec_params.fec_mask_type = kFecMaskRandom;

// Update protection callback with protection settings.

uint32_t sent_video_rate_bps = 0;

uint32_t sent_nack_rate_bps = 0;

uint32_t sent_fec_rate_bps = 0;

// Rate cost of the protection methods.

float protection_overhead_rate = 0.0f;

// TODO(Marco): Pass FEC protection values per layer.


&delta_fec_params, &key_fec_params, &sent_video_rate_bps,

&sent_nack_rate_bps, &sent_fec_rate_bps);

uint32_t sent_total_rate_bps = //当前实际的发送总的速率

sent_video_rate_bps + sent_nack_rate_bps + sent_fec_rate_bps;

// Estimate the overhead costs of the next second as staying the same

// wrt the source bitrate.

if (sent_total_rate_bps > 0) {

protection_overhead_rate = //当前实际的保护开销

static_cast<float>(sent_nack_rate_bps + sent_fec_rate_bps) /



// Cap the overhead estimate to a threshold, default is 50%.

protection_overhead_rate =

std::min(protection_overhead_rate, overhead_threshold_);

// Source coding rate: total rate - protection overhead.

return estimated_bitrate_bps * (1.0 - protection_overhead_rate);


因此从以上的过程可以看出,核心的功能在Loss protection logic中实现。

2 VCMLossProtectionLogic


2.1 数据成员



std::unique_ptr<VCMProtectionMethod> _selectedMethod;


struct VCMProtectionParameters {


int64_t rtt; //rtt

float lossPr; //丢包率(浮点数表示 0.0~1.0)

float bitRate; //比特率

float packetsPerFrame; //每帧的包数

float packetsPerFrameKey; //每个关键帧的包数

float frameRate; //帧率

float keyFrameSize; //关键帧大小

uint8_t fecRateDelta; //P帧的fec rate

uint8_t fecRateKey; //关键帧的fec rate

uint16_t codecWidth; //编码宽度

uint16_t codecHeight; //编码高度

int numLayers; //层数




VCMProtectionParameters _currentParameters;

int64_t _rtt;

float _lossPr;

float _bitRate;

float _frameRate;

float _keyFrameSize;

uint8_t _fecRateKey; //关键帧fec rate Q8格式

uint8_t _fecRateDelta; //P帧fec rate Q8格式

int64_t _lastPrUpdateT; //上次的丢包率更新时间?

int64_t _lastPacketPerFrameUpdateT; //上次的每帧包数更新时间?

int64_t _lastPacketPerFrameUpdateTKey; //上次每关键帧包数更新时间?

rtc::ExpFilter _lossPr255; //丢包率计算滤波器


class VCMLossProbabilitySample {


VCMLossProbabilitySample() : lossPr255(0), timeMs(-1) {}

uint8_t lossPr255;

int64_t timeMs;

}; 丢包率样本(时间和丢包率)


//丢包率样本数组 kLossPrHistorySize = 10

VCMLossProbabilitySample _lossPrHistory[kLossPrHistorySize];

uint8_t _shortMaxLossPr255; //丢包率中的最大值?(用于最大预测模式?)

rtc::ExpFilter _packetsPerFrame; //帧包数滤波器

rtc::ExpFilter _packetsPerFrameKey; //关键帧包数滤波器

size_t _codecWidth; //编码宽度

size_t _codecHeight; //编码高度

int _numLayers;

2.2 FilterLoss(丢包率预测)



uint8_t VCMLossProtectionLogic::FilteredLoss(int64_t nowMs,

FilterPacketLossMode filter_mode,

uint8_t lossPr255) {

// Update the max window filter.

UpdateMaxLossHistory(lossPr255, nowMs);

// Update the recursive average filter.

_lossPr255.Apply(rtc::saturated_cast<float>(nowMs - _lastPrUpdateT),


_lastPrUpdateT = nowMs;

// Filtered loss: default is received loss (no filtering).


uint8_t filtered_loss = lossPr255;

switch (filter_mode) {

case kNoFilter: //使用当前丢包率


case kAvgFilter:


filtered_loss = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(_lossPr255.filtered() + 0.5);


case kMaxFilter:


filtered_loss = MaxFilteredLossPr(nowMs);



return filtered_loss;


2.2.1 一阶指数平滑算法

$$S_{t+1} = a \cdot x_{t} + (1-a) \cdot S{t}$$




float ExpFilter::Apply(float exp, float sample) {

if (filtered_ == kValueUndefined) {

// Initialize filtered value.

filtered_ = sample;

} else if (exp == 1.0) {

filtered_ = alpha_ * filtered_ + (1 - alpha_) * sample;

} else {

float alpha = pow(alpha_, exp);

filtered_ = alpha * filtered_ + (1 - alpha) * sample;


if (max_ != kValueUndefined && filtered_ > max_) {

filtered_ = max_;


return filtered_;


2.2.2 最大丢包率滤波法


void VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateMaxLossHistory(uint8_t lossPr255,

int64_t now) {

if (_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs >= 0 &&

now - _lossPrHistory[0].timeMs < kLossPrShortFilterWinMs) {

if (lossPr255 > _shortMaxLossPr255) {

_shortMaxLossPr255 = lossPr255; //最大丢包率


} else {

// Only add a new value to the history once a second

if (_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs == -1) {

// First, no shift

_shortMaxLossPr255 = lossPr255;

} else {

// Shift

for (int32_t i = (kLossPrHistorySize - 2); i >= 0; i--) {

_lossPrHistory[i + 1].lossPr255 = _lossPrHistory[i].lossPr255;

_lossPrHistory[i + 1].timeMs = _lossPrHistory[i].timeMs;



if (_shortMaxLossPr255 == 0) {

_shortMaxLossPr255 = lossPr255;


_lossPrHistory[0].lossPr255 = _shortMaxLossPr255;

_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs = now;

_shortMaxLossPr255 = 0;







(1)样本数组中没有数据,也就是_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs == -1的情况

此时会设置_shortMaxLossPr255 = lossPr255。并设置样本数组中[0]的内容为:

_lossPrHistory[0].lossPr255 = _shortMaxLossPr255;

_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs = now;


这说明第0个的值最后还没有最后确定,这样如果新样本>_shortMaxLossPr255。则更新_shortMaxLossPr255 = lossPr255;


_lossPrHistory[0].lossPr255 = _shortMaxLossPr255;

_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs = now;



for (int32_t i = (kLossPrHistorySize - 2); i >= 0; i--) {

_lossPrHistory[i + 1].lossPr255 = _lossPrHistory[i].lossPr255;

_lossPrHistory[i + 1].timeMs = _lossPrHistory[i].timeMs;


_lossPrHistory[0].lossPr255 = _shortMaxLossPr255;

_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs = now;



uint8_t VCMLossProtectionLogic::MaxFilteredLossPr(int64_t nowMs) const {

uint8_t maxFound = _shortMaxLossPr255;

if (_lossPrHistory[0].timeMs == -1) {

return maxFound;


for (int32_t i = 0; i < kLossPrHistorySize; i++) {

if (_lossPrHistory[i].timeMs == -1) {




if (nowMs - _lossPrHistory[i].timeMs >

kLossPrHistorySize * kLossPrShortFilterWinMs) {

// This sample (and all samples after this) is too old




if (_lossPrHistory[i].lossPr255 > maxFound) {

// This sample is the largest one this far into the history

maxFound = _lossPrHistory[i].lossPr255;



return maxFound;


2.3 UpdateMethod


bool VCMLossProtectionLogic::UpdateMethod() {

if (!_selectedMethod)

return false;

_currentParameters.rtt = _rtt;

_currentParameters.lossPr = _lossPr;

_currentParameters.bitRate = _bitRate;

_currentParameters.frameRate = _frameRate; // rename actual frame rate?

_currentParameters.keyFrameSize = _keyFrameSize;

_currentParameters.fecRateDelta = _fecRateDelta;

_currentParameters.fecRateKey = _fecRateKey;

_currentParameters.packetsPerFrame = _packetsPerFrame.filtered();

_currentParameters.packetsPerFrameKey = _packetsPerFrameKey.filtered();

_currentParameters.codecWidth = _codecWidth;

_currentParameters.codecHeight = _codecHeight;

_currentParameters.numLayers = _numLayers;

return _selectedMethod->UpdateParameters(&_currentParameters);



3 VCMNackMethod

bool VCMNackMethod::UpdateParameters(

const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {

// Compute the effective packet loss


// nackCost = (bitRate - nackCost) * (lossPr)

return true;


bool VCMNackMethod::EffectivePacketLoss(

const VCMProtectionParameters* parameter) {

// Effective Packet Loss, NA in current version.

_effectivePacketLoss = 0;

return true;



4 VCMFecMethod

bool VCMFecMethod::UpdateParameters(const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {

// Compute the protection factor


// Compute the effective packet loss


// Protection/fec rates obtained above is defined relative to total number

// of packets (total rate: source+fec) FEC in RTP module assumes protection

// factor is defined relative to source number of packets so we should

// convert the factor to reduce mismatch between mediaOpt suggested rate and

// the actual rate

_protectionFactorK = ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorK);

_protectionFactorD = ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorD);

return true;


这里是计算保护因子以及对有效丢包率进行更新,然后对保护因子进行一个转换。因为前面计算出来的保护因子是相对于总的packets的数量的(也就是media packets + fec packets)。而在RTP中的保护因子是相对于media packets的,因此需要进行转换。


bool VCMFecMethod::EffectivePacketLoss(

const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {

// Effective packet loss to encoder is based on RPL (residual packet loss)

// this is a soft setting based on degree of FEC protection

// RPL = received/input packet loss - average_FEC_recovery

// note: received/input packet loss may be filtered based on FilteredLoss

// Effective Packet Loss, NA in current version.

_effectivePacketLoss = 0;

return true;


4.1 ProtectionFactor(保护因子计算)


4.1.1 FecRateTable


该表示用于Protection factor(code rate) of delta frames。也就是说仅用于P帧的,在进行XOR FEC的时候使用。


输出为一个数组kFecRateTable[k]。其中$$k=rate_i*129 + loss_j$$,$$loss_j=0,1,...128$$而$$rate_i$$则是在某个范围内变化。在考虑把该静态表用一个闭合形式的表达式替代。

static const int kFecRateTableSize = 6450;

static const unsigned char kFecRateTable[kFecRateTableSize] = {

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

0, 0, 0, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11,

11, 11, 11, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39,

39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39,

39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39,



uint8_t packetLoss = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(255 * parameters->lossPr);

if (packetLoss == 0) {

_protectionFactorK = 0;

_protectionFactorD = 0;

return true;


4.1.2 DeltaFrame保护因子计算

// Parameters for FEC setting:

// first partition size, thresholds, table pars, spatial resoln fac.

// First partition protection: ~ 20%

uint8_t firstPartitionProt = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(255 * 0.20);

// Minimum protection level needed to generate one FEC packet for one

// source packet/frame (in RTP sender)

uint8_t minProtLevelFec = 85;

// Threshold on packetLoss and bitRrate/frameRate (=average #packets),

// above which we allocate protection to cover at least first partition.

//当丢包率>lossThr, 并且bitrate/framerate = 平均包数


uint8_t lossThr = 0;

uint8_t packetNumThr = 1;


// Parameters for range of rate index of table.

const uint8_t ratePar1 = 5;

const uint8_t ratePar2 = 49;



(1) 计算分辨率参考比值



float spatialSizeToRef = rtc::saturated_cast<float>(parameters->codecWidth *

parameters->codecHeight) /

(rtc::saturated_cast<float>(704 * 576));



const float resolnFac = 1.0 / powf(spatialSizeToRef, 0.3f);

(3)计算单帧码率 $$rate_i$$计算


const int bitRatePerFrame = BitsPerFrame(parameters);

// Average number of packets per frame (source and fec):

//每帧平均的packets数量,计算方法为 每帧的比特数/最大负载size

const uint8_t avgTotPackets = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(

1.5f + rtc::saturated_cast<float>(bitRatePerFrame) * 1000.0f /

rtc::saturated_cast<float>(8.0 * _maxPayloadSize));

// FEC rate parameters: for P and I frame

uint8_t codeRateDelta = 0;

uint8_t codeRateKey = 0;

// Get index for table: the FEC protection depends on an effective rate.

// The range on the rate index corresponds to rates (bps)

// from ~200k to ~8000k, for 30fps


//这个码率除以5以后就是上面FEC冗余度表中提到rate_i,再结合丢包率, 就可以查表了。


const uint16_t effRateFecTable =

rtc::saturated_cast<uint16_t>(resolnFac * bitRatePerFrame);

//得到查找表索引(需要先说明表结构) ratePar1 = 5, ratePar2 = 49 得到了rate(i)

uint8_t rateIndexTable = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(

VCM_MAX(VCM_MIN((effRateFecTable - ratePar1) / ratePar1, ratePar2), 0));


// Restrict packet loss range to 50:

// current tables defined only up to 50%

//限制丢包率在最大为128 < 50%的丢包率

if (packetLoss >= kPacketLossMax) {

packetLoss = kPacketLossMax - 1;




uint16_t indexTable = rateIndexTable * kPacketLossMax + packetLoss;

// Check on table index

RTC_DCHECK_LT(indexTable, kFecRateTableSize);

// Protection factor for P frame


codeRateDelta = kFecRateTable[indexTable];

(6) 限制保护因子范围

if (packetLoss > lossThr && avgTotPackets > packetNumThr) {

// Set a minimum based on first partition size.

if (codeRateDelta < firstPartitionProt) {

codeRateDelta = firstPartitionProt; //至少是20%的保护率?



// Check limit on amount of protection for P frame; 50% is max.


if (codeRateDelta >= kPacketLossMax) {

codeRateDelta = kPacketLossMax - 1;


4.1.3 KeyFrame保护因子计算

上面算的codeRateDelta是P帧的冗余度, I帧的冗余度计算方式略有不同,主要在于计算增益的单帧码率的时候,是在P帧的增益的单帧码率的基础上再次增益,增益系数为I帧的单帧包数除以P帧的单帧报数,但最小增益为2,在BoostCodeRateKey()函数中完成计算


const uint8_t packetFrameDelta =

rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(0.5 + parameters->packetsPerFrame);

const uint8_t packetFrameKey =

rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(0.5 + parameters->packetsPerFrameKey);

const uint8_t boostKey = BoostCodeRateKey(packetFrameDelta, packetFrameKey);

uint8_t VCMFecMethod::BoostCodeRateKey(uint8_t packetFrameDelta,

uint8_t packetFrameKey) const {

uint8_t boostRateKey = 2;

// Default: ratio scales the FEC protection up for I frames

uint8_t ratio = 1;


if (packetFrameDelta > 0) {

ratio = (int8_t)(packetFrameKey / packetFrameDelta);



ratio = VCM_MAX(boostRateKey, ratio);

return ratio;



rateIndexTable = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(VCM_MAX(

VCM_MIN(1 + (boostKey * effRateFecTable - ratePar1) / ratePar1, ratePar2),



uint16_t indexTableKey = rateIndexTable * kPacketLossMax + packetLoss;

indexTableKey = VCM_MIN(indexTableKey, kFecRateTableSize);

// Check on table index

assert(indexTableKey < kFecRateTableSize);

// Protection factor for I frame

codeRateKey = kFecRateTable[indexTableKey];


// Boosting for Key frame.

int boostKeyProt = _scaleProtKey * codeRateDelta;

if (boostKeyProt >= kPacketLossMax) {

boostKeyProt = kPacketLossMax - 1;


// Make sure I frame protection is at least larger than P frame protection,

// and at least as high as filtered packet loss.

codeRateKey = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(

VCM_MAX(packetLoss, VCM_MAX(boostKeyProt, codeRateKey)));

// Check limit on amount of protection for I frame: 50% is max.

if (codeRateKey >= kPacketLossMax) {

codeRateKey = kPacketLossMax - 1;


4.1.4 保护因子校正

一般来说,FEC cost的估计值和在RTP模块中的实际值很难匹配。尤其是在low rates(#source packets很小的)的情况下。可能会产生非零保护因子得到0个FEC packets的情况。因此使用校正因子_corrFecCost来尝试校正,至少在low rates(small #packets)和low protection levels的时候来校正。

首先,根据当前计算出来的保护因子来估计产生的FEC packets数量:

float numPacketsFl =

1.0f + (rtc::saturated_cast<float>(bitRatePerFrame) * 1000.0 /

rtc::saturated_cast<float>(8.0 * _maxPayloadSize) +


//对产生的fec packet数量进行估计

const float estNumFecGen =

0.5f +

rtc::saturated_cast<float>(_protectionFactorD * numPacketsFl / 255.0f);

减少cost factor(对FEC和混合方法会导致降低FEC开销)而不是protectionFactor。[只是一个思路,好像没有真正的启用]

_corrFecCost = 1.0f;

if (estNumFecGen < 1.1f && _protectionFactorD < minProtLevelFec) {

_corrFecCost = 0.5f;


if (estNumFecGen < 0.9f && _protectionFactorD < minProtLevelFec) {

_corrFecCost = 0.0f;


4.2 保护因子的转换

uint8_t VCMFecMethod::ConvertFECRate(uint8_t codeRateRTP) const {

return rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(

VCM_MIN(255, (0.5 + 255.0 * codeRateRTP /

rtc::saturated_cast<float>(255 - codeRateRTP))));


5 VCMNackFecMethod


bool VCMNackFecMethod::UpdateParameters(

const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {



_maxFramesFec = ComputeMaxFramesFec(parameters);

if (BitRateTooLowForFec(parameters)) {

_protectionFactorK = 0;

_protectionFactorD = 0;


// Protection/fec rates obtained above are defined relative to total number

// of packets (total rate: source + fec) FEC in RTP module assumes

// protection factor is defined relative to source number of packets so we

// should convert the factor to reduce mismatch between mediaOpt's rate and

// the actual one

_protectionFactorK = VCMFecMethod::ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorK);

_protectionFactorD = VCMFecMethod::ConvertFECRate(_protectionFactorD);

return true;


5.1 ProtectionFactor(保护因子计算)


(1)如果rtt < kLowRttNackMs = 20ms 仅使用Nack(设置FEC rate = 0)

(2)如果rtt > _highRttNackMs = 500 则仅使用FEC

(3)中间rtt,FEC delta保护因子基于RTT动态调整,仅nack在FEC恢复之后(认为丢失的packet),FEC delta protection factor基于RTT进行调整(好像这个取消了)。

实际上除了rtt < 20ms的情况,其余和VCMFecMethod一模一样。

bool VCMNackFecMethod::ProtectionFactor(

const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {

// Hybrid Nack FEC has three operational modes:

// 1. Low RTT (below kLowRttNackMs) - Nack only: Set FEC rate

// (_protectionFactorD) to zero. -1 means no FEC.

// 2. High RTT (above _highRttNackMs) - FEC Only: Keep FEC factors.

// -1 means always allow NACK.

// 3. Medium RTT values - Hybrid mode: We will only nack the

// residual following the decoding of the FEC (refer to JB logic). FEC

// delta protection factor will be adjusted based on the RTT.

// Otherwise: we count on FEC; if the RTT is below a threshold, then we

// nack the residual, based on a decision made in the JB.

// Compute the protection factors




if (_lowRttNackMs == -1 || parameters->rtt < _lowRttNackMs) {

_protectionFactorD = 0;


// When in Hybrid mode (RTT range), adjust FEC rates based on the

// RTT (NACK effectiveness) - adjustment factor is in the range [0,1].

} else if (_highRttNackMs == -1 || parameters->rtt < _highRttNackMs) {

// TODO(mikhal): Disabling adjustment temporarily.

// uint16_t rttIndex = (uint16_t) parameters->rtt;

float adjustRtt = 1.0f; // (float)VCMNackFecTable[rttIndex] / 100.0f;

// Adjust FEC with NACK on (for delta frame only)

// table depends on RTT relative to rttMax (NACK Threshold)


_protectionFactorD = rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(

adjustRtt * rtc::saturated_cast<float>(_protectionFactorD));

// update FEC rates after applying adjustment



return true;


5.2 ComputeMaxFramesFec(最大保护帧数量计算)

int VCMNackFecMethod::ComputeMaxFramesFec(

const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {

if (parameters->numLayers > 2) {

// For more than 2 temporal layers we will only have FEC on the base layer,

// and the base layers will be pretty far apart. Therefore we force one

// frame FEC.

return 1;


// We set the max number of frames to base the FEC on so that on average

// we will have complete frames in one RTT. Note that this is an upper

// bound, and that the actual number of frames used for FEC is decided by the

// RTP module based on the actual number of packets and the protection factor.

//主要目的 一个RTT一个complete frames


float base_layer_framerate =

parameters->frameRate /

rtc::saturated_cast<float>(1 << (parameters->numLayers - 1));


int max_frames_fec = std::max(


2.0f * base_layer_framerate * parameters->rtt / 1000.0f + 0.5f),


// |kUpperLimitFramesFec| is the upper limit on how many frames we

// allow any FEC to be based on.


if (max_frames_fec > kUpperLimitFramesFec) {

max_frames_fec = kUpperLimitFramesFec;


return max_frames_fec;


5.3 BitRateTooLowForFec(低码率处理)



bool VCMNackFecMethod::BitRateTooLowForFec(

const VCMProtectionParameters* parameters) {

// Bitrate below which we turn off FEC, regardless of reported packet loss.

// The condition should depend on resolution and content. For now, use

// threshold on bytes per frame, with some effect for the frame size.

// The condition for turning off FEC is also based on other factors,

// such as |_numLayers|, |_maxFramesFec|, and |_rtt|.

int estimate_bytes_per_frame = 1000 * BitsPerFrame(parameters) / 8;

int max_bytes_per_frame = kMaxBytesPerFrameForFec; //700

int num_pixels = parameters->codecWidth * parameters->codecHeight;

if (num_pixels <= 352 * 288) {

max_bytes_per_frame = kMaxBytesPerFrameForFecLow;

} else if (num_pixels > 640 * 480) {

max_bytes_per_frame = kMaxBytesPerFrameForFecHigh;


// TODO(marpan): add condition based on maximum frames used for FEC,

// and expand condition based on frame size.

// Max round trip time threshold in ms.

const int64_t kMaxRttTurnOffFec = 200;

//estimate_bytes_per_frame小, rtt小

if (estimate_bytes_per_frame < max_bytes_per_frame &&

parameters->numLayers < 3 && parameters->rtt < kMaxRttTurnOffFec) {

return true;


return false;


// Thresholds values for the bytes/frame and round trip time, below which we

// may turn off FEC, depending on |_numLayers| and |_maxFramesFec|.

// Max bytes/frame for VGA, corresponds to ~140k at 25fps.

enum { kMaxBytesPerFrameForFec = 700 };

// Max bytes/frame for CIF and lower: corresponds to ~80k at 25fps.

enum { kMaxBytesPerFrameForFecLow = 400 };

// Max bytes/frame for frame size larger than VGA, ~200k at 25fps.

enum { kMaxBytesPerFrameForFecHigh = 1000 };


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