
Hadrian/Shutterstock.comHadrian / Shutterstock.com

TechCrunch claims many iPhone apps “secretly record your screen.” Is that true? Well, yes, kind of—but their recording abilities are limited. Apple is now cracking down on these apps and requiring more transparency, too.

TechCrunch声称许多iPhone应用程序“秘密记录您的屏幕”。 真的吗? 是的,是的,但是它们的录制能力有限。 苹果现在正在严厉打击这些应用程序,并要求提高透明度。

应用程式只能在应用程式中记录您的活动 (An App Can Only Record Your Activity In the App)

First, let’s make this clear: iPhone and iPad apps can’t record everything you do on your phone’s screen. An app can only record what happens within the app itself.

首先,让我们澄清一下:iPhone和iPad应用程序无法在手机屏幕上记录您所做的一切。 一个应用程序只能记录该应用程序内部发生的情况。

In other words, even if an app is trying to record everything it can, it can only record the swipes, taps, and data you enter within that app. The Expedia app was one of the few singled out here. So, if you’re using Expedia, the app can record everything you swipe, tap, and type into the Expedia app. But, after you leave the app, it can’t see anything you do on your home screen or anything you type into another app. Apple’s iOS operating system would prevent apps from recording your screen all the time, even if they wanted to.

换句话说,即使某个应用程序试图记录所有内容,它也只能记录您在该应用程序中输入的滑动,点击和数据。 Expedia应用程序是这里少数几个应用程序之一。 因此,如果您使用的是Expedia,则该应用程序可以记录您滑动,点击并键入Expedia应用程序的所有内容。 但是,离开应用程序后,它在主屏幕上看不到您执行的任何操作或在其他应用程序中键入的任何内容。 Apple的iOS操作系统将阻止应用程序始终记录您的屏幕,即使它们愿意。

The only person who can record everything on your screen is you—with the screen recording tool built into iPhones. Apps can’t access that.

使用iPhone内置的屏幕录制工具 ,您是唯一可以在屏幕上录制所有内容的人。 应用无法访问。

应用开发人员正在监视自己的应用 (App Developers Are Monitoring Their Own Apps)

With that scary headline taken away, we can see what’s going on: Apps from many major companies are monitoring what you do in the app itself.


It shouldn’t be a huge surprise that this is possible. When you’re using an app like Air Canada, Hollister, or Expedia, that app can monitor everything you tap and swipe in the app itself. It can monitor how many seconds you spend looking at a particular screen. It can even record text you type into that app. For example, if you type a credit card number into the app before changing your mind, deleting it, and typing a new credit card number, the app can capture that first credit card number. After all, you typed it in the app, and the app can monitor everything that happens in the app itself.

这是可能的,这并不令人惊讶。 当您使用加拿大航空,Hollister或Expedia等应用程序时,该应用程序可以监视您点击并在应用程序本身中滑动的所有内容。 它可以监视您在查看特定屏幕上花费的秒数。 它甚至可以记录您在该应用中键入的文本。 例如,如果您在改变主意之前先在应用程序中输入信用卡号,然后将其删除并输入新的信用卡号,则该应用程序可以捕获该第一个信用卡号。 毕竟,您在应用程序中键入了它,应用程序可以监视应用程序本身发生的一切。

None of this is excusing the larger issue: That companies are doing this without clearly disclosing it to their customers. But you should be aware that, even if a company says it isn’t doing this in its app, any app can monitor anything that happens inside itself and you have no way of knowing. Apple is now trying to stop this from happening without your knowledge, which should at least give some app developers pause.

这些都不是更大的问题的借口:公司在这样做时并没有明确地向客户披露。 但是您应该意识到,即使公司表示未在其应用程序中执行此操作,任何应用程序都可以监视自身内部发生的任何事情,并且您无从知晓。 苹果现在试图在您不知情的情况下阻止这种情况的发生,这至少应该使一些应用程序开发人员暂停。

网站也这样做 (Websites Do This, Too)

This behavior isn’t just restricted to iPhone apps. While you’re visiting a website, anything you do on that website can be monitored. It often is, too.

这种行为不仅限于iPhone应用程序。 当您访问网站时,可以监视您在该网站上所做的任何事情。 通常也是如此。

Websites can see what you clicked on, how long you spent viewing an ad, and how much time you spent on different parts of the page. If you type information into a field on the website, a script running on the website can capture the text and send it off to its servers—even if you haven’t pressed Enter or submitted the text.

网站可以查看您单击的内容,查看广告的时间以及在页面不同部分的时间。 如果您在网站的某个字段中键入信息,则即使您未按Enter或提交文本,在网站上运行的脚本也可以捕获文本并将其发送到其服务器。

For example, this is used in online chat support interfaces. The support people on the other end can often see exactly what you’re typing, as you’re typing it—even before you “send” the message. That’s designed to help speed up the support experience.

例如,它用于在线聊天支持界面。 另一端的支持人员通常可以在输入内容时准确看到您输入的内容 ,甚至在您“发送”消息之前。 旨在帮助加快支持体验。

As with apps on your iPhone, websites can only see what you do on the website itself. A tracking service might be able to track you across multiple websites if each website has chosen to embed the script. But a website you have open in one browser tab can’t see what you’re doing on your online banking website in another browser tab, or even that you have your online banking website open.

与iPhone上的应用程序一样,网站只能在网站本身上看到您的操作。 如果每个网站都选择嵌入脚本,则跟踪服务可能能够跨多个网站跟踪您。 但是,您在一个浏览器选项卡中打开的网站无法在另一个浏览器选项卡中看到您在网上银行网站上所做的事情,甚至无法打开网上银行网站。

真实新闻:应用正在记录您的“会话” (The Real News: Apps Are Recording Your “Session”)


The real news here is that app developers are monitoring your usage of their apps in very detailed ways.


TechCrunch covered apps that use the “Glassbox” software app developers can embed in their apps. It uses “session replay” technology that lets a developer record and capture everything you do in the app. This includes everything you tap, swipe, and type in the app. The developer can “play back” your usage of the app, which is particularly useful if you encountered a problem. They could also use this data in aggregate to see how people are using the app and which features they’re using.

TechCrunch涵盖了使用“ Glassbox ”软件的应用程序,应用程序开发人员可以将其嵌入到他们的应用程序中。 它使用“会话重播”技术,使开发人员可以记录和捕获您在应用程序中所做的一切。 这包括您点击,滑动和键入应用程序中的所有内容。 开发人员可以“播放”您对应用程序的使用,如果您遇到问题,该功能特别有用。 他们还可以汇总使用这些数据来查看人们如何使用该应用程序以及他们正在使用哪些功能。

As TechCrunch notes, The App Analyst recently demonstrates that Air Canada wasn’t properly “masking” session replays, exposing credit card details and passport numbers to people who replayed the session. Air Canada employees with the session data could potentially see your private information. That’s bad, but the threat is restricted to employees at the company you’re already sharing data with.

正如TechCrunch指出的那样, App Analyst最近表明,加航没有适当地“掩盖”会议重播,向重播该会议的人员公开了信用卡详细信息和护照号码。 拥有会话数据的加航员工可能会看到您的私人信息。 不好,但是威胁仅限于您已经与之共享数据的公司的员工。

苹果将​​需要透明度 (Apple Will Require Transparency)

Vytautas Kielaitis/Shutterstock.comVytautas Kielaitis / Shutterstock.com

Apps haven’t been up-front about this data collection. Apps don’t let you know that they’re doing this in their privacy policies, much less that app itself! But, let’s be honest: Even if apps warned you in their privacy policies, would you even notice? No one actually reads those.

应用程序尚未对此数据收集进行预先准备。 应用程式不会在隐私权政策中告知您他们正在这样做,更不用说应用程式本身了! 但是,说实话:即使应用在其隐​​私政策中警告过您,您还会注意到吗? 没有人真正读过那些。

Apple has now taken notice and will require apps to get user permission before collecting this type of data. “Apps must request explicit user consent and provide a clear visual indication when recording, logging, or otherwise making a record of user activity,” Apple said in an email to TechCrunch.

Apple现在已经注意到,将要求应用程序在收集此类数据之前获得用户许可。 苹果在写给TechCrunch的电子邮件中说:“应用程序必须征得用户的明确同意,并在记录,记录或以其他方式记录用户活动时提供清晰的视觉指示。”

那么,应用程序真的能记录您的工作吗? (So Are Apps Really Recording What You Do?)

Some apps have been recording what you do, but only within that specific app. Expedia can record what you do in the Expedia app, for example—but that’s it. Even if private data isn’t properly protected and people could see it, the threat is limited to employees of the company that built the app.

有些应用程序一直在记录您的工作,但仅记录在该特定应用程序中。 例如,Expedia可以记录您在Expedia应用程序中所做的事情,仅此而已。 即使私有数据没有得到适当的保护并且人们可以看到,威胁也仅限于构建该应用程序的公司的员工。

Apple is stepping in and requiring developers to be less secretive about this particular type of tracking. But apps will still monitor many of the things you can do inside them, even if they have to request permission first. It’s more likely that developers simply won’t collect as much data. Maybe they won’t be able to “play back” your session, but they’ll probably still know what features you’re using.

苹果正在介入并要求开发人员不要对这种特定类型的跟踪保密。 但是,即使必须先请求权限,应用程序仍会监视您可以在其中执行的许多操作。 开发人员很可能不会收集太多数据。 也许他们将无法“回放”您的会话,但是他们可能仍会知道您正在使用哪些功能。

Heck, by default, even Apple’s iOS operating system itself collects information about your “usage” and sends this information to Apple. This is fairly common. The big news here is that apps were being secretive about it and collecting more data than normal.

哎呀,默认情况下,甚至Apple的iOS操作系统本身也会收集有关您的“ 使用情况 ”的信息,并将此信息发送给Apple。 这是相当普遍的。 这里的一个大新闻是,应用程序对此保密,并收集了比正常情况更多的数据。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/404605/are-apps-really-recording-your-iphone’s-screen/



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