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Going TikTok—Indians get hooked on Chinese video app ahead of election
沉迷抖音:印度人在选举前迷上中国的视频 app

A video clip shot on a sparse rooftop of what looks like a low-rise apartment block shows a young Indian man swaying while lip-syncing a song praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“Modi has single-handedly trounced everyone … Modi is a storm, you all now know,” goes the Hindi song, posted on Chinese video mobile application TikTok, the latest digital platform to grip India’s small towns and villages ahead of a general election due by May.
“莫迪凭一己之力轻松击败了所有人……莫迪是一场风暴,现在大家都知道,”这首印地语歌曲唱道。它被发布在了中国的手机视频 app 抖音上。抖音是五月大选前,能够强烈影响印度小城镇和村庄的最新数字平台。

TikTok has been downloaded more than 240 million times in India so far, according to app analytics firm Sensor Tower. More than 30 million users in India installed it last month, 12 times more than in January 2018.
根据应用数据分析公司 Sensor Tower 的数据,抖音在印度的下载量至今已超过了 2.4 亿次。上个月,超过 3000 万印度用户安装了抖音,比 2018 年 1 月高出 12 倍。

“Most urban elites haven’t heard of TikTok and those who have, tend to view it as a platform for trivial content. In reality, it hosts diverse content including a fair share of political speech,” said Kailas Karthikeyan, a New Delhi-based technology analyst who has tracked TikTok for nine months.

While Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the opposition Congress party have not officially joined TikTok, videos tagged #narendramodi have received more than 30 million views and those about Congress chief Rahul Gandhi (#rahulgandhi) have got nearly 13 million hits. Total views for political videos is far higher.
虽然莫迪所在的印度人民党(BJP)和反对派的国大党尚未正式加入抖音,但以 #narendramodi 为标签的视频浏览量已经超过 3000 万次,而那些关于国大党主席拉胡尔·甘地(以 #rahulgandhi 为标签)的视频也已经获得了近 1300 万次的点击量。政治视频的总浏览量还要高得多。

Amit Malviya, the BJP’s chief of information technology, said the party was tracking TikTok conversations and it was “a brilliant medium for creative expression”. The party, however, has no plans as of now to officially join the platform, he said.

A Congress source said the party was exploring joining TikTok and assessing how it could be used to better reach out to people in rural areas in the run-up to the election.

————— 文章来源 / 路透社

get hooked on

  • 词性拓展:hook(v. 勾住)
  • 近义词:get addicted to
  • 例句:He got addicted to alcohol.
  • 例句:He got hooked on alcohol.

adj. 人烟稀少的

v. 摇晃

  • 例句:You are swayed by fried chicken.
  • 搭配短语:sway to the beat/music

lip-sync/ˈlɪp sɪŋk/
v. (与录制歌曲等)对口型,对嘴

  • 相关词汇:lip(n. 嘴唇);sync = synchronize(v. 使…同步)

single-handedly/ˌsɪŋɡl ˈhændɪdli/
adv. 独力地,单独地

  • 词性拓展:single-handed(adj. 单手的)
  • 搭配短语:a single-handed axe

v. 轻松战胜;大胜;击溃

  • 英文释义:to defeat a competitor easily or by a large score

v. 强烈地影响

  • 英文释义:to have a powerful effect on sb./sth.

n. 精英

  • 英文释义:the richest, most powerful, best-educated, or best-trained group in a society
  • 搭配短语:a government comprised of elites
  • 搭配短语:elite troops

adj. 琐碎的;无价值的,不重要的

  • 英文释义:having little value or importance
  • 例句:They always argue over trivial matters.

a fair share of

  • fair 近义词:quite large
  • 相关词汇:share(n. 份额)

n. 主席,领袖;主管

  • 英文释义:the person in charge of a group or organization, or the ruler of a tribe
  • 搭配短语:police chief

n. 媒介

  • 搭配短语:the print medium
  • 相关词汇:media

reach out to sb.

  • 英文释义:to show people that you are interested, and want to listen to them or help them

run-up/ˈrʌn ʌp/
n. (重大事件的)前导期,预备期

  • 英文释义:the final period of time before an important event
  • 例句:Everyone is very busy during the run-up to publication.

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