1. 扑获异常

1.1 基本语法


try:# write some code# that might throw exception
except <ExceptionType>:# Exception handler, alert the user


try:f = open('nofile.txt', 'r')print f.read()f.close()
except IOError:print 'file not found'
file not found

1. First statement between try and except block are executed.
2. If no exception occurs then code under except clause will be skipped.
3. If file don’t exists then exception will be raised and the rest of the code in the try block will be skipped
4. When exceptions occurs, if the exception type matches exception name after except keyword, then the code in that except clause is executed.

1.2 扑获更多异常类型

except <ExceptionType1>:<handler1>
except <ExceptionTypeN>:<handlerN>
  1. except类似于elif,当try出现异常时,挨个匹配except里的异常类型,如果匹配,执行;若果没有匹配,执行不指定异常类型的except

  2. else只有在try执行时没有异常的时候执行。

  3. finally不管try模块是否有异常抛出,都执行。

1.3 例子

num1, num2 = 1,0
try:result = num1 / num2print("Result is", result)except ZeroDivisionError:print("Division by zero is error !!")except:print("Wrong input")else:print("No exceptions")finally:print("This will execute no matter what you input")
Division by zero is error !!
This will execute no matter what you input

2. 抛出异常

raise语句抛出自己的异常。raise ExceptionClass('Your argument')

def enterage(age):if age < 0:raise ValueError("Only positive integers are allowed")if age % 2 == 0:print("age is even")try:num = int(input("Enter your age: "))enterage(num)
except ValueError:print 'Only positive integers are allowd'
except:print 'Something went wrong'
Enter your age: -3
Only positive integers are allowd


3. 操作异常


try:# this code is expected to throw exception
except ExceptionType as ex:# code to handle exception
try:number = int(input("Enter a number: "))print "The number entered is", numberexcept NameError as ex:print "Exception:", ex
Enter a number: one
Exception: name 'one' is not defined

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