
Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. For example, the longest substring without repeating letters for "abcabcbb" is "abc", which the length is 3. For "bbbbb" the longest substring is "b", with the length of 1.








class Solution {
public:int lengthOfLongestSubstring(string s) {int n=s.size();if(n==0)return 0;//哈希表,用来存储当前子串中已经出现的字符unordered_set<char> is_shown;int begin=0;//左游标int end=0;//右游标int ret=0;//返回结果//对整个字符串进行遍历while(end<n){unordered_set<char>::iterator it;//查找end对应的字符是否出现过it=is_shown.find(s[end]);//出现过if(it!=is_shown.end()){//更新ret的值if(ret<end-begin)ret=end-begin;//end对应的字符在当前子串中出现过,说明在begin到end之间有一个和s[end]相同,找到它while(s[begin]!=s[end]){//不同的时候,需要把begin对应的字符从哈希表中删除,因为它已经不再当前子串中了is_shown.erase(s[begin]);begin++;}//循环结束,此时s[begin]和s[end]相同,向右移一位begin++;}//没出现过,说明当前子串仍然满足条件,并将s[end]添加到哈希表中else{is_shown.insert(s[end]);}//end右移end++;}//更新retret=max(ret,end-begin);return ret;}

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