
If you would just like to get a brief introduction on the

setup steps, there is a “README-innodb_memcached” in the

mysql-5.6.2-labs-innodb-memcached package. This is a more

elaborated description on these steps.



1) Prerequisite:服务需求

Currently, the Memcached Daemon Plugin prototype is only

supported on Linux platform. And as a prerequisite, you must have

libevent installed, since it is required by memcached.


If you have the source code release, then there is a libevent

1.4.3 included in the package (plugin/innodb_memcached/libevent).

You can go to the directory and do autoconf, ./configure, make and

make install to make the libevent installed.


1.4.3,只需配置./configure 然后make &make


2) Build the server编译服务

Assuming you would like to build the server yourself

(otherwise, you can just skip this section), once libevent is

installed, you can just build the MySQL server as usual.


Our source code is in the “plugin/innodb_memcached”

directory. As part of server build, it will generate two shared


1) libmemcached.so: this is the memcached daemon plugin to


2) innodb_engine.so: this is an InnoDB API plugin to



1) libmemcached.so 这个是mysql内的memcached插件

2)innodb_engine.so 这个是innodb调用memcached 的api插件

Make sure above two shared libraries are put in the MySQL

plugin directory. You can find MySQL plugin directory by doing

“select @@plugin_dir”:


mysql> select @@plugin_dir;



@@plugin_dir |


| /home/jy/work2/mysql-5.6-memcached-labs/lib/plugin |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

3) Install configuration tables:安装创建表

Next, the memcached plugin needs a bit configuration to know

how to interact with InnoDB table. We have a configuration script

in “scripts/innodb_memcached_config.sql”. You can just install the

necessary configure tables by running “mysql

< scripts/innodb_memcached_config.sql”. If you do

not like to know the detail of these configuration tables, you can

just skip this section.


This configure script installs 3 tables needed by the InnoDB

Memcached. These tables are created in a dedicated database

“innodb_memcache”. We will go over these three tables

in a bit more detail:


1) “containers” – This table is the most important table for

“Memcached – InnoDB mapping”. It describes the table used to store

the memcached values. Currently, we can only map memcached to one

table at a time. So essentially, there will be only one row in the

table. In the future, we would consider making this configuration

more flexible and dynamic, or user can map memcached operations to

multiple tables.

1)container 数据存储表,这个表用于memcached -


The mapping is done through specifying corresponding column

values in the table:

“db_schema” and “db_table” columns describe the database and

table name for storing the memcached value.

“key_columns” describes the column (single column) name for

the column being used as “key” for the memcached operation

“value_columns” describes the columns (can be multiple) used

as “values” for the memcached operation. User can specify multiple

columns by separating them by comma (such as “col1, col2″


“unique_idx_name_on_key” is the name of the index on the

“key” column. It must be a unique index. It can be primary or



db_schema and


key_column 表内哪列用于key标识

value_columns 表内哪列用于保存key对应的值



Above 5 column values (table name, key column, value column

and index) must be supplied. Otherwise, the setup will


Following are optional values, however, to fully comply with

memcached protocol, you will need these column values supplied


“flags” describes the columns used as “flag” for memcached. It

also used as “column specifier” for some operations (such as incr,

prepend) if memcached “value” is mapped to multiple columns. So the

operation would be done on specified column. For example, if you

have mapped value to 3 columns, and only want the “increment”

operation performed on one of these columns, you can use flags to

specify which column will be used for these operations.

“cas_column” and “exp_column” are used specifically to store

the “cas” and “exp” value of memcached.





2. Table “cache_policies” specifies whether we’ll use InnoDB

as the data store of memcached (innodb_only) or use memcached’s

“default engine” as the backstore (cache-only) or both (caching).

In the last case, only if the default engine operation fails, the

operation will be forwarded to InnoDB (for example, we cannot find

a key in the memory, then it will search InnoDB).




3) Table “config_options”, currently, we only support one

config option through this table. It is the “separator” used to

separate values of a long string into smaller values for multiple

columns values. For example, if you defined “col1, col2″ as value

columns. And you define “|” as separate, you could issue following

command in memcached to insert values into col1 and col2


set keyx 10 0 19


So “valuecol1x” will send to col1 and valuecoly will send to




set keyx 10 0 19



4) Example tables

Finally, as part of the configuration script, we created a

“demo_test” in the “test” database as an example. It also allows

the Daemon Memcached to work out of box, and no need to for any

additional configurations.

As you would notice, this “demo_test” table has more columns

than needed, so it would need the entries in the “container” table

to tell which column is used for what purpose as described



最后,在我们的配置脚本内,他会自动建立一个 demo_test在test数据库内。



4) Install the Daemon Plugin(安装守护插件)

The final step would be installing the daemon plugin. It is

the same as installing any other MySQL plugin:


mysql> install plugin daemon_memcached soname


If you have any memcached specific configure parameters,

although it takes effect when the plugin is installed, you would

need to specify it during MySQL server boot time

or enter them in the MySQL configure files.


For example, if you would like the memcached to listen on

port “11222″ instead of the default port “11211″, then you would

need to add “-p11222″ to MySQL system configure variable




mysqld …. –loose-daemon_memcached_option=”-p11222″.

Of course, you can add other memcached command line options

to “daemon_memcached_option” string.

The other configure options are:

1) daemon_memcached_engine_lib_name (default


2) daemon_memcached_engine_lib_path (default NULL, the plugin



By default, you do not need to set/change anything with these

two configure option. We have above two configure options because

they allow you to load any other storage engine for memcached (such

as NDB memcached engine). This opens door for more interesting




3) daemon_memcached_r_batch_size, batch commit size for read

operation (get operations. It specifies after how many ops we will

do a commit. By default, this is set as a very large number,



4) daemon_memcached_w_batch_size, batch commit for any write

operations (set, replace, append, prepend, incr, decr etc.) By

default, this is set as 32.


Again, please note that you will have these configuration

parameter in your MySQL configure file or MySQL boot command line.

And they will take effect when you load the memcached



5) Start to play:

Now you have everything set up, you can start to



telnet 11211


set a11 10 0 9



get a11

VALUE a11 0 9



You can access the InnoDB table (“demo_test”) through the

standard SQL interfaces. However, there are some catches:

1) If you would like to take a look at what’s in the

“demo_test” table, please remember we had batched the commits (32

ops by default) by default. So you will need to do “read

uncommitted” select to find the just inserted rows:


mysql> set session TRANSACTION ISOLATION


-> read uncommitted;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from demo_test;


| cx |

cy |

c1 |

cz |

c2 | ca |

CB |

c3 |

cu |

c4 |

C5 |


| NULL | NULL | a11 | NULL | 123456789 | NULL |

NULL | 10 | NULL

| 3 | NULL



1 row in set (0.00 sec)

2) The InnoDB table would be IS (shared intention) or IX

(exclusive intentional) locked for all operations in a transaction.

So unless you change “daemon_memcached_r_batch_size” and

“daemon_memcached_w_batch_size” to small number (like 1), the table

is most likely intentionally locked between each operations. So you

cannot do any DDL on the table.





Now you have everything setup. And you can directly interact

with InnoDB storage engine through Memcached interfaces. In

addition, as you might notice while going through this extended

“README”, we still have a lot interesting options open for

exploration and enhancement. This is the beginning

of opening InnoDB to the outside world, and NoSQL

is a perfect place for it to play.



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