
  • 1 题目理解
  • 2 BFS
  • 3 用int构建状态

1 题目理解

Input: deadends = [“0201”,“0101”,“0102”,“1212”,“2002”], target = “0202”
Output: 6
A sequence of valid moves would be “0000” -> “1000” -> “1100” -> “1200” -> “1201” -> “1202” -> “0202”.
Note that a sequence like “0000” -> “0001” -> “0002” -> “0102” -> “0202” would be invalid,
because the wheels of the lock become stuck after the display becomes the dead end “0102”.




    class Solution {public int openLock(String[] deadends, String target) {Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();for(String str : deadends){set.add(str);}String start = "0000";if(set.contains(target) || set.contains(start)) return -1;Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<String>();queue.offer(start);set.add(start);int step = 0;while(!queue.isEmpty()){int size = queue.size();//System.out.println(queue);for(int r=0;r<size;r++){if(target.equals(queue.peek())){return step;}char[] current = queue.poll().toCharArray();for(int i=0;i<4;i++){char ch = current[i];int v = current[i]-48;current[i] = (char)(((v+1+10)%10)+48);String newState = new String(current);if(!set.contains(newState)){queue.offer(newState);set.add(newState);}current[i] = (char)(((v-1+10)%10)+48);String newState2 = new String(current);if(!set.contains(newState2)){queue.offer(newState2);set.add(newState2);}current[i] = ch;}}step++;}return -1;}}


3 用int构建状态


class Solution {private final static int[] increments = new int[]{ 1, -1 };public int openLock(String[] deadends, String target) {int step = 0;Set<Integer> used = new HashSet<Integer>();String start = "0000";int startInt = 0;int targetInt = buildState(target);for(String deadend : deadends){used.add(buildState(deadend));}if(used.contains(startInt) || used.contains(targetInt)) return -1;used.add(startInt);Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();queue.offer(startInt);while(!queue.isEmpty()){int size =queue.size();for(int i=0;i<size;i++){int nodeInt = queue.poll();if(nodeInt==targetInt) return step;for(int increment : increments){for(int j =0;j<4;j++){int newNode = updateState(nodeInt,j,increment);if(!used.contains(newNode)){used.add(newNode);queue.offer(newNode);}}}}step++;}return -1;}private int updateState(int state, int d, int inc) {int mask = (1 << 4) - 1;int[] num = new int[]{state & mask,(state >> 4) & mask,(state >> 8) & mask,(state >> 12) & mask};int n = num[d];if (n == 0 && inc == -1) {num[d] = 9;} else if (n == 9 && inc == 1) {num[d] = 0;} else {num[d] += inc;}int res = 0;for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {res <<= 4;res |= num[i];}return res;}private int buildState(String state) {char[] c = state.toCharArray();int res = 0;for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {int d = c[i] - '0';res <<= 4;res |= d;}return res;}

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