grub 手动选择

The Ecobee line of smart thermostats can use remote sensors to monitor the temperature in other areas of your house, rather than just where the thermostat is. Unfortunately, there’s no easy and simple way to select which sensor to use at any given time. Here’s a way around that, though, which lets you pick which sensor to use and when to use it.

Ecobee系列智能恒温器可以使用远程传感器监控房屋其他区域的温度,而不仅仅是恒温器所在的位置。 不幸的是,没有一种简便的方法可以在任何给定时间选择要使用的传感器。 不过,这是一种解决方法,可让您选择要使用的传感器以及何时使用它。

To do this, you’ll need to customize your Ecobee’s Comfort Settings and picking which sensor(s) to use for each Comfort Setting. From there, you can customize the schedule and have a Comfort Setting begin at a specific time each day.

为此,您需要自定义Ecobee的舒适度设置,并为每个舒适度设置选择要使用的传感器。 从那里,您可以自定义时间表,并在每天的特定时间开始进行舒适度设置。

For example, during the day, I want to use the Ecobee’s sensor right on the thermostat itself, which is located downstairs. The downstairs stays cooler than the upstairs, so the A/C won’t run as often during the day. However, at night, I want to use the remote sensor that’s located in the bedroom, so our A/C will turn on and use the temperature where I sleep rather than rely on the temperature that the thermostat itself is detecting downstairs.

例如,在白天,我想直接在楼下的恒温器上使用Ecobee的传感器。 楼下的温度比楼上的温度低,因此空调白天的运行频率不会很高。 但是,在晚上,我想使用卧室里的遥感器,因此我们的空调将打开并使用我睡觉时的温度,而不是依靠恒温器本身在楼下检测到的温度。

To start, open up the Ecobee app on your phone and select your thermostat on the main screen if it isn’t already.


When your thermostat’s user interface pops up, tap on the menu button in the bottom-left corner.


Select “Comfort Settings”.


There are three Comfort Settings to choose from: Away, Home, and Sleep, and they’re supposed to be used based on what they’re named, obviously.


Start by tapping on “Away”.


If you have the A/C running, tap on the blue number toward the top and on the left.

如果您正在运行A / C,请点击顶部和左侧的蓝色数字。

Tap and hold your finger on the number to the right and drag it to set the desired indoor temperature that you want your thermostat set at when you’re not at home. Then hit “Save” in the bottom-right corner. Do the same thing for the heating temperature if you have the heat running.

在右边的数字上点击并按住手指,然后将其拖动以设置想要在不在家时将恒温器设置在的室内温度。 然后点击右下角的“保存”。 如果加热,则对加热温度执行相同的操作。

Next, tap on the area where it says “2 Participating Sensors” (or however many sensors you have).

接下来,点击显示“ 2个参与式传感器”(或您有多个传感器)的区域。

Check and uncheck the appropriate sensors that you want to use (and don’t want to use) for this Comfort Setting. After that, tap on the arrow in the top-left corner to go back.

选中并取消选中要用于此“舒适设置”的适当的传感器。 之后,点击左上角的箭头返回。

Tap “Save” in the bottom-right corner.


You’ll repeat this step for “Home” and “Sleep”, only this time you’ll select the desired temperatures that you want for either Comfort Setting and choose which sensors to use. For example, the “Home” Comfort Setting I’d set to the downstairs sensor, since I’ll spend most of my time downstairs when I’m home and not sleeping, whereas for the “Sleep” Comfort Setting, I’ll select the upstairs sensors and set the temperature to something a bit cooler since I sleep better when it’s cooler.

您将对“ Home”和“ Sleep”重复此步骤,只有这一次您才可以为“舒适设置”选择所需的温度,并选择要使用的传感器。 例如,我将“家庭”舒适设置设置为楼下传感器,因为我大部分时间会在下班时在家而不睡觉,而对于“睡眠”舒适设置,我将选择放在楼上的传感器上,将温度设置得凉一些,因为凉的时候我睡得更好。

Once that’s done, tap on the arrow in the top-left corner to go back to the menu.


From there, tap on “Schedule”.


You’ll start on Monday and there will be a default schedule already in place, but we’re going to change it around. From here on out, you won’t need to focus on the top Comfort Setting–just the ones beneath it. By default, you’ll have “Home” and “Sleep”.

您将从星期一开始,并且已经有一个默认时间表,但是我们将对其进行更改。 从现在开始,您将无需专注于最舒适的设置,只需关注其下方的设置即可。 默认情况下,您将拥有“主页”和“睡眠”。

Start by tapping on “Home”.


Select a time that you want the “Home” Comfort Setting to kick in. Keep in mind that the time you select is when the temperature will finish reaching the desired temperature for that Comfort Setting, so if you choose 6pm, it may actually start at 5:30pm or so to get the temperature up to the desired temperature by 6pm. Once you select a time, hit “Save” at the bottom.

选择您希望“舒适”设置开始的时间。请记住,选择的时间是温度将完全达到该舒适设置的所需温度的时间,因此,如果您选择6pm,则实际上可能从下午5:30左右,使温度在6pm之前达到所需温度。 选择时间后,点击底部的“保存”。

Next, tap on “Sleep”.


Again, select a time that you want the “Sleep” Comfort Setting to kick in and then hit “Save”.


If you want to add the “Away” Comfort Setting to the schedule, tap on the “+” icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

如果要将“离开”舒适设置添加到计划中,请点击屏幕右上角的“ +”图标。

Select “Away” if it isn’t already and then hit “Next” at the bottom.


Choose a time that you want the “Away” Comfort Setting to kick in and then tap on “Save”.


It will now be added to the list. Once you have your daily schedule the way you want it, tap on “Copy Monday” at the bottom.

现在将其添加到列表中。 有了所需的每日计划后,请点击底部的“复制星期一”。

Select all of the days that you want this schedule to work on. You might want the weekends to be different, so don’t select Saturday and Sunday for this. Hit “Save” when you’re done.

选择您希望该计划的所有工作日。 您可能希望周末有所不同,所以不要为此选择星期六和星期日。 完成后点击“保存”。

If you want the weekends on a different schedule, simply don’t select Saturday or Sunday and set up a custom schedule for these days just like you did in the previous steps.


To delete a Comfort Setting from the schedule, start off by tapping on it to select it.


Then tap on the “X” button in the top-right corner.

然后点击右上角的“ X”按钮。

Hit “Save” down in the bottom-right to remove it. If you delete a Comfort Setting from the schedule, it will only apply to that day you’re on, so you’ll need to copy it over to the other days of the week.

点击右下角的“保存”将其删除。 如果您从日程安排中删除舒适度设置,则该设置仅适用于您所在的那一天,因此您需要将其复制到一周的其他日期。

It’s a fairly complicated process, but once you go through it and get familiar with all of the menus, it’s pretty easy to navigate through it and manage it in the future. It’s not the easiest we’ve seen, and Ecobee could definitely improve this in the future, but for now, it’s at least doable without much headache.

这是一个相当复杂的过程,但是一旦您熟悉了所有菜单,就可以很轻松地在将来浏览和管理它。 这不是我们所见过的最简单的事,Ecobee肯定会在将来改进它,但是就目前而言,它至少是可行的,而且不会让人头疼。


grub 手动选择

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