
  • 1、Python环境准备
  • 2、简单介绍
  • 3、源代码
  • 4、源代码及活动配置表下载


  1. 运行该项目需要Python3以上的版本
  2. 需安装excel解析模块,命令为:pip install xlrd==1.2.0




#encoding: utf-8import os, sys, time, datetime
import xlrd
import functools
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messageboxclass ActivityBase:def __init__(self, id, name, type, cycleBeginType, actBeginTime, actEndTime, cycle, cycleContinueTime, beginSvrOpenDays, endSvrOpenDays):# 活动idself.id = id# 名称self.name = name# 活动类型self.type = type# 周期起始时间类型self.cycleBeginType = cycleBeginType# 活动开始时间self.actBeginTime = actBeginTime# 活动结束时间self.actEndTime = actEndTime# 循环周期self.cycle = cycle# 周期内持续时间self.cycleContinueTime = cycleContinueTime# 开始开服天数self.beginSvrOpenDays = beginSvrOpenDays# 结束开服天数self.endSvrOpenDays = endSvrOpenDaysdef __getOneDateZeroClockSec(self, sec):return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(sec)), '%Y-%m-%d')))# 获取活动首次开启时间def __getActRealBeginTime(self, initTime):#按活动开启时间算if self.cycleBeginType == 1:return self.actBeginTime#开服当天零点actBeginTime = initTime + (self.beginSvrOpenDays - 1) * 86400actBeginTime += (self.actBeginTime - self.__getOneDateZeroClockSec(self.actBeginTime))return actBeginTime# 获取活动当次循环开启时间def getCurCycleBeginTime(self, initTime, now):passDay = (now - initTime) // 86400 + 1if passDay < self.beginSvrOpenDays or passDay > self.endSvrOpenDays:return -1if now < self.actBeginTime or now > self.actEndTime:return -1actBeginTime = self.__getActRealBeginTime(initTime)cycle = self.cycle * 86400if cycle <= 0:return actBeginTimereturn (now - actBeginTime) // cycle * cycle + actBeginTime# 获取活动当次循环结束时间def getCurCycleEndTime(self, initTime,now):if self.cycleContinueTime <= 0:return self.actEndTimereturn self.getCurCycleBeginTime(initTime, now) + self.cycleContinueTimeclass ContentData:def __init__(self, id, color, name, leaveDay, type):# 活动idself.id = id# 显示颜色self.color = color# 名称self.name = name # 活动剩余时间self.leaveDay = leaveDay# 活动类型self.type = typeclass ActivityCalendarMgr:def __init__(self):self.__curDay = 0self.__initTime = 0self.__oneDay = 0self.__startDay = 0self.__curWeek = 0self.__labW = 150self.__labH = 40self.__labHNum = 18self.__bottomH = 30self.__winW = self.__labW * 7self.__winH = self.__labH * self.__labHNum + self.__bottomHself.__root = Tk()self.__labelList = list()self.__cycleBeginTypeInt = {u'活动开始时间' : 1,u'开始开服天数' : 2,u'角色创建天数' : 3}self.__actInfoList = list()#初始化def __init(self, load= True, year = None, month = None, day = None):if year != None and month != None and day != None:self.__curDay = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)else:self.__curDay = datetime.datetime.now()self.__initTime = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(self.__curDay.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '%Y-%m-%d')))# 设置一天为基准的变量self.__oneDay = datetime.timedelta(days=1)# 这周起始日期,即程序显示起始日期self.__startDay = self.__curDay - self.__oneDay * self.__curDay.weekday()# 当前处于第几周self.__curWeek = 0if load == True:self.__readExcel('活动配置表.xlsm', '活动配置表')self.__componentInit()self.__showContent()#读取excel数据def __readExcel(self, xls_file, sheet_name):fieldList = [u'ID', u'名称', u'类型', u'周期起始时间类型', u'活动开始时间', u'活动结束时间', u'循环周期', u'周期内持续时间', u'开始开服天数', u'结束开服天数']titleDic = dict()xls = xlrd.open_workbook(xls_file);sheet = xls.sheet_by_name(sheet_name);# 取出列名for col in range(0, sheet.ncols):title = sheet.cell_value(0, col)titleDic[title] = colfieldDic = dict()# 一行一行读出列值for row in range(1, sheet.nrows):for field in fieldList:col = titleDic[field]fieldDic.setdefault(field, []).append(sheet.cell_value(row, col))for row in range(0, sheet.nrows - 1):id = int(fieldDic[u'ID'][row])name = fieldDic[u'名称'][row]type = fieldDic[u'类型'][row]cycleBeginType = self.__cycleBeginTypeInt[fieldDic[u'周期起始时间类型'][row]]timeBuf = time.strptime(fieldDic[u'活动开始时间'][row], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')actBeginTime = int(time.mktime(timeBuf))timeBuf = time.strptime(fieldDic[u'活动结束时间'][row], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')actEndTime = int(time.mktime(timeBuf))if actEndTime < self.__initTime:continuetoIntValue = lambda x : 0 if x == '' else int(x)cycle = toIntValue(fieldDic[u'循环周期'][row])cycleContinueTime = toIntValue(fieldDic[u'周期内持续时间'][row])beginSvrOpenDays = toIntValue(fieldDic[u'开始开服天数'][row])endSvrOpenDays = toIntValue(fieldDic[u'结束开服天数'][row])actInfo = ActivityBase(id, name, type, cycleBeginType, actBeginTime, actEndTime, cycle, cycleContinueTime, beginSvrOpenDays, endSvrOpenDays)self.__actInfoList.append(actInfo)#翻页def __turnPage(self, num):if num < 0 and self.__curWeek <= 0:returnself.__curWeek += num#调用一下刷新内容self.__showContent()#切换开服日期def __changeOpenDay(self, t1, t2, t3):year = int(t1.get().strip())month = int(t2.get().strip())day = int(t3.get().strip())try:date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)except:messagebox.showwarning(u'警示', u'输入日期 %d/%d/%d 不合法'%(year, month, day))self.__root.focus_force()returnself.__init(False, year, month, day)#按键输入捕获def __keyPressBind(self, e, t1, t2, m):#lambda e: e if e.keycode != 299 and e.char in set('0123456789') else 'break'if (e.keycode == 8     #Spaceor e.keycode == 9  #Tabor e.keycode == 35 #Endor e.keycode == 36 #Homeor e.keycode == 46 #Delete):passelif e.keycode == 37: #Leftif t1 != None and e.widget.index(INSERT) == 0:t1.focus_set()t1.icursor(END)elif e.keycode == 39: #Rightif t2 != None and e.widget.index(INSERT) == len(e.widget.get().strip()):t2.focus_set()t2.icursor(0)elif e.char in set('0123456789'):num = len(e.widget.get().strip())flag = e.widget.select_present()#数据输入满了,偏移光标(讨巧使用了模拟按下TAB键操作)if t2 != None and flag != True and num == m - 1:t2.focus_set()t2.select_range(0, END)t2.icursor(END)if flag != True and num >= m:return 'break'else:return 'break'return ''#ctrl+a捕获def __selectAllBind(self, e):e.widget.select_range(0, END)e.widget.icursor(END)return 'break'#组件初始化def __componentInit(self):textHegiht = self.__bottomH - 3startX = 458text1Weight = 32text2Weight = 18separateWeight = 10text1 = Entry(self.__root, background = 'white', borderwidth = 1, takefocus = True)text1.insert(0, datetime.date.today().year)text1.bind('<Control-a>', self.__selectAllBind)text1.bind('<Control-A>', self.__selectAllBind)text1.place(x = startX, y = 0, width = text1Weight, height = textHegiht)separate1 = Text(self.__root, background = 'white', borderwidth = 0)separate1.insert(INSERT, '-')separate1.config(state = DISABLED)separate1.place(x = startX + text1Weight, y = 6, width = separateWeight, height = self.__bottomH)text2 = Entry(self.__root, background = 'white', borderwidth = 1, takefocus = True)text2.insert(0, datetime.date.today().month)text2.bind('<Control-a>', self.__selectAllBind)text2.bind('<Control-A>', self.__selectAllBind)text2.place(x = startX + text1Weight + separateWeight, y = 0, width = text2Weight, height = textHegiht)separate2 = Text(self.__root, background = 'white', borderwidth = 0)separate2.insert(INSERT, '-')separate2.config(state = DISABLED)separate2.place(x = startX + text1Weight + text2Weight + separateWeight, y = 6, width = separateWeight, height = self.__bottomH)text3 = Entry(self.__root, background = 'white', borderwidth = 1, takefocus = True)text3.insert(0, datetime.date.today().day)text3.bind('<Control-a>', self.__selectAllBind)text3.bind('<Control-A>', self.__selectAllBind)text3.place(x = startX + text1Weight + text2Weight + separateWeight * 2, y = 0, width = text2Weight, height = textHegiht)#输入框绑定按键行为text1.bind('<KeyPress>', lambda event : self.__keyPressBind(event, None, text2, 4))text2.bind('<KeyPress>', lambda event : self.__keyPressBind(event, text1, text3, 2))text3.bind('<KeyPress>', lambda event : self.__keyPressBind(event, text2, None, 2))#切换开服日期按钮button = Button(self.__root, text = '切换开服日期', command = lambda : self.__changeOpenDay(text1, text2, text3), bg = 'white', activebackground = 'white')button.place(x = startX + text1Weight + text2Weight * 2 + separateWeight * 2 + 10, y = 0, width = 78, height = textHegiht)#绑定翻页行为(键盘左右键、鼠标滚轮)self.__root.bind('<Left>', lambda event : self.__turnPage(-1) if event.widget != text1 and event.widget != text2 and event.widget != text3 else 'break')self.__root.bind('<Right>', lambda event : self.__turnPage(1) if event.widget != text1 and event.widget != text2 and event.widget != text3 else 'break')self.__root.bind('<MouseWheel>', lambda event : self.__turnPage(-1) if event.delta > 0 else self.__turnPage(1))#绑定聚焦行为self.__root.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event : self.__root.focus_set() if event.widget != text1 and event.widget != text2 and event.widget != text3 else 'break')def __showContent(self):# 边框类型(relief参数: flat(默认), groove, raised, ridge, solid, sunken)frame = 'groove'# 边框宽度(像素)borderwidth = 1#1.清屏(只执行一次)if len(self.__labelList) == 0:for y_index in range(self.__labHNum):for x_index in range(7):label = Label(self.__root, bg = 'white', relief = frame, bd = borderwidth)label.place(x = self.__labW * x_index, y = self.__labH * y_index + self.__bottomH, width = self.__labW, height = self.__labH)#2.释放旧标签内存for l in self.__labelList:l.destroy()self.__labelList = list()#3.显示顶部栏labels = ['星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六', '星期日']for index in range(7):day = self.__startDay + self.__oneDay * (self.__curWeek * 7 + index)title = str(labels[index]) + '\n' + day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')color = 'grey'if day == self.__curDay:color = 'yellow'label = Label(self.__root, bg = color, text = title, relief = frame, bd = borderwidth)label.place(x = + self.__labW * index, y = self.__bottomH, width = self.__labW, height = self.__labH)self.__labelList.append(label)#4.内容栏数据提取fieldSet = [set() for row in range(7)]contentList = [list() for row in range(7)]for index in range(7):day = self.__startDay + self.__oneDay * (self.__curWeek * 7 + index)color = 'SpringGreen'if day < self.__curDay:continueelif day == self.__curDay:color = 'yellow'for actInfo in self.__actInfoList:# 强行给 curTime 加20个小时,兼容特殊活动curTime = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '%Y-%m-%d'))) + 72000beginTime = actInfo.getCurCycleBeginTime(self.__initTime, curTime)if beginTime == -1:continueendTime = actInfo.getCurCycleEndTime(self.__initTime, curTime)if beginTime <= curTime and curTime <= endTime:if actInfo.id in fieldSet[index]:continueleaveDay = (endTime - curTime) // 86400 + 1if index + leaveDay > 7:leaveDay = 7 - indexcontentList[index].append(ContentData(actInfo.id, color, actInfo.name, int(leaveDay), actInfo.type))for i in range(leaveDay):fieldSet[index + i].add(actInfo.id)#5.数据刷新显示yIndex = 0for index in range(7):#先排序一下,先比活动剩余时间,时间越长越靠前;再比活动id,id越小越靠前contentList[index].sort(key = functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x, y : x.leaveDay - y.leaveDay if x.leaveDay != y.leaveDay else y.id - x.id), reverse = True)for data in contentList[index]:yIndex += 1if yIndex <= self.__labHNum:showText = u'%s\n%d(%s)'%(data.name, data.id, data.type)label = Label(self.__root, bg = data.color, text = showText, relief = frame, bd = borderwidth)label.place(x = + self.__labW * index, y = yIndex * self.__labH + 5 + self.__bottomH, width = self.__labW * data.leaveDay, height = self.__labH - 10)self.__labelList.append(label)#6.显示上限提示if yIndex > self.__labHNum:messagebox.showwarning(u'警示', u'本周有%d个活动,显示上限为%d个,超出部分不显示'%(yIndex, self.__labHNum - 1))self.__root.focus_force()returndef run(self):#显示活动日历基本框架self.__root.title('活动日历')self.__root.geometry(str(self.__winW) + 'x' + str(self.__winH) + '+400+100')self.__root.config(background = 'white')self.__root.resizable(False, False)#初始化数据self.__init()self.__root.mainloop()if __name__== '__main__':mgr = ActivityCalendarMgr()mgr.run()




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