
by Gil Fewster

吉尔·弗斯特(Gil Fewster)

100,000个互联网用户一览 (A Glimpse of 100,000 Internet Users)

A couple of weeks ago, I built a tiny 1-page website which accidentally* collected over 100,000 unique visitors in a little under 36 hours from launch. Aside from being extremely gratifying, this has given me a nice sized sample of web user data to pick over for interesting trends and figures.

几周前,我建立了一个很小的1页网站,在发布后不到36小时内,偶然**吸引了100,000多位唯一身份访问者。 除了非常满意之外,这还为我提供了一个不错的Web用户数据样本,可以用来挑选有趣的趋势和数据。

Naturally this is skewed in all kinds of ways, so I’m not suggesting any of the following figures are representative of global averages. A tiny timeframe, highly specific subject matter, traffic driven almost exclusively via social media, very geocentric (85% from UK, Australia, US, Canada) and dozens of other factors make this set far too specific for true statistical relevance.

自然地,这会以各种方式歪斜,因此我不建议以下任何数据代表全球平均值。 很小的时间框架,高度明确的主题,几乎完全通过社交媒体驱动的流量,非常地心(来自英国,澳大利亚,美国,加拿大的85%)以及许多其他因素,使得该设置过于具体,无法实现真正​​的统计意义。

But, nonetheless, the numbers are interesting enough to share. It’s rare that I get access to a pool of visitors this large on something I’ve built without being bound by confidentiality, so I’d like to share some of the interesting bits with you. Make of them what you will.

但是,尽管如此,这些数字足以分享。 我很少有机会访问如此庞大的访问者群,而这些访问者群是由我构建的,而且不受保密性的约束,因此,我想与您分享一些有趣的内容。 让他们随你便。

1. Facebook Crushed TwitterI’m not a big user of Facebook. I’ve got about 80 friends and my posts are mostly limited to automatic crossposting from Instagram. By contrast, my personal Twitter account is very active, with multiple tweets per day and around 1700 followers.

1. Facebook挫败了Twitter我不是Facebook的大用户。 我有大约80个朋友,我的帖子主要限于来自Instagram自动交叉发布。 相比之下,我的个人Twitter帐户非常活跃,每天有多条推文,大约有1700位关注者。

I publicised my site with posts to Twitter and Facebook, and the immediate results reflected my own presence on each network. The Twitter post went pretty well, with a few dozen retweets pushing it out wider circles. The Facebook post was liked and shared by maybe half a dozen of my friends.

我通过在Twitter和Facebook上发布帖子来宣传我的网站,即时结果反映了我在每个网络上的存在。 Twitter帖子进行得非常好,数十条转发将其推到了更广泛的圈子。 Facebook上的帖子受到了大概六个我的朋友的喜欢和分享。

But the visitor stats tell a different story:


  • 90,000 of the 100,000 sessions came via social referral.在100,000次会话中,有90,000次是通过社交推荐而来的。
  • 89% of these referrals were from Facebook.这些推荐中有89%来自Facebook。
  • 9% were from Twitter.9%来自推特。

Yep. Despite that the fact that my follower/friends count gave Twitter a 20 to 1 head start, Facebook totally killed it once the referrals progressed beyond my initial influence and into the wider network through shares and retweets. The ability for Facebook to amplify reach, compared to all other social platforms, is nothing short of extraordinary.

是的 尽管我的关注者/朋友的数量使Twitter获得了20:1的领先优势,但一旦转介超出了我的最初影响力并通过股票和转推进入了更广泛的网络,Facebook便彻底杀死了它。 与所有其他社交平台相比,Facebook扩大影响力的能力非同寻常。

2. Mobile FirstSocial media and mobile devices go together like Donald Trump and bad ideas. Given that the website was inspired by and directly connected to a trending conversation topic across social platforms, it won’t surprise anyone to learn that mobile devices delivered 66% of visitors, dwarfing the 30% of visitors on desktops and laptops.

2.移动优先社交媒体和移动设备像唐纳德·特朗普和坏主意一样走到一起。 鉴于该网站的灵感来自社交平台上的趋势对话主题,并直接与之联系在一起,因此,得知移动设备可吸引66%的访问者,使台式机和笔记本电脑的30%的访问者相形见anyone,这不会让人感到惊讶。

Tablets are interesting here. At only 4%, they barely make a dent. But this may be due to the fact that most traffic was flowing in during business hours from each country of origin. Despite their near-ubiquity in the home, tablets are rarely seen in the office.

平板电脑很有趣。 只有4%,他们几乎没有什么凹痕。 但这可能是由于这样的事实,大多数流量是在工作时间内从每个来源国流入的。 尽管平板电脑在家里几乎无处不在,但平板电脑在办公室却很少见。

What’s the point? If you’re doing a social campaign and the destination isn’t optimised for a perfect mobile experience, you’re out of your mind.

重点是什么? 如果您正在进行社交活动,并且目的地并未针对完美的移动体验进行优化,那么您将失去理智。

3. Internet ExplorerIE 7+8 are dead. Stop building for them, and stop humouring people who ask you to. It’s a waste of your time and your client’s money.

3. Internet Explorer IE 7 + 8已死。 停止为他们建设,并停止侮辱要求您这样做的人。 这浪费了您的时间和客户的金钱。

  • Out of 100,000+ visitors, only 5 lonely souls were using IE7.在100,000多名访客中,只有5个孤独的人在使用IE7。
  • IE8 fared slightly better with a loyal band of 9 desperadoes holding on.IE8表现不错,拥有9个绝望者的忠诚乐队。
  • IE 9 and 10 scraped a few extra hits, with 5% and 8% respectively for a total of 156 visitors.IE 9和10吸引了一些额外的点击,分别有5%和8%的访问量,总共156位访问者。
  • 86% of all visits on an IE browser were using the latest version, IE11.IE浏览器上的所有访问中,有86%使用的是最新版本的IE11。

It’s fair to argue that drawing conclusions about desktop browsers on a site with 70% mobile visits is not perfect. But that leaves a sample of 30,000 visitors on desktop devices — not a definitive sample size, perhaps, but certainly food for thought.

可以公平地说,得出关于移动访问量为70%的网站上的桌面浏览器的结论并不完美。 但这在桌面设备上留下了30,000个访问者样本–也许不是确定的样本量,但肯定值得我们思考。

4. iOS v AndroidAlthough Android has the edge on iOS when viewed globally, individual markets and regions vary substantially. Australia has long been known as an anomaly in its overwhelming preference for Apple’s phone over Google’s OS and, while the gap is narrowing, it still seems to be the case.

4. iOS v Android尽管从全球范围来看,Android在iOS方面具有优势,但各个市场和地区的差异很大。 一直以来,澳大利亚一直以苹果手机比谷歌操作系统的压倒性优势而出名,尽管差距在缩小,但情况似乎仍然如此。

For this particular sample, dominated by UK, Australia and the US, it broke down like so:


  • iOS 43.52%iOS的43.52%
  • Android 26.02%Android的26.02%
  • Windows Desktop 17.61%Windows桌面17.61%
  • Macintosh OSX 11.22%Macintosh OSX 11.22%
  • Windows Phone 0.90%Windows Phone 0.90%
  • Linux 0.54%Linux 0.54%

If you’re using a Windows phone, please give me a call. I’d love to meet you.

如果您使用的是Windows手机,请给我打电话。 我很想见你。

5. Desktop ResolutionsScreens are getting bigger, and ratios are getting wider. But the popularity of ultra-lightweight and compact laptops means a lot of screens have less height than you might expect.

5.桌面分辨率屏幕越来越大,比例越来越宽。 但是超轻薄的笔记本电脑的普及意味着许多屏幕的高度都比您预期的要小。

  • 38.9% of visitors using a desktop or laptop computer had a screen height of just 800px or less.38.9%的使用台式机或笔记本电脑的访客的屏幕高度仅为800px或更小。
  • Including screen resolutions with a height of 900px or less, we can account for 56.94% of desktop/laptop visitors.包括900像素以下高度的屏幕分辨率,我们可以占台式机/笔记本电脑访问者的56.94%。

On all but the most single-minded of screens, your content will extend below the “fold” for a significant number of users. Accept this fact, trust users to understand what scrollbars are for, and you’ll find life a whole lot easier.

在除了一心一意的屏幕之外的所有屏幕上,您的内容针对大量用户扩展到“折叠”之下。 接受这个事实,信任用户以了解滚动条的用途,您会发现生活变得更加轻松。

But…Yep, the skew is high, and this is a highly superficial analysis from somebody not particularly skilled in statistics or data. Take everything here with a hefty grain of salt and please add comments if you have data from your own sites which supports or contradicts the numbers here.

但是……是的,偏斜很高,这是来自统计或数据领域的非熟练人员的高度肤浅的分析。 在这里用大量的盐填满所有东西,如果您自己网站上的数据支持或矛盾这里的数字,请添加注释。

In case you’re interested.The website in question is Why Don’t We Have an International Men’s Day. It’s a smartass rebuttal to the social media manbabies who spent International Women’s Day trying to claim IWD is sexist because there is no equivalent International Men’s Day.

如果您有兴趣。 有问题的网站是“ 为什么我们没有国际男人节” 。 对于那些在国际妇女节期间试图宣称IWD是性别歧视的社交媒体婴儿来说,这是一个明智的反驳,因为没有相应的国际男性节。

Apart from being totally tone deaf as to the nature of discrimination and equality, these insufferable buffoons were just flat out wrong. International Men’s Day is on November 19.

除了对歧视和平等的本质充耳不闻之外,这些令人难以忍受的丑角简直是错误的。 国际男人节是11月19日。

  • *Seriously, I was totally unprepared for it. It hammered my bandwidth and forced me to do some hasty midnight code optimisation to avoid a nasty AWS hosting bill.*严重的是,我对此完全没有准备。 它浪费了我的带宽,并迫使我做一些仓促的午夜代码优化,以避免讨厌的AWS托管账单。
  • Feature image by Matej Toman, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

    由Matej Toman制作的功能图片,已根据“ 知识共享署名-非商业性-无衍生作品3.0许可”许可 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-glimpse-of-100-000-internet-users-23d1fb8c362d/



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