



  1. 如何通过串口收发数据


  1. 如何判断帧结束



  1. portserial.c
#include "port.h"
#include "stm32f10x.h"
#include "bsp_usart.h"/* ----------------------- Modbus includes ----------------------------------*/
#include "mb.h"
#include "mbport.h"/* ----------------------- static functions ---------------------------------*/
static void prvvUARTTxReadyISR(void);  //发送中断处理
static void prvvUARTRxISR(void);  //接收中断处理/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/
vMBPortSerialEnable(BOOL xRxEnable, BOOL xTxEnable)//适配中断使能
{/* If xRXEnable enable serial receive interrupts. If xTxENable enable* transmitter empty interrupts.*/if (xRxEnable){//使能串口接收中断USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE, ENABLE);}else{USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE, DISABLE);}if (xTxEnable){//使能串口发送完成中断USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_TC, ENABLE);}else{USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_TC, DISABLE);}}BOOL
xMBPortSerialInit(UCHAR ucPORT, ULONG ulBaudRate, UCHAR ucDataBits, eMBParity eParity)//适配串口初始化
{USART_Config(ulBaudRate);return TRUE;
xMBPortSerialPutByte(CHAR ucByte)//适配串口发送函数
{/* Put a byte in the UARTs transmit buffer. This function is called* by the protocol stack if pxMBFrameCBTransmitterEmpty( ) has been* called. */USART_SendData(USART1, ucByte);return TRUE;
xMBPortSerialGetByte(CHAR *pucByte)//适配串口接收函数
{/* Return the byte in the UARTs receive buffer. This function is called* by the protocol stack after pxMBFrameCBByteReceived( ) has been called.*/*pucByte = USART_ReceiveData(USART1);return TRUE;
}/* Create an interrupt handler for the transmit buffer empty interrupt* (or an equivalent) for your target processor. This function should then* call pxMBFrameCBTransmitterEmpty( ) which tells the protocol stack that* a new character can be sent. The protocol stack will then call* xMBPortSerialPutByte( ) to send the character.*/
static void prvvUARTTxReadyISR(void)
}/* Create an interrupt handler for the receive interrupt for your target* processor. This function should then call pxMBFrameCBByteReceived( ). The* protocol stack will then call xMBPortSerialGetByte( ) to retrieve the* character.*/
static void prvvUARTRxISR(void)
void USART1_IRQHandler(void)//适配中断服务函数
{if (USART_GetITStatus(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE) == SET)//接收中断{prvvUARTRxISR();USART_ClearITPendingBit(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE);}if (USART_GetITStatus(USART1, USART_IT_ORE) == SET) //接收溢出中断{USART_ClearITPendingBit(USART1, USART_IT_ORE);prvvUARTRxISR();}if (USART_GetITStatus(USART1, USART_IT_TC) == SET) //发送完成中断{prvvUARTTxReadyISR();USART_ClearITPendingBit(USART1, USART_IT_TC);//}}
  1. porttimer.c
#include "port.h"
#include "bsp_timer2.h"
#include "stm32f10x.h"/* ----------------------- Modbus includes ----------------------------------*/
#include "mb.h"
#include "mbport.h"/* ----------------------- static functions ---------------------------------*/
static void prvvTIMERExpiredISR(void);/* ----------------------- Start implementation -----------------------------*/
xMBPortTimersInit(USHORT usTim1Timerout50us)  //适配定时器初始化
{timer2_init(usTim1Timerout50us);return TRUE;
{/* Enable the timer with the timeout passed to xMBPortTimersInit( ) */TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update);TIM_ITConfig(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update, ENABLE);TIM_SetCounter(TIM2, 0x0000);TIM_Cmd(TIM2, ENABLE);
{/* Disable any pending timers. */TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update);TIM_ITConfig(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update, DISABLE);TIM_SetCounter(TIM2, 0x0000);TIM_Cmd(TIM2, DISABLE);
}/* Create an ISR which is called whenever the timer has expired. This function* must then call pxMBPortCBTimerExpired( ) to notify the protocol stack that* the timer has expired.*/
static void prvvTIMERExpiredISR(void)
}void TIM2_IRQHandler(void)//适配定时器中断服务函数
{if (TIM_GetITStatus(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update) != RESET){prvvTIMERExpiredISR();TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM2, TIM_IT_Update);}
  1. mbrtu.c
eMBRTUSend( UCHAR ucSlaveAddress, const UCHAR * pucFrame, USHORT usLength )
{eMBErrorCode    eStatus = MB_ENOERR;USHORT          usCRC16;ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(  );/* Check if the receiver is still in idle state. If not we where to* slow with processing the received frame and the master sent another* frame on the network. We have to abort sending the frame.*/if( eRcvState == STATE_RX_IDLE ){/* First byte before the Modbus-PDU is the slave address. */pucSndBufferCur = ( UCHAR * ) pucFrame - 1;usSndBufferCount = 1;/* Now copy the Modbus-PDU into the Modbus-Serial-Line-PDU. */pucSndBufferCur[MB_SER_PDU_ADDR_OFF] = ucSlaveAddress;usSndBufferCount += usLength;/* Calculate CRC16 checksum for Modbus-Serial-Line-PDU. */usCRC16 = usMBCRC16( ( UCHAR * ) pucSndBufferCur, usSndBufferCount );ucRTUBuf[usSndBufferCount++] = ( UCHAR )( usCRC16 & 0xFF );ucRTUBuf[usSndBufferCount++] = ( UCHAR )( usCRC16 >> 8 );/* Activate the transmitter. */eSndState = STATE_TX_XMIT;
/**************************************************************/// 先发送一个字节,这样才可以进入发送完成中断xMBPortSerialPutByte( ( CHAR )*pucSndBufferCur );pucSndBufferCur++;  /* next byte in sendbuffer. */usSndBufferCount--;
/**************************************************************/vMBPortSerialEnable( FALSE, TRUE );}else{eStatus = MB_EIO;}EXIT_CRITICAL_SECTION(  );return eStatus;


#include "stm32f10x.h"
#include "mb.h"
#include "mbutils.h"// PCLK2=HCLK=SYSCLK=PLLCLK=72M  PCLK1= HCLK/2 = 36M//输入寄存器起始地址
#define REG_INPUT_START       0x0000
#define REG_INPUT_NREGS       8
#define REG_HOLDING_START     0x0000
#define REG_HOLDING_NREGS     8//线圈起始地址
#define REG_COILS_START       0x0000
#define REG_COILS_SIZE        16//开关寄存器起始地址
#define REG_DISCRETE_START    0x0000
#define REG_DISCRETE_SIZE     16//输入寄存器内容
uint16_t usRegInputBuf[REG_INPUT_NREGS] = {0x1000,0x1001,0x1002,0x1003,0x1004,0x1005,0x1006,0x1007};
uint16_t usRegInputStart = REG_INPUT_START;//保持寄存器内容
uint16_t usRegHoldingBuf[REG_HOLDING_NREGS] = {0x147b,0x3f8e,0x147b,0x400e,0x1eb8,0x4055,0x147b,0x408e};
uint16_t usRegHoldingStart = REG_HOLDING_START;//线圈状态
uint8_t ucRegCoilsBuf[REG_COILS_SIZE / 8] = {0x01,0x02};
uint8_t ucRegDiscreteBuf[REG_DISCRETE_SIZE / 8] = {0x01,0x02};/*** @Brief : 读输入寄存器处理函数,功能码04* @param  pucRegBuffer    数据缓存区   大端模式,高字节在前* @param  usAddress       寄存器地址 * @param  usNRegs         读取个数* @return eMBErrorCode */
eMBRegInputCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs )
{eMBErrorCode    eStatus = MB_ENOERR;int             iRegIndex;if( ( usAddress >= REG_INPUT_START )\&& ( usAddress + usNRegs <= REG_INPUT_START + REG_INPUT_NREGS ) ){iRegIndex = ( int )( usAddress - usRegInputStart );while( usNRegs > 0 ){*pucRegBuffer++ = ( UCHAR )( usRegInputBuf[iRegIndex] >> 8 );*pucRegBuffer++ = ( UCHAR )( usRegInputBuf[iRegIndex] & 0xFF );iRegIndex++;usNRegs--;}}else{eStatus = MB_ENOREG;}return eStatus;
}/*** @Brief : 读保持寄存器处理函数,功能码03* @param  pucRegBuffer     * @param  usAddress        * @param  usNRegs          * @param  eMode            * @return eMBErrorCode */
eMBRegHoldingCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNRegs, eMBRegisterMode eMode )
{eMBErrorCode    eStatus = MB_ENOERR;int             iRegIndex;if((usAddress >= REG_HOLDING_START)&&\((usAddress+usNRegs) <= (REG_HOLDING_START + REG_HOLDING_NREGS))){iRegIndex = (int)(usAddress - usRegHoldingStart);switch(eMode){                                       case MB_REG_READ://读 MB_REG_READ = 0while(usNRegs > 0){*pucRegBuffer++ = (u8)(usRegHoldingBuf[iRegIndex] >> 8);            *pucRegBuffer++ = (u8)(usRegHoldingBuf[iRegIndex] & 0xFF); iRegIndex++;usNRegs--;                 }                            break;case MB_REG_WRITE://写 MB_REG_WRITE = 1while(usNRegs > 0){usRegHoldingBuf[iRegIndex] = *pucRegBuffer++ << 8;usRegHoldingBuf[iRegIndex] |= *pucRegBuffer++;iRegIndex++;usNRegs--;}               }}else//错误{eStatus = MB_ENOREG;}   return eStatus;
}/*** @Brief : 读线圈寄存器处理函数,功能码01* @param  pucRegBuffer     * @param  usAddress        * @param  usNCoils         * @param  eMode            * @return eMBErrorCode */
eMBRegCoilsCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNCoils,eMBRegisterMode eMode )
{//错误状态eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR;//寄存器个数int16_t iNCoils = ( int16_t )usNCoils;//寄存器偏移量int16_t usBitOffset;//检查寄存器是否在指定范围内if( ( (int16_t)usAddress >= REG_COILS_START ) &&( usAddress + usNCoils <= REG_COILS_START + REG_COILS_SIZE ) ){//计算寄存器偏移量usBitOffset = ( int16_t )( usAddress - REG_COILS_START );switch ( eMode ){//读操作case MB_REG_READ:while( iNCoils > 0 ){*pucRegBuffer++ = xMBUtilGetBits( ucRegCoilsBuf, usBitOffset,\( uint8_t )( iNCoils > 8 ? 8 : iNCoils ) );iNCoils -= 8;usBitOffset += 8;}break;//写操作case MB_REG_WRITE:while( iNCoils > 0 ){xMBUtilSetBits( ucRegCoilsBuf, usBitOffset,\( uint8_t )( iNCoils > 8 ? 8 : iNCoils ),*pucRegBuffer++ );iNCoils -= 8;}break;}}else{eStatus = MB_ENOREG;}return eStatus;
}/*** @Brief : 读离散量寄存器处理函数,功能码02* @param  pucRegBuffer     * @param  usAddress        * @param  usNDiscrete      * @return eMBErrorCode */
eMBRegDiscreteCB( UCHAR * pucRegBuffer, USHORT usAddress, USHORT usNDiscrete )
{//错误状态eMBErrorCode eStatus = MB_ENOERR;//操作寄存器个数int16_t iNDiscrete = ( int16_t )usNDiscrete;//偏移量uint16_t usBitOffset;//判断寄存器时候再制定范围内if( ( (int16_t)usAddress >= REG_DISCRETE_START ) &&( usAddress + usNDiscrete <= REG_DISCRETE_START + REG_DISCRETE_SIZE ) ){//获得偏移量usBitOffset = ( uint16_t )( usAddress - REG_DISCRETE_START );while( iNDiscrete > 0 ){*pucRegBuffer++ = xMBUtilGetBits( ucRegDiscreteBuf, usBitOffset,( uint8_t)( iNDiscrete > 8 ? 8 : iNDiscrete ) );iNDiscrete -= 8;usBitOffset += 8;}}else{eStatus = MB_ENOREG;}return eStatus;
}int main(void)
{   eMBInit(MB_RTU, 0x01, 0x01, 9600, MB_PAR_NONE);eMBEnable();while (1){eMBPoll();}


  1. 查询寄存器地址01,返回02的数据。

寄存器地址:从机内部定义的寄存器地址,要对寻址用的寄存器地址+1【Modbus标准协议规定】。即:从机内部定义的寄存器地址,必须大于1;对于寄存器1-16,寻址时通过0-15来寻址(如:查询寄存器1的值时,指令中的寄存器地址为00 00)。

  1. 波特率设置为115200时无返回



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