Compress the ServicePackFiles/i386 folder in Windows XP

压缩Windows XP中的ServicePackFiles/i386文件夹

by  Greg Shultz
作者:Greg Shultz

Keywords:Windows XP | Microsoft Windows | Operating systems

After installing Windows XP SP2, you'll notice a set of folders inside of the Windows folder called ServicePackFiles/i386 in which the OS keeps copies of all the main OS files replaced by SP2. Check out how you can reduce the disk space this folder occupies from 530MB to 200MB.
安装Windows XP SP2后,你将注意到Windows文件夹里的一个名为ServicePackFiles/i386的文件夹集,操作系统在里面保存了所有被SP2替换了主要的操作系统文件拷贝。你能将这个文件夹的空间占用从530MB减少到200MB。

When you install SP2 on a Windows XP system, the installation procedure actually creates a set of folders inside of the Windows folder called ServicePackFiles/i386 in which the operating system keeps copies of all the main operating system files replaced by SP2. This folder is then used by Windows File Protection in the event that a crucial system file needs to be replaced. In addition, the operating system uses the ServicePackFiles/i386 folder to store those files that are needed to install optional Windows components that aren't installed by default. The ServicePackFiles/i386 folder occupies around 530MB of disk space.

当你在Windows XP系统上安装SP2,安装过程其实在Windows文件夹里创建了一个名为ServicePackFiles/i386的文件夹集,操作系统在里面保存了所有被SP2替换了主要的操作系统文件拷贝。这个文件夹在关键系统文件需要被替换时用于Windows文件保护。另外,操作系统使用ServicePackFiles/i386文件夹来存放非默认安装的、可选择的Windows组件的文件。ServicePackFiles/i386文件夹占用了大约530MB磁盘空间。

You can regain some of the disk space if your hard disk is formatted with the NTFS file system by compressing the ServicePackFiles/i386 folder with NTFS compression. In fact, you can expect to regain about 200MB of disk space. To do so, follow these steps:

如果你的硬盘是用NTFS文件系统格式化的,你可以使用NTFS 压缩功能压缩ServicePackFiles/i386文件夹来获得一些磁盘空间。操作步骤如下:

  1. Right-click the ServicePackFiles folder and select the Properties command.
  2. In the Attributes section of the General tab, click the Advanced button.
  3. In the Advanced Attributes dialog box, select the Compress Contents To Save Disk Space check box and click OK.
  4. When you return to the Properties dialog box, click OK.
  5. When you see the Confirm Attribute Changes dialog box, select the Apply Changes To This Folder, Subfolders And Files option button and click OK.

(Note: It will take a few minutes for Windows XP to compress the folder.)
(注意:Windows XP压缩文件夹需要一定的时间。)

Once the folder is compressed, it will take up less space, yet it will still be accessible for Windows File Protection operations and the installation of optional components.



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