
pplies to:

Oracle Purchasing - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When executing a funds check for a requisition, strange characters were displayed on the Budgetary Control Page (html). The amount fields are showing characters like 'u' and 'n'.

Steps to Reproduce
1. Navigation = Purchasing Super User > Requisitions > Requisition
2. Fill in Header, Line and Distribution Details
3. Go To 'Tools > Funds  Check'
4. The Budgetary Control Page open and display strange characters


The issue was caused by the following setup:
Profile 'ICX:Numeric characters' was not set and Profile 'XDO:Numeric characters' was set to "Read from ICX: Numeric Characters".

Above setup causes the issue and it had been explained in Bug 10373517>.


The setup causes the issue because the profiles were not set.

ICX: Numeric characters determines the number format for fields in Self-Service Applications
XDO OA added a new profile option for document viewer to read "ICX: Numeric characters" (e.g. = "Number Format" preference) , profile: 'XDO: Numeric characters '
Document Viewer checks the new profile option. If it's set to read numeric characters, it reads and pass to the XDO xslt parameter,xslt._XDONFSEPARATORS . if not, it leaves it as it is. (runtime territory drives the numeric characters )

1. If user set profile option "XDO: Numeric characters", then this value is passed to TemplateHelper.processTemplate() (it will ignore the value set for ICX: Numeric characters)
2. If user does not set the profile option "XDO: Numeric characters" but set the profile option "ICX: Numeric characters",then ICX profile option value is passed to TemplateHelper.processTemplate()
3. If user set neither the profile option "XDO: Numeric characters" nor the profile option "ICX: Numeric characters", then we will leave it as is. (i.e. runtime territory derives the numeric characters)

Please review profile options 'ICX:Numeric characters' and  "XDO: Numeric characters" and setup them as appropriate to your business so that the problem got resolved.

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