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This article is originally published on Cronycle

本文最初发表于 Cronycle

A while back our design team proposed to redesign Cronycle content reader, to improve comfort, functionality, and responsiveness. Cronycle is a collaborative knowledge discovery, curation and organization workspace. The reading experience is a very important part of Cronycle, and typography a vital part of reading comfort and eventually overall user satisfaction.

不久前 ,我们的设计团队建议重新设计Cronycle内容阅读器 ,以提高舒适度,功能性和响应能力。 Cronycle是一个协作式知识发现,管理和组织工作区。 阅读体验是Cronycle的重要组成部分,而排版则是阅读舒适度以及最终整体用户满意度的重要组成部分。

At the same time, I was lucky to be tasked with redesigning the Cronycle marketing website. A project I’ve been eager to work on for a while.Part of the redesign goals was to audit and update the overall color palette, without overriding the entire legacy palette.

同时,我很幸运能够重新设计Cronycle营销网站。 我一直渴望进行的一个项目。重新设计的目标之一是审核和更新总体调色板,而不覆盖整个旧调色板。

The old palette was dated back to the years when washed out low contrast colors were trending. Fast forward to 2019, it was obvious that we had a contrast issue and our components were not up to Web content accessibility guidelines.

旧调色板的历史可以追溯到低对比度色彩逐渐流行的年代。 快进到2019年,很明显我们遇到了一个对比问题,我们的组件不符合Web内容可访问性准则 。

问题 (The problem)

Originally Cronycle used two shades of grays, #5D5D5D for primary text, and #919191 for secondary text. Both grays had relatively low contrast on sand and white backgrounds.

最初,Cronycle使用两种灰色阴影,#5D5D5D用于主要文本,#919191用于辅助文本。 两种灰色在沙子和白色背景上的对比度都较低。


On the other hand, having only two shades of gray on a data-dense application makes it harder to achieve hierarchy in the User Interface and text content.We needed to revisit and expand or typography color palette as a part of our efforts to improve the overall experience, for both the Content reader, the website, and the whole application in the near future.


以工程思维方式解决问题 (Approaching the problem with an engineering mentality)

I started by researching and looking at other designers’ experiences with the same issue when I came across an article on UX movement website. It does confirm that we should avoid pure black because of contrast issues, but it does not explain the science behind the core problem, or expand on the process of choosing the correct gray alternative.You could tell from the barrage of angry comments on that article that it’s incomplete, and someone with an engineering background like me needed to frame my solution with a rationale.

当我在UX运动网站上看到一篇文章时,我首先研究并研究了其他设计师在同一问题上的经历。 它确实确认了我们应该避免由于对比度问题而出现纯黑色,但是它并没有解释核心问题背后的科学原理,也没有扩大选择正确的灰色替代物的过程。您可以从对该文章的愤怒评论中看出这是不完整的,需要像我这样的工程背景的人才能从原理上阐述我的解决方案。

I dug deeper, I went on to read clinical research into Contrast sensitivity, Photophobia, and dyslexia among many issues that could cause reading problems to a large percentage of the population, including my wife who’s Photophobic, and our Vice President for Product and Experience who I knew suffered from Astigmatism.


I thought I had enough data to form an informed solution, so I moved to the next step of the process, knowing I could always test my assumption and refine it if needed.


为印刷术选择合适的深灰色的过程 (The process of choosing the right dark gray for Typography)

Before deciding on the dark gray contrast, I first had to pick which type of grays to go with (Cold grays, Natural grays, or Warm grays).


Refactoring UI: The book重构UI:这本书

Cronycle Brand has always been Yellow, so I knew cold grays are out, and I’m left with either warm or neutral Gray.

Cronycle Brand一直是黄色的,所以我知道冷灰色已经消失了,我剩下的是温暖的或中性的灰色。

I knew from first-hand experience, warm grays tend to give a yellow-ish tone, especially at higher lightness values, so I choose natural grays.


I usually follow the process explained in Refactoring UI: The book, with some extra steps, simply working my way, by picking darkest, lightest, and mid-range gray in the HSL color domain. Then I use The Palette app to interpolate or extract other shades in between. With some manual tweaking to make sure our grays met the accessibility standards.

我通常按​​照“ 重构UI:本书 ”中介绍的过程进行操作,通过在HSL色域中选择最暗,最浅和中等范围的灰度,以一些额外的步骤,按照我的方式工作。 然后,我使用“调色板”应用在其间进行插值或提取其他阴影。 通过一些手动调整,以确保我们的灰色达到可访问性标准。

So far, I was experimenting, but I was filled with confidence, I expanded our gray palette from 2 shades to 9 shades.


I then decided to share my exploration with the rest of the design team.


假设,符合实际情况 (Assumption, meet real-life scenario)

Part of being a designer is being wrong — daily, and by sharing with others you learn from your mistakes. This is how you become a better designer. I assumed I had the primary typography color sorted as I shared my experiment Figma file with the rest of the team on our design call.

成为设计师的一部分是错的-每天都会发生,并且通过与他人共享可以从错误中学习。 这就是您成为更好的设计师的方式。 我假设在与设计团队的其他团队共享实验Figma文件时,已经对主要的印刷颜色进行了排序。

The new palette seemed fine, only when I showed how the text would look like with the new primary dark gray #1A1A1A when our Vice President for Product and Experience decided to open the same Figma file on her laptop to check the colors herself during the call.


“I see the letters moving around the screen” — She commented!!

“我看到字母在屏幕上移动” –她评论了!

休斯顿,我们有一个问题 (Houston, we have a problem)

I was both baffled and excited as my assumption failed its first unintentional user testing. After all, our Vice President for Product and Experience is a real user of Cronycle. She uses Cronycle to curate design-related content to students, as well as to prepare and send product newsletters. As she explained her experience more, I sat back trying to connect the dots… which sight problem would that be?That’s one of the perks of being a designer, you get to wear many hats trying to solve a problem. This time we put on our optician’s hat


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