
Linux kernel 版本:5.4.1




Linux 上最常用的防火墙工具是 iptables。iptables 与协议栈内有包过滤功能的 hook 交 互来完成工作。这些内核 hook 构成了 netfilter 框架。

每个进入网络系统的包(接收或发送)在经过协议栈时都会触发这些 hook,程序 可以通过注册 hook 函数的方式在一些关键路径上处理网络流量。iptables 相关的内核模 块在这些 hook 点注册了处理函数,因此可以通过配置 iptables 规则来使得网络流量符合 防火墙规则。

Iptable/netfilter的表和链(Table and Chains)


Table名 作用描述
Filter 用于判断是否允许一个包通过,最常用的table。
NAT 用于实现网络地址转换规则,一般用于将数据包路由到无法直接访问的网络。
Mangle 用于修改包的IP头。例如,可以修改包的TTL。
Raw 控制数据包不被connecting tracking所追踪。
Security 用于给包打上SELinux标记,以此影响SELinux或其他可以解读SELinux安全上线问的系统处理包的行为。


Chain名称 HOOK宏


  • Filter
/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\iptable_filter.c */
  • NAT
/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\iptable_nat.c */
static const struct xt_table nf_nat_ipv4_table = {.name        = "nat",.valid_hooks = (1 << NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING) |(1 << NF_INET_POST_ROUTING) |(1 << NF_INET_LOCAL_OUT) |(1 << NF_INET_LOCAL_IN),.me       = THIS_MODULE,.af      = NFPROTO_IPV4,.table_init = iptable_nat_table_init,
  • Mangle
/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\iptable_mangle.c */
  • Raw
/* File: X:\linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\iptable_raw.c */
  • Security
/* File: X:\linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\iptable_security.c */
Chains/Table Filter NAT Mangle Raw Security

当一个包触发 netfilter hook 时,处理过程存在先后顺序和处理条件。 触发哪个 hook (列)和包的方向(ingress/egress)、路由判断、过滤条件等相关。

特定事件会导致 table 的 chain 被跳过。例如,只有每个连接的第一个包会去匹配 NAT 规则,对这个包的动作会应用于此连接后面的所有包。到这个连接的应答包会被自动应用反 方向的 NAT 规则。





NF_HOOK是协议和Netfilter框架的切入点, 完成netfilter模块的处理后,调用int (*okfn)(struct net *, struct sock *, struct sk_buff *)进行后续处理流程。


/* File:linux-5.4.1\include\linux\netfilter.h */
static inline int
NF_HOOK(uint8_t pf, unsigned int hook, struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *in, struct net_device *out,int (*okfn)(struct net *, struct sock *, struct sk_buff *))
{int ret = nf_hook(pf, hook, net, sk, skb, in, out, okfn);/* 根据nf_hook()的返回值,决定要不要执行后续函数 */if (ret == 1)ret = okfn(net, sk, skb);return ret;


/* File:linux-5.4.1\include\linux\netfilter.h */
/***    nf_hook - call a netfilter hook**   Returns 1 if the hook has allowed the packet to pass.  The function*    okfn must be invoked by the caller in this case.  Any other return* value indicates the packet has been consumed by the hook.** *  调用hook函数,如果该函数允许数据包通过,返回1*  在这种情况下,调用方必须调用函数okfn。任何其他的返回值都表示数据包已被hook使用。*/
static inline int nf_hook(u_int8_t pf, unsigned int hook, struct net *net,struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,struct net_device *indev, struct net_device *outdev,int (*okfn)(struct net *, struct sock *, struct sk_buff *))
{struct nf_hook_entries *hook_head = NULL;int ret = 1;#ifdef CONFIG_JUMP_LABELif (__builtin_constant_p(pf) &&__builtin_constant_p(hook) &&!static_key_false(&nf_hooks_needed[pf][hook]))return 1;
#endifrcu_read_lock();/* 判断网络层协议 */switch (pf) {case NFPROTO_IPV4:hook_head = rcu_dereference(net->nf.hooks_ipv4[hook]);break;case NFPROTO_IPV6:hook_head = rcu_dereference(net->nf.hooks_ipv6[hook]);break;case NFPROTO_ARP:
#ifdef CONFIG_NETFILTER_FAMILY_ARPif (WARN_ON_ONCE(hook >= ARRAY_SIZE(net->nf.hooks_arp)))break;hook_head = rcu_dereference(net->nf.hooks_arp[hook]);
#endifbreak;case NFPROTO_BRIDGE:
#ifdef CONFIG_NETFILTER_FAMILY_BRIDGEhook_head = rcu_dereference(net->nf.hooks_bridge[hook]);
#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_DECNET)case NFPROTO_DECNET:hook_head = rcu_dereference(net->nf.hooks_decnet[hook]);break;
#endifdefault:WARN_ON_ONCE(1);break;}if (hook_head) {struct nf_hook_state state;nf_hook_state_init(&state, hook, pf, indev, outdev,sk, net, okfn);ret = nf_hook_slow(skb, &state, hook_head, 0); // 返回1 ,代表NF_ACCEPT,okfn()需要被别的caller执行// 返回-EPERM,代表NF_DROP,也就是NF_HOOK中,不再执行okfn()函数}rcu_read_unlock();return ret;



/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\netfilter\core.c */
/* Returns 1 if okfn() needs to be executed by the caller,* -EPERM for NF_DROP, 0 otherwise.  Caller must hold rcu_read_lock. ** nf_hook_slow()用于完成成钩子函数遍历执行,也就是规则匹配,这里的执行顺序是按照table优先级执行**/
int nf_hook_slow(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nf_hook_state *state,const struct nf_hook_entries *e, unsigned int s)
{unsigned int verdict;int ret;for (; s < e->num_hook_entries; s++) {/* 执行对应的hook函数* 这里的hook函数,是在iptables中的5个table在init的时候挂载的几个* 1、Filter   : iptable_filter_hook();* 2、Mangle   : iptable_mangle_hook();* 3、NAT      : iptable_nat_do_hook();* 4、Raw      : iptable_raw_hook();* 5、Security : iptable_security_hook();*/verdict = nf_hook_entry_hookfn(&e->hooks[s], skb, state);switch (verdict & NF_VERDICT_MASK) {case NF_ACCEPT:break;case NF_DROP:kfree_skb(skb);ret = NF_DROP_GETERR(verdict);if (ret == 0)ret = -EPERM;return ret;case NF_QUEUE:ret = nf_queue(skb, state, s, verdict);if (ret == 1)continue;return ret;default:/* Implicit handling for NF_STOLEN, as well as any other* non conventional verdicts.*/return 0;}}return 1;




/* File: linux-5.4.1\include\uapi\linux\netfilter_ipv4\ip_tables.h */
/* This structure defines each of the firewall rules.  Consists of 3parts which are 1) general IP header stuff 2) match specific stuff 3) the target to perform if the rule matches 标准匹配结构,主要包括:数据包的源、目的IP出/入接口掩码等*/
struct ipt_entry {/* 要匹配的报文IP头 */struct ipt_ip ip;/* Mark with fields that we care about. * 位向量,标识本规则关心报文的什么部分*/unsigned int nfcache;/* Size of ipt_entry + matches target区的偏移,通常target区位于match区之后,而match区则在ipt_entry的末尾;初始化为sizeof(struct ipt_entry),即假定没有match*/__u16 target_offset;/* Size of ipt_entry + matches + target 下一条规则相对于本规则的偏移,也即本规则所用空间的总和,初始化为sizeof(struct ipt_entry)+sizeof(struct ipt_target),即没有match*/__u16 next_offset;/* Back pointer 位向量,标记调用本规则的HOOK号,可用于检查规则的有效性 */unsigned int comefrom;/* Packet and byte counters. 记录该规则处理过的报文数和报文总字节数 */struct xt_counters counters;/* The matches (if any), then the target. target或者是match的起始位置 */unsigned char elems[0];



/* File: linux-5.4.1\include\uapi\linux\netfilter_ipv4\ip_tables.h */
/* The argument to IPT_SO_SET_REPLACE. */
/* 用户配置完iptables规则之后,传给内核的时一个ipt-table结构,其中包含了内核所需要的所有内容 */
struct ipt_replace {/* Which table.  表名 */char name[XT_TABLE_MAXNAMELEN];/* Which hook entry points are valid: bitmask.  You can'tchange this. */unsigned int valid_hooks;/* Number of entries 新的entry数 */unsigned int num_entries;/* Total size of new entries */unsigned int size;/* Hook entry points. */unsigned int hook_entry[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];/* Underflow points. */unsigned int underflow[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];/* Information about old entries: 旧的规则数*//* Number of counters (must be equal to current number of entries). */unsigned int num_counters;/* The old entries' counters. */struct xt_counters __user *counters;/* The entries (hang off end: not really an array). *//* 规则本身 */struct ipt_entry entries[0];



#define ipt_match xt_match struct xt_match {struct list_head list;const char name[XT_EXTENSION_MAXNAMELEN];u_int8_t revision;/* Return true or false: return FALSE and set *hotdrop = 1 toforce immediate packet drop. *//* Arguments changed since 2.6.9, as this must now handlenon-linear skb, using skb_header_pointer andskb_ip_make_writable. *//* 匹配函数,最重要的部分,返回true表示匹配成功,返回false表示匹配失败 */bool (*match)(const struct sk_buff *skb,struct xt_action_param *);/* Called when user tries to insert an entry of this type. 在使用本Match的规则注入表中之前调用,进行有效性检查,如果返回0,规则就不会加入iptables中.  */int (*checkentry)(const struct xt_mtchk_param *);/* Called when entry of this type deleted. 删除包含本match的entry时调用,与checkentry配合可用于动态内存分配和释放 */void (*destroy)(const struct xt_mtdtor_param *);
#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT/* Called when userspace align differs from kernel space one */void (*compat_from_user)(void *dst, const void *src);int (*compat_to_user)(void __user *dst, const void *src);
#endif/* Set this to THIS_MODULE if you are a module, otherwise NULL 是否为模块 */struct module *me;const char *table;unsigned int matchsize;unsigned int usersize;
#ifdef CONFIG_COMPATunsigned int compatsize;
#endifunsigned int hooks;unsigned short proto;unsigned short family;



#define ipt_target /* Registration hooks for targets. */
struct xt_target {struct list_head list;const char name[XT_EXTENSION_MAXNAMELEN];u_int8_t revision;/* Returns verdict. Argument order changed since 2.6.9, as thismust now handle non-linear skbs, using skb_copy_bits andskb_ip_make_writable. target的模块函数,如果需要继续处理则返回IPT_CONTINUE(-1),否则返回NF_ACCEPT、NF_DROP等值,它的调用者根据它的返回值来判断如何处理它处理过的报文*/unsigned int (*target)(struct sk_buff *skb,const struct xt_action_param *);/* Called when user tries to insert an entry of this type:hook_mask is a bitmask of hooks from which it can becalled. *//* Should return 0 on success or an error code otherwise (-Exxxx). 在使用本Match的规则注入表中之前调用,进行有效性检查,如果返回0,规则就不会加入iptables中 */int (*checkentry)(const struct xt_tgchk_param *);/* Called when entry of this type deleted. 在包含本Target的规则从表中删除时调用,与checkentry配合可用于动态内存分配和释放 */void (*destroy)(const struct xt_tgdtor_param *);
#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT/* Called when userspace align differs from kernel space one */void (*compat_from_user)(void *dst, const void *src);int (*compat_to_user)(void __user *dst, const void *src);
#endif/* Set this to THIS_MODULE if you are a module, otherwise NULL 表示当前Target是否为模块(NULL为否) */struct module *me;const char *table;unsigned int targetsize;unsigned int usersize;
#ifdef CONFIG_COMPATunsigned int compatsize;
#endifunsigned int hooks;unsigned short proto;unsigned short family;





/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\ip_tables.c */
static struct nf_sockopt_ops ipt_sockopts = {.pf           = PF_INET,.set_optmin  = IPT_BASE_CTL,.set_optmax = IPT_SO_SET_MAX+1,.set       = do_ipt_set_ctl,//set方法
#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT.compat_set = compat_do_ipt_set_ctl,
#endif.get_optmin   = IPT_BASE_CTL,.get_optmax = IPT_SO_GET_MAX+1,.get       = do_ipt_get_ctl,//get方法
#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT.compat_get = compat_do_ipt_get_ctl,
#endif.owner        = THIS_MODULE,
};static int __init ip_tables_init(void)
{int ret;ret = register_pernet_subsys(&ip_tables_net_ops);if (ret < 0)goto err1;/* No one else will be downing sem now, so we won't sleep */ret = xt_register_targets(ipt_builtin_tg, ARRAY_SIZE(ipt_builtin_tg));if (ret < 0)goto err2;ret = xt_register_matches(ipt_builtin_mt, ARRAY_SIZE(ipt_builtin_mt));if (ret < 0)goto err4;/* Register setsockopt *//* 注册一个socket option,这个option用于读或写iptable的配置,* 如:Linux的防火墙规则、NAT转换映射最终都是通过这个接口通知内核的*/ret = nf_register_sockopt(&ipt_sockopts);if (ret < 0)goto err5;return 0;err5:xt_unregister_matches(ipt_builtin_mt, ARRAY_SIZE(ipt_builtin_mt));
err4:xt_unregister_targets(ipt_builtin_tg, ARRAY_SIZE(ipt_builtin_tg));
err1:return ret;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\ip_tables.c */
/* 将用户空间传过来的ipt_replace来替换旧的iptables规则。该工作在do_replace()函数中完成 */
static int
do_ipt_set_ctl(struct sock *sk, int cmd, void __user *user, unsigned int len)
{int ret;if (!ns_capable(sock_net(sk)->user_ns, CAP_NET_ADMIN))return -EPERM;switch (cmd) {case IPT_SO_SET_REPLACE:ret = do_replace(sock_net(sk), user, len);break;case IPT_SO_SET_ADD_COUNTERS:ret = do_add_counters(sock_net(sk), user, len, 0);break;default:ret = -EINVAL;}return ret;
/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\ip_tables.c */
static int
do_replace(struct net *net, const void __user *user, unsigned int len)
{int ret;struct ipt_replace tmp;struct xt_table_info *newinfo;void *loc_cpu_entry;struct ipt_entry *iter;/* 拷贝用户空间的struct ip_replace结构 */if (copy_from_user(&tmp, user, sizeof(tmp)) != 0)return -EFAULT;/* overflow check */if (tmp.num_counters >= INT_MAX / sizeof(struct xt_counters))return -ENOMEM;if (tmp.num_counters == 0)return -EINVAL;tmp.name[sizeof(tmp.name)-1] = 0;/* 分配一个xt_table_info结构,并根据ipt_replace.size给xt_table_info的entry成员分配空间 */newinfo = xt_alloc_table_info(tmp.size);if (!newinfo)return -ENOMEM;loc_cpu_entry = newinfo->entries;/* 将ipt_replace.entries的内容拷贝到内核 */if (copy_from_user(loc_cpu_entry, user + sizeof(tmp),tmp.size) != 0) {ret = -EFAULT;goto free_newinfo;}/* 根据ipt_replace给xt_table_info结构各个成员赋值 */ret = translate_table(net, newinfo, loc_cpu_entry, &tmp);if (ret != 0)goto free_newinfo;/* 根据ipt_replace的name找到要更新的表,用上面的xt_table_info为xt_table赋值*/ret = __do_replace(net, tmp.name, tmp.valid_hooks, newinfo,tmp.num_counters, tmp.counters);if (ret)goto free_newinfo_untrans;return 0;free_newinfo_untrans:xt_entry_foreach(iter, loc_cpu_entry, newinfo->size)cleanup_entry(iter, net);free_newinfo:xt_free_table_info(newinfo);return ret;




Tables Hook函数
Filter iptable_filter_hook()
NAT iptable_nat_do_chain()
Mangle iptable_mangle_hook()
Raw iptable_raw_hook()
Security iptable_security_hook()
/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\ip_tables.c  */
/* Returns one of the generic firewall policies, like NF_ACCEPT. */
/* 遍历钩子链上的所有规则,进行标准匹配和扩展匹配,执行其target操作 */
unsigned int
ipt_do_table(struct sk_buff *skb,const struct nf_hook_state *state,struct xt_table *table)
{unsigned int hook = state->hook;static const char nulldevname[IFNAMSIZ] __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(long))));const struct iphdr *ip;/* Initializing verdict to NF_DROP keeps gcc happy. */unsigned int verdict = NF_DROP;const char *indev, *outdev;const void *table_base;struct ipt_entry *e, **jumpstack;unsigned int stackidx, cpu;const struct xt_table_info *private;struct xt_action_param acpar;unsigned int addend;/* Initialization */stackidx = 0;ip = ip_hdr(skb);indev = state->in ? state->in->name : nulldevname;outdev = state->out ? state->out->name : nulldevname;/* We handle fragments by dealing with the first fragment as* if it was a normal packet.  All other fragments are treated* normally, except that they will NEVER match rules that ask* things we don't know, ie. tcp syn flag or ports).  If the* rule is also a fragment-specific rule, non-fragments won't* match it. */acpar.fragoff = ntohs(ip->frag_off) & IP_OFFSET;acpar.thoff   = ip_hdrlen(skb);acpar.hotdrop = false;acpar.state   = state;WARN_ON(!(table->valid_hooks & (1 << hook)));local_bh_disable();addend = xt_write_recseq_begin();private = READ_ONCE(table->private); /* Address dependency. */cpu        = smp_processor_id();/* 首个规则地址 */table_base = private->entries;jumpstack  = (struct ipt_entry **)private->jumpstack[cpu];/* Switch to alternate jumpstack if we're being invoked via TEE.* TEE issues XT_CONTINUE verdict on original skb so we must not* clobber the jumpstack.** For recursion via REJECT or SYNPROXY the stack will be clobbered* but it is no problem since absolute verdict is issued by these.*/if (static_key_false(&xt_tee_enabled))jumpstack += private->stacksize * __this_cpu_read(nf_skb_duplicated);/* 获取对应链上的首个匹配规则 */e = get_entry(table_base, private->hook_entry[hook]);do {const struct xt_entry_target *t;const struct xt_entry_match *ematch;struct xt_counters *counter;WARN_ON(!e);/* 标准match */if (!ip_packet_match(ip, indev, outdev,&e->ip, acpar.fragoff)) {no_match:/* 未匹配成功,继续下一个规则 */e = ipt_next_entry(e);continue;}/* 扩展match */xt_ematch_foreach(ematch, e) {acpar.match     = ematch->u.kernel.match;acpar.matchinfo = ematch->data;/* 只要有返回不匹配的,则说明匹配当前规则失败 */if (!acpar.match->match(skb, &acpar))goto no_match;}counter = xt_get_this_cpu_counter(&e->counters);ADD_COUNTER(*counter, skb->len, 1);/* 标准match和扩展match都成功 *//* 获取target */t = ipt_get_target_c(e);WARN_ON(!t->u.kernel.target);#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_TRACE)/* The packet is traced: log it */if (unlikely(skb->nf_trace))trace_packet(state->net, skb, hook, state->in,state->out, table->name, private, e);
#endif/* Standard target? *//* 标准target */if (!t->u.kernel.target->target) {int v;v = ((struct xt_standard_target *)t)->verdict;/* 不会跳转到用户自定义规则 */if (v < 0) {/* Pop from stack? *//* 不是XT_RETURN,则跳出结果 */if (v != XT_RETURN) {verdict = (unsigned int)(-v) - 1;break;}/* XT_RETURN则继续匹配下一个规则 */if (stackidx == 0) {e = get_entry(table_base,private->underflow[hook]);} else {e = jumpstack[--stackidx];e = ipt_next_entry(e);}continue;}/* 记录跳转规则,以便返回时获取吓一跳规则进行后续匹配 */if (table_base + v != ipt_next_entry(e) &&!(e->ip.flags & IPT_F_GOTO)) {if (unlikely(stackidx >= private->stacksize)) {verdict = NF_DROP;break;}jumpstack[stackidx++] = e;}/* 获取自定义规则 */e = get_entry(table_base, v);continue;}/* 扩展target,执行target回调 */acpar.target   = t->u.kernel.target;acpar.targinfo = t->data;verdict = t->u.kernel.target->target(skb, &acpar);/* 需要继续匹配 */if (verdict == XT_CONTINUE) {/* Target might have changed stuff. */ip = ip_hdr(skb);e = ipt_next_entry(e);}/* 跳出处理匹配结果 */else {/* Verdict */break;}} while (!acpar.hotdrop);xt_write_recseq_end(addend);local_bh_enable();/* drop标记 */if (acpar.hotdrop)return NF_DROP;else return verdict;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\ip_tables.c */
/* Returns whether matches rule or not. */
/* Performance critical - called for every packet ** 标准匹配match*/
static inline bool
ip_packet_match(const struct iphdr *ip,const char *indev,const char *outdev,const struct ipt_ip *ipinfo,int isfrag)
{unsigned long ret;/* 处理源IP和目的IP */if (NF_INVF(ipinfo, IPT_INV_SRCIP,(ip->saddr & ipinfo->smsk.s_addr) != ipinfo->src.s_addr) ||NF_INVF(ipinfo, IPT_INV_DSTIP,(ip->daddr & ipinfo->dmsk.s_addr) != ipinfo->dst.s_addr))return false;/* 处理输入输出接口 */ret = ifname_compare_aligned(indev, ipinfo->iniface, ipinfo->iniface_mask);if (NF_INVF(ipinfo, IPT_INV_VIA_IN, ret != 0))return false;ret = ifname_compare_aligned(outdev, ipinfo->outiface, ipinfo->outiface_mask);if (NF_INVF(ipinfo, IPT_INV_VIA_OUT, ret != 0))return false;/* Check specific protocol 检查协议字段是否匹配*/if (ipinfo->proto &&NF_INVF(ipinfo, IPT_INV_PROTO, ip->protocol != ipinfo->proto))return false;/* If we have a fragment rule but the packet is not a fragment* then we return zero * 处理分片包的匹配情况*/if (NF_INVF(ipinfo, IPT_INV_FRAG,(ipinfo->flags & IPT_F_FRAG) && !isfrag))return false;/* 以上所有匹配均通过,返回true */return true;




  • DROP:直接将数据包丢弃,不再进行后续的处理
  • RETURN: 跳出当前chain,该chain里后续的rule不再执行
  • QUEUE: 将数据包放入用户空间的队列,供用户空间的程序处理
  • ACCEPT: 同意数据包通过,继续执行后续的rule
  • 跳转到其它用户自定义的chain继续执行

rule所支持的target由它所在的表和chain以及所开启的扩展功能来决定,具体每个表支持的targets请参考Iptables Targets And Jumps


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\netfilter\ip_tables.c */
/* for const-correctness */
static inline const struct xt_entry_target *
ipt_get_target_c(const struct ipt_entry *e)
{return ipt_get_target((struct ipt_entry *)e);
}/* File: linux-5.4.1\include\uapi\linux\netfilter_ipv4\ip_tables.h */
/* Helper functions */
static __inline__ struct xt_entry_target *
ipt_get_target(struct ipt_entry *e)
{return (void *)e + e->target_offset;





硬件网卡->DMA驱动->CPU硬件中断处理(IRQ)->NIC Driver->软中断处理->内核网络模块->协议栈
/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\core\dev.c */
static inline int deliver_skb(struct sk_buff *skb,struct packet_type *pt_prev,struct net_device *orig_dev)
{if (unlikely(skb_orphan_frags_rx(skb, GFP_ATOMIC)))return -ENOMEM;refcount_inc(&skb->users);/* 调用ip_rcv() */return pt_prev->func(skb, skb->dev, pt_prev, orig_dev);
/* 这个 .func = ip_rcv,是dev调用ip_rcv的接口 */
static struct packet_type ip_packet_type __read_mostly = {.type = cpu_to_be16(ETH_P_IP),.func = ip_rcv,.list_func = ip_list_rcv,




/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_input.c */
/** IP receive entry point** @skb      接收到的IP数据包* @dev      接收到的IP包当前的输入网络设备* @pt       输入此数据包的网络层输入接口* @orig_dev 接受到的IP数据包原始的输入网络设备**/
int ip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, struct packet_type *pt,struct net_device *orig_dev)
{struct net *net = dev_net(dev);skb = ip_rcv_core(skb, net);    //对收到的报文进行处理,根据处理结果,决定是否dropif (skb == NULL)return NET_RX_DROP;/*  NF_HOOK是该函数和Netfilter框架的切入点*  完成netfilter模块的处理后,调用ip_rcv_finish()*/return NF_HOOK(NFPROTO_IPV4, NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING,net, NULL, skb, dev, NULL,ip_rcv_finish);
}/**    Main IP Receive routine.**  主IP接受程序*  是从ip_rcv()函数中,把这块的功能剥离出来成一个单独的函数*/
static struct sk_buff *ip_rcv_core(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net *net)
{const struct iphdr *iph;u32 len;/* When the interface is in promisc. mode, drop all the crap* that it receives, do not try to analyse it.** skb->pkt_type 值的判断是在 eth_type_trans函数(net/ethernet/eth.c)中做判定的* 这里的判定的依据是报文的[目的MAC]来判断的*/if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_OTHERHOST)goto drop;__IP_UPD_PO_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_IN, skb->len);skb = skb_share_check(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); //共享检查,如果是共享数据包,因为可能要修改skb中的信息,所以要先复制一份副本,再进一步处理if (!skb) {__IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_INDISCARDS);goto out;}if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct iphdr))) //检查首部是否够长goto inhdr_error;iph = ip_hdr(skb);/**    RFC1122: MUST silently discard any IP frame that fails the checksum.**  Is the datagram acceptable?**   1.  Length at least the size of an ip header*   2.  Version of 4*   3.  Checksums correctly. [Speed optimisation for later, skip loopback checksums]*   4.  Doesn't have a bogus length*/if (iph->ihl < 5 || iph->version != 4)goto inhdr_error;BUILD_BUG_ON(IPSTATS_MIB_ECT1PKTS != IPSTATS_MIB_NOECTPKTS + INET_ECN_ECT_1);BUILD_BUG_ON(IPSTATS_MIB_ECT0PKTS != IPSTATS_MIB_NOECTPKTS + INET_ECN_ECT_0);BUILD_BUG_ON(IPSTATS_MIB_CEPKTS != IPSTATS_MIB_NOECTPKTS + INET_ECN_CE);__IP_ADD_STATS(net,IPSTATS_MIB_NOECTPKTS + (iph->tos & INET_ECN_MASK),max_t(unsigned short, 1, skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_segs));if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, iph->ihl*4))//对数据报的头长度进行检查goto inhdr_error;iph = ip_hdr(skb);if (unlikely(ip_fast_csum((u8 *)iph, iph->ihl)))goto csum_error;len = ntohs(iph->tot_len);if (skb->len < len) {__IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_INTRUNCATEDPKTS);goto drop;} else if (len < (iph->ihl*4))goto inhdr_error;/* Our transport medium may have padded the buffer out. Now we know it* is IP we can trim to the true length of the frame.* Note this now means skb->len holds ntohs(iph->tot_len).** 根据ip包总长度,重新计算skb的长度,去掉末尾无用信息。*/if (pskb_trim_rcsum(skb, len)) {__IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_INDISCARDS);goto drop;}iph = ip_hdr(skb);skb->transport_header = skb->network_header + iph->ihl*4;/* Remove any debris in the socket control block */memset(IPCB(skb), 0, sizeof(struct inet_skb_parm));IPCB(skb)->iif = skb->skb_iif;/* Must drop socket now because of tproxy. */skb_orphan(skb);return skb;csum_error:__IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_CSUMERRORS);
out:return NULL;



/* File:linux-5.4.1\include\linux\netfilter.h */
static inline int
NF_HOOK(uint8_t pf, unsigned int hook, struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,struct net_device *in, struct net_device *out,int (*okfn)(struct net *, struct sock *, struct sk_buff *))
{int ret = nf_hook(pf, hook, net, sk, skb, in, out, okfn);/* 根据nf_hook()的返回值,决定要不要执行后续函数 */if (ret == 1)ret = okfn(net, sk, skb);return ret;




  1. 如果还没有为该数据包查找输入路由缓存,则调用ip_route_input()为其查找输入路由缓存;
  2. 处理IP数据包首部中的选项;
  3. 根据输入路由缓存输入到本地或者转发。
/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_input.c */
static int ip_rcv_finish(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
{struct net_device *dev = skb->dev;int ret;/* if ingress device is enslaved to an L3 master device pass the* skb to its handler for processing*/skb = l3mdev_ip_rcv(skb);if (!skb)return NET_RX_SUCCESS;ret = ip_rcv_finish_core(net, sk, skb, dev);/* 最后,根据输入路由缓存,决定是"输入到本地"或者"转发"* 这里的dst_input,有两种可能* 1、ip_local_deliver(), 对应于NF_INET_LOCAL_IN;* 2、ip_forward(), 对应于NF_INET_FORWARD;*/if (ret != NET_RX_DROP)ret = dst_input(skb);return ret;
}static int ip_rcv_finish_core(struct net *net, struct sock *sk,struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
{const struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);int (*edemux)(struct sk_buff *skb);struct rtable *rt;int err;if (net->ipv4.sysctl_ip_early_demux &&!skb_dst(skb) &&!skb->sk &&!ip_is_fragment(iph)) {const struct net_protocol *ipprot;int protocol = iph->protocol;ipprot = rcu_dereference(inet_protos[protocol]);if (ipprot && (edemux = READ_ONCE(ipprot->early_demux))) {err = INDIRECT_CALL_2(edemux, tcp_v4_early_demux,udp_v4_early_demux, skb);if (unlikely(err))goto drop_error;/* must reload iph, skb->head might have changed */iph = ip_hdr(skb);}}/**    Initialise the virtual path cache for the packet. It describes* how the packet travels inside Linux networking.**  用于为该packet初始化其在linux网络中的路径缓存**  如果还没有为该数据包查找到输入路由缓存。则调用ip_route_input_noref()来为其查找,*  若失败,则丢弃packet。*/if (!skb_valid_dst(skb)) {err = ip_route_input_noref(skb, iph->daddr, iph->saddr,iph->tos, dev);if (unlikely(err))goto drop_error;}#ifdef CONFIG_IP_ROUTE_CLASSIDif (unlikely(skb_dst(skb)->tclassid)) {struct ip_rt_acct *st = this_cpu_ptr(ip_rt_acct);u32 idx = skb_dst(skb)->tclassid;st[idx&0xFF].o_packets++;st[idx&0xFF].o_bytes += skb->len;st[(idx>>16)&0xFF].i_packets++;st[(idx>>16)&0xFF].i_bytes += skb->len;}
#endif/* 通过*   ip_rcv_option()->ip_options_rcv_srr()->ip_route_input()来查找路由缓存 */if (iph->ihl > 5 && ip_rcv_options(skb, dev))goto drop;rt = skb_rtable(skb);if (rt->rt_type == RTN_MULTICAST) {__IP_UPD_PO_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_INMCAST, skb->len);} else if (rt->rt_type == RTN_BROADCAST) {__IP_UPD_PO_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_INBCAST, skb->len);} else if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_BROADCAST ||skb->pkt_type == PACKET_MULTICAST) {struct in_device *in_dev = __in_dev_get_rcu(dev);/* RFC 1122 3.3.6:**   When a host sends a datagram to a link-layer broadcast*   address, the IP destination address MUST be a legal IP*   broadcast or IP multicast address.**   A host SHOULD silently discard a datagram that is received*   via a link-layer broadcast (see Section 2.4) but does not*   specify an IP multicast or broadcast destination address.** This doesn't explicitly say L2 *broadcast*, but broadcast is* in a way a form of multicast and the most common use case for* this is 802.11 protecting against cross-station spoofing (the* so-called "hole-196" attack) so do it for both.*/if (in_dev &&IN_DEV_ORCONF(in_dev, DROP_UNICAST_IN_L2_MULTICAST))goto drop;}return NET_RX_SUCCESS;drop:kfree_skb(skb);return NET_RX_DROP;drop_error:if (err == -EXDEV)__NET_INC_STATS(net, LINUX_MIB_IPRPFILTER);goto drop;




/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_input.c */
/**     Deliver IP Packets to the higher protocol layers.*/
int ip_local_deliver(struct sk_buff *skb)
{/**    Reassemble IP fragments.*/struct net *net = dev_net(skb->dev);if (ip_is_fragment(ip_hdr(skb))) {/* ip数据包分片重组,ip_defrag() */if (ip_defrag(net, skb, IP_DEFRAG_LOCAL_DELIVER))return 0;}return NF_HOOK(NFPROTO_IPV4, NF_INET_LOCAL_IN,net, NULL, skb, skb->dev, NULL,ip_local_deliver_finish);



/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_input.c */
static int ip_local_deliver_finish(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
{__skb_pull(skb, skb_network_header_len(skb));rcu_read_lock();ip_protocol_deliver_rcu(net, skb, ip_hdr(skb)->protocol);rcu_read_unlock();return 0;
/** 通过ip_local_deliver_finish()将输入数据包从网络层传递到传输层。过程如下:** 1、去掉IP首部* 2、如果是raw套接字接受数据包,则需要复制一份副本,输入到该接受数据包的套接字。* 3、最后,通过传输层的接受例程,将数据包传递到传输层,由传输层进行处理。*/
void ip_protocol_deliver_rcu(struct net *net, struct sk_buff *skb, int protocol)
{const struct net_protocol *ipprot;int raw, ret;resubmit:/* 分发处理原始套接字 */raw = raw_local_deliver(skb, protocol);ipprot = rcu_dereference(inet_protos[protocol]);if (ipprot) {if (!ipprot->no_policy) {if (!xfrm4_policy_check(NULL, XFRM_POLICY_IN, skb)) {kfree_skb(skb);return;}nf_reset_ct(skb);}/** 如果ipprot->handler是tcp,*    则执行tcp_v4_rcv(skb);* 如果是udp,*    则执行udp_rcv(skb);* 如果都不是,则用handler对应的协议函数处理*    ipprot->handler(skb);*/ret = INDIRECT_CALL_2(ipprot->handler, tcp_v4_rcv, udp_rcv,skb);if (ret < 0) {protocol = -ret;goto resubmit;}__IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_INDELIVERS);} else {if (!raw) {if (xfrm4_policy_check(NULL, XFRM_POLICY_IN, skb)) {__IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_INUNKNOWNPROTOS);icmp_send(skb, ICMP_DEST_UNREACH,ICMP_PROT_UNREACH, 0);}kfree_skb(skb);} else {__IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_INDELIVERS);consume_skb(skb);}}



/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_forward.c */
/* 函数在ip_route_input_slow->ip_mkroute_input注册** IP数据包的转发是由ip_forward()处理,在ip_rcv_finish()* 通过输入路由缓存被调用。*/
int ip_forward(struct sk_buff *skb)
{u32 mtu;struct iphdr *iph; /* Our header */struct rtable *rt;  /* Route we use */struct ip_options *opt    = &(IPCB(skb)->opt);struct net *net;/* that should never happen */if (skb->pkt_type != PACKET_HOST)goto drop;if (unlikely(skb->sk))goto drop;if (skb_warn_if_lro(skb))goto drop;if (!xfrm4_policy_check(NULL, XFRM_POLICY_FWD, skb))goto drop;if (IPCB(skb)->opt.router_alert && ip_call_ra_chain(skb))return NET_RX_SUCCESS;skb_forward_csum(skb);net = dev_net(skb->dev);/**    According to the RFC, we must first decrease the TTL field. If* that reaches zero, we must reply an ICMP control message telling*   that the packet's lifetime expired.*/if (ip_hdr(skb)->ttl <= 1)goto too_many_hops;if (!xfrm4_route_forward(skb))goto drop;rt = skb_rtable(skb);if (opt->is_strictroute && rt->rt_uses_gateway)goto sr_failed;IPCB(skb)->flags |= IPSKB_FORWARDED;mtu = ip_dst_mtu_maybe_forward(&rt->dst, true);if (ip_exceeds_mtu(skb, mtu)) {IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_FRAGFAILS);icmp_send(skb, ICMP_DEST_UNREACH, ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED,htonl(mtu));goto drop;}/* We are about to mangle packet. Copy it! */if (skb_cow(skb, LL_RESERVED_SPACE(rt->dst.dev)+rt->dst.header_len))goto drop;iph = ip_hdr(skb);/* Decrease ttl after skb cow done */ip_decrease_ttl(iph);/** We now generate an ICMP HOST REDIRECT giving the route* we calculated.*/if (IPCB(skb)->flags & IPSKB_DOREDIRECT && !opt->srr &&!skb_sec_path(skb))ip_rt_send_redirect(skb);if (net->ipv4.sysctl_ip_fwd_update_priority)skb->priority = rt_tos2priority(iph->tos);return NF_HOOK(NFPROTO_IPV4, NF_INET_FORWARD,net, NULL, skb, skb->dev, rt->dst.dev,ip_forward_finish);sr_failed:/**  Strict routing permits no gatewaying*/icmp_send(skb, ICMP_DEST_UNREACH, ICMP_SR_FAILED, 0);goto drop;too_many_hops:/* Tell the sender its packet died... */__IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_INHDRERRORS);icmp_send(skb, ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED, ICMP_EXC_TTL, 0);
drop:kfree_skb(skb);return NET_RX_DROP;




/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\tcp.c */
/* tcp发送上层数据包 * tcp发送数据最终都会调用到tcp_sendmsg(), 如:* send系统调用会直接调用sys_sendto(), 然后填充msghdr数据结构, 并调用sock_sendmsg,* 最终会调用__sock_sendmsg().在这个函数里会初始化sock_iocb结构,然后调用tcp_sendmsg()*/
int tcp_sendmsg(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
{int ret;/* 给整个发送消息的过程上锁 */lock_sock(sk);ret = tcp_sendmsg_locked(sk, msg, size);release_sock(sk);return ret;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\tcp.c */
/* 由tcp_sendmsg()调用* tcp_sendmsg_locked()的主要工作是把用户层的数据,填充到skb中,然后加入到sock的发送队列。* 之后电泳tcp_write_xmit()来把sock发送队列中的skb尽量的发送出去。* 另外。TCP的发送缓存的管理业主要在这个函数中*/
int tcp_sendmsg_locked(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t size)
{struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);struct ubuf_info *uarg = NULL;struct sk_buff *skb;struct sockcm_cookie sockc;int flags, err, copied = 0;int mss_now = 0, size_goal, copied_syn = 0;int process_backlog = 0;bool zc = false;long timeo;flags = msg->msg_flags;/* 如果设置了MSG_ZEROCOPY,零拷贝 */if (flags & MSG_ZEROCOPY && size && sock_flag(sk, SOCK_ZEROCOPY)) {skb = tcp_write_queue_tail(sk);uarg = sock_zerocopy_realloc(sk, size, skb_zcopy(skb));if (!uarg) {err = -ENOBUFS;goto out_err;}zc = sk->sk_route_caps & NETIF_F_SG;if (!zc)uarg->zerocopy = 0;}/* 如果设置了MSG_FASTOPEN,调用tcp_sendmsg_fastopen() */if (unlikely(flags & MSG_FASTOPEN || inet_sk(sk)->defer_connect) &&!tp->repair) {err = tcp_sendmsg_fastopen(sk, msg, &copied_syn, size, uarg);if (err == -EINPROGRESS && copied_syn > 0)goto out;else if (err)goto out_err;}/* 取得发送超时时间 */timeo = sock_sndtimeo(sk, flags & MSG_DONTWAIT);/* 标记套接字是否有应用程序限制 */tcp_rate_check_app_limited(sk);  /* is sending application-limited? *//* Wait for a connection to finish. One exception is TCP Fast Open* (passive side) where data is allowed to be sent before a connection* is fully established.** 如果connect还没有完成,则等待连接完成,* 如果是非阻塞,则直接返回。*/if (((1 << sk->sk_state) & ~(TCPF_ESTABLISHED | TCPF_CLOSE_WAIT)) &&!tcp_passive_fastopen(sk)) {err = sk_stream_wait_connect(sk, &timeo);if (err != 0)goto do_error;}/* 调用tcp_send_rcvq()将数据放入接收队列中 */if (unlikely(tp->repair)) {if (tp->repair_queue == TCP_RECV_QUEUE) {copied = tcp_send_rcvq(sk, msg, size);goto out_nopush;}err = -EINVAL;if (tp->repair_queue == TCP_NO_QUEUE)goto out_err;/* 'common' sending to sendq */}sockcm_init(&sockc, sk);if (msg->msg_controllen) {err = sock_cmsg_send(sk, msg, &sockc);if (unlikely(err)) {err = -EINVAL;goto out_err;}}/* This should be in poll */sk_clear_bit(SOCKWQ_ASYNC_NOSPACE, sk);/* Ok commence sending. */copied = 0;restart:/* 获取当前的MSS、网络设备支持的最大数据长度size_goal* 如果支持GSo, size_goal会是MSS的整数倍。*/mss_now = tcp_send_mss(sk, &size_goal, flags);err = -EPIPE;/* 如果发送端已经完全关闭则返回,并设置err */if (sk->sk_err || (sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN))goto do_error;/* 遍历用户层的数据块数组 */while (msg_data_left(msg)) {int copy = 0;/* 发送队列的最后一个skb */skb = tcp_write_queue_tail(sk);if (skb)copy = size_goal - skb->len;/* 使用新的skb来装数据 */if (copy <= 0 || !tcp_skb_can_collapse_to(skb)) {bool first_skb;new_segment:/* 如果发送队列的总大小sk_wmem_queued大于等于发送缓存的上限* sk_sndbuf,或者发送缓存中尚未发送的数据量唱过用户的设置值,* 就进入等待。*/if (!sk_stream_memory_free(sk))goto wait_for_sndbuf;if (unlikely(process_backlog >= 16)) {process_backlog = 0;if (sk_flush_backlog(sk))goto restart;}first_skb = tcp_rtx_and_write_queues_empty(sk);/* 申请发送缓存* alloc的大小一般都是等于mss的大小,这里通过select_size得到的。*/skb = sk_stream_alloc_skb(sk, 0, sk->sk_allocation,first_skb);if (!skb)goto wait_for_memory;process_backlog++;skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_PARTIAL;/* 将这个skb加入到sk_write_queue队列中,并更新sk_send_head()域 */skb_entail(sk, skb);copy = size_goal;/* All packets are restored as if they have* already been sent. skb_mstamp_ns isn't set to* avoid wrong rtt estimation.** 如果使用了TCP REPAIR选项,那么为skb设置“发送时间”*/if (tp->repair)TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->sacked |= TCPCB_REPAIRED;}/* Try to append data to the end of skb. */if (copy > msg_data_left(msg))copy = msg_data_left(msg);/* Where to copy to? */if (skb_availroom(skb) > 0 && !zc) {/* We have some space in skb head. Superb! */copy = min_t(int, copy, skb_availroom(skb));err = skb_add_data_nocache(sk, skb, &msg->msg_iter, copy);if (err)goto do_fault;} /* 如果skb的线性数据区已经用完了,且 不是零拷贝,那么使用分页区 */else if (!zc) {bool merge = true;int i = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;struct page_frag *pfrag = sk_page_frag(sk);if (!sk_page_frag_refill(sk, pfrag))goto wait_for_memory;if (!skb_can_coalesce(skb, i, pfrag->page,pfrag->offset)) {if (i >= sysctl_max_skb_frags) {/* 给TCP加一个PSH标记 */tcp_mark_push(tp, skb);goto new_segment;}merge = false;}copy = min_t(int, copy, pfrag->size - pfrag->offset);if (!sk_wmem_schedule(sk, copy))goto wait_for_memory;err = skb_copy_to_page_nocache(sk, &msg->msg_iter, skb,pfrag->page,pfrag->offset,copy);if (err)goto do_error;/* Update the skb. */if (merge) {skb_frag_size_add(&skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i - 1], copy);} else {skb_fill_page_desc(skb, i, pfrag->page,pfrag->offset, copy);page_ref_inc(pfrag->page);}pfrag->offset += copy;} else {/* 使用零拷贝 */err = skb_zerocopy_iter_stream(sk, skb, msg, copy, uarg);if (err == -EMSGSIZE || err == -EEXIST) {tcp_mark_push(tp, skb);goto new_segment;}if (err < 0)goto do_error;copy = err;}/* 如果这是第一次拷贝,取消PSH标志 */if (!copied)TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->tcp_flags &= ~TCPHDR_PSH;WRITE_ONCE(tp->write_seq, tp->write_seq + copy);TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq += copy;/* 更新发送队列的最后一个序号 */tcp_skb_pcount_set(skb, 0);/* 已经拷贝到发送队列的数据量 */copied += copy;/* 如果所有数据都拷贝好了,退出 */if (!msg_data_left(msg)) {if (unlikely(flags & MSG_EOR))TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->eor = 1;goto out;}/* 如果skb还可以继续填充数据,或者发送的是带外数据,或者使用TCP REPAIR选项* 那么继续拷贝数据,先不发送。*/if (skb->len < size_goal || (flags & MSG_OOB) || unlikely(tp->repair))continue;if (forced_push(tp)) {tcp_mark_push(tp, skb);/* 把sk发送队列中所有的skb全部发送出去 */__tcp_push_pending_frames(sk, mss_now, TCP_NAGLE_PUSH);} else if (skb == tcp_send_head(sk))/* 发送队列不为空,则只发送一个skb */tcp_push_one(sk, mss_now);continue;wait_for_sndbuf:set_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
wait_for_memory:if (copied)tcp_push(sk, flags & ~MSG_MORE, mss_now,TCP_NAGLE_PUSH, size_goal);err = sk_stream_wait_memory(sk, &timeo);if (err != 0)goto do_error;mss_now = tcp_send_mss(sk, &size_goal, flags);}out:/* 如果已经有数据复制到发送队列了,就尝试立即发送 */if (copied) {tcp_tx_timestamp(sk, sockc.tsflags);tcp_push(sk, flags, mss_now, tp->nonagle, size_goal);}
out_nopush:sock_zerocopy_put(uarg);return copied + copied_syn;do_error:skb = tcp_write_queue_tail(sk);
do_fault:tcp_remove_empty_skb(sk, skb);if (copied + copied_syn)goto out;
out_err:sock_zerocopy_put_abort(uarg, true);err = sk_stream_error(sk, flags, err);/* make sure we wake any epoll edge trigger waiter */if (unlikely(skb_queue_len(&sk->sk_write_queue) == 0 &&err == -EAGAIN)) {sk->sk_write_space(sk);tcp_chrono_stop(sk, TCP_CHRONO_SNDBUF_LIMITED);}return err;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\tcp_output.c */
/* This routine writes packets to the network.  It advances the* send_head.  This happens as incoming acks open up the remote* window for us.** LARGESEND note: !tcp_urg_mode is overkill, only frames between* snd_up-64k-mss .. snd_up cannot be large. However, taking into* account rare use of URG, this is not a big flaw.** Send at most one packet when push_one > 0. Temporarily ignore* cwnd limit to force at most one packet out when push_one == 2.* Returns true, if no segments are in flight and we have queued segments,* but cannot send anything now because of SWS or another problem.*** 该函数讲发送队列上的SKB发送出去,返回值为0表示发送成功。* 过程如下:* 1、检测当前转台是否是TCP_CLOSE* 2、检测用塞窗口大小* 3、检测当前段是否完全处在发送窗口内* 4、检测端是否使用nagle算法* 5、通过以上检测后,将SKB发送出去* 6、循环检测并发送【发送队列】上所有未发送的SKB* * 参数说明:* mss_now:当前有效的MSS* nonagle:标识是否启用nonagle算法** 最终调用tcp_transmit_skb* * 对拥塞进行处理:* 1、如果开启了pacing发送,检查是否应该发送,如果还不到发送时机,停止发送* 2、如果拥塞窗口为0,停止发送* 3、如果该数据包颤过了发送窗口,停止发送* 4、如果上面条件均通过,就把数据包封装成tcp_segment发送出去*/
static bool tcp_write_xmit(struct sock *sk, unsigned int mss_now, int nonagle,int push_one, gfp_t gfp)
{struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);struct sk_buff *skb;unsigned int tso_segs, sent_pkts;int cwnd_quota;int result;bool is_cwnd_limited = false, is_rwnd_limited = false;u32 max_segs;sent_pkts = 0;/* 更改tp->tcp_mstamp为当前时间的us表示 */tcp_mstamp_refresh(tp);if (!push_one) {/* Do MTU probing. 探测pmtu */result = tcp_mtu_probe(sk);if (!result) {return false;} else if (result > 0) {sent_pkts = 1;}}/* 预测发送的最大seg数 */max_segs = tcp_tso_segs(sk, mss_now);/* 如果发送队列不空,则准备开始发送段 */while ((skb = tcp_send_head(sk))) {unsigned int limit;if (unlikely(tp->repair) && tp->repair_queue == TCP_SEND_QUEUE) {/* "skb_mstamp_ns" is used as a start point for the retransmit timer */skb->skb_mstamp_ns = tp->tcp_wstamp_ns = tp->tcp_clock_cache;list_move_tail(&skb->tcp_tsorted_anchor, &tp->tsorted_sent_queue);tcp_init_tso_segs(skb, mss_now);goto repair; /* Skip network transmission */}if (tcp_pacing_check(sk))break;/* 设置有关tso的信息,包括GSO类型、GSO分段的大小等。这些* 信息是准备给软件TSO分段使用的。如果网络设备不支持TSO,* 但又使用了TSO功能,则段在提交给网络设备之前,需要进行* 软分段,即由代码实现TSO分段。**/tso_segs = tcp_init_tso_segs(skb, mss_now);BUG_ON(!tso_segs);/* 检查目前是否可以发送数据,* 确认当前发送窗口的大小。* 检测拥塞窗口的大小,如果* 为0,则说明拥塞窗口已经满*/cwnd_quota = tcp_cwnd_test(tp, skb);if (!cwnd_quota) {if (push_one == 2)/* Force out a loss probe pkt. */cwnd_quota = 1;elsebreak;}/* 检测当前段(包括线性区和分散聚合I/O区shifo)是否完全处在发送窗口内,如果是* 则可以发送,否则目前不能发送。*/if (unlikely(!tcp_snd_wnd_test(tp, skb, mss_now))) {is_rwnd_limited = true;break;}if (tso_segs == 1) {/* 如果无需TSO分段,则检测是否使用Nagle算法,* 并确定当前能否立即发送该段。*/if (unlikely(!tcp_nagle_test(tp, skb, mss_now,(tcp_skb_is_last(sk, skb) ?nonagle : TCP_NAGLE_PUSH))))break;} else {/* 如果需要TSO分段,则检测该段是否应该延迟发送, * 如果是,则目前不能发送。*/if (!push_one &&tcp_tso_should_defer(sk, skb, &is_cwnd_limited,&is_rwnd_limited, max_segs))break;}/* limit为再次分段的段长,初始化为当前的MSS */limit = mss_now;/* 判断当前段是不是TSO分段的段,如果是才处理 */if (tso_segs > 1 && !tcp_urg_mode(tp))/* 以发送窗口和拥塞窗口的最小值作为分段段长。也就是比较可用拥塞窗口和tcp_sendmsg中的发散聚合I/O页 */limit = tcp_mss_split_point(sk, skb, mss_now,min_t(unsigned int,cwnd_quota,max_segs),nonagle);/* 得到分段段长后,如果SKB中的数据长度大于分段长度,则调用tso_fragment()根据段长进行分段* 如果分段失败,则目前暂不发送。*/if (skb->len > limit &&unlikely(tso_fragment(sk, skb, limit, mss_now, gfp)))break;if (tcp_small_queue_check(sk, skb, 0))break;/* 使用地址族相关的af_specific->queue_xmit()函数* 将数据转发到网络层。IPv4使用的是 ip_queue_xmit()*/if (unlikely(tcp_transmit_skb(sk, skb, 1, gfp)))break;repair:/* Advance the send_head.  This one is sent out.* This call will increment packets_out.*/tcp_event_new_data_sent(sk, skb);/* 如果发送的段小于MSS,则更新最近发送的小包的最后一个字节序号 */tcp_minshall_update(tp, mss_now, skb);sent_pkts += tcp_skb_pcount(skb);/* 更新在函数中已发送的总段数 */if (push_one)break;}/* 如果接受窗口有限制,应该启动探测机制 */if (is_rwnd_limited)tcp_chrono_start(sk, TCP_CHRONO_RWND_LIMITED);elsetcp_chrono_stop(sk, TCP_CHRONO_RWND_LIMITED);/* 如果本次有数据发送,则对TCP拥塞窗口进行确认,最后返回成功 */if (likely(sent_pkts)) {if (tcp_in_cwnd_reduction(sk))tp->prr_out += sent_pkts;/* Send one loss probe per tail loss episode. */if (push_one != 2)tcp_schedule_loss_probe(sk, false);is_cwnd_limited |= (tcp_packets_in_flight(tp) >= tp->snd_cwnd);tcp_cwnd_validate(sk, is_cwnd_limited);return false;}return !tp->packets_out && !tcp_write_queue_empty(sk);


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\tcp_output.c */
/* This routine actually transmits TCP packets queued in by* tcp_do_sendmsg().  This is used by both the initial* transmission and possible later retransmissions.* All SKB's seen here are completely headerless.  It is our* job to build the TCP header, and pass the packet down to* IP so it can do the same plus pass the packet off to the* device.** We are working here with either a clone of the original* SKB, or a fresh unique copy made by the retransmit engine.*** 通常要发送一个TCP字段都是通过tcp_transmit_skb()的,该函数会给* 待发送的段构造TCP首部,然后调用网络层接口到IP层,最终抵达网络设备。* 由于在成功发送到网络设备后会释放该SKB,而TCP必须要街道对应的ACK后* 才能真正释放数据,因此在发送前会根据参数确定是克隆还是复制一份SKB* 用于发送。** 最终的tcp发送都会调用这个clone_it()表示发送【发送队列】的第一个SKB的时候,* 采用克隆还是直接使用skb.* 如果发送应用层的数据使用克隆的,等待对方应答ACK回答才能把数据删除。* 如果是回送ack信息的,则无需克隆。* 如果不支持TSO或者GSO,这里的SKB->len为mss,否则如果支持,并且有数据在shinfo中,* 则这里的SKB长度为shinfo或者拥塞窗口的最小值。** 对于拥塞的处理:* 1、tcp_event_ack_sent 统计我们发送了多少ack* 2、tcp_event_data_sent 数据包发送后的拥塞状态记账* 3、tcp_internal_pacing 计算bbr下一次发送数据包的时间*/
static int __tcp_transmit_skb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,int clone_it, gfp_t gfp_mask, u32 rcv_nxt)
{const struct inet_connection_sock *icsk = inet_csk(sk);struct inet_sock *inet;struct tcp_sock *tp;struct tcp_skb_cb *tcb;struct tcp_out_options opts;unsigned int tcp_options_size, tcp_header_size;struct sk_buff *oskb = NULL;struct tcp_md5sig_key *md5;struct tcphdr *th;u64 prior_wstamp;int err;BUG_ON(!skb || !tcp_skb_pcount(skb));tp = tcp_sk(sk);prior_wstamp = tp->tcp_wstamp_ns;tp->tcp_wstamp_ns = max(tp->tcp_wstamp_ns, tp->tcp_clock_cache);skb->skb_mstamp_ns = tp->tcp_wstamp_ns;/* 根据clone_it确定是否克隆待发送的数据包 */if (clone_it) {TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->tx.in_flight = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq- tp->snd_una;oskb = skb;tcp_skb_tsorted_save(oskb) {if (unlikely(skb_cloned(oskb)))skb = pskb_copy(oskb, gfp_mask);elseskb = skb_clone(oskb, gfp_mask);} tcp_skb_tsorted_restore(oskb);if (unlikely(!skb))return -ENOBUFS;}/* 获取INET层和TCP层的传输控制块、SKB中的TCP私有控制块 * 以及当前TCP首部长度*/inet = inet_sk(sk);tcb = TCP_SKB_CB(skb);memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts));/* 判断当前TCP段是不是SYN段,因为有些选项只能出现在SYN段中,需作特别处理 */if (unlikely(tcb->tcp_flags & TCPHDR_SYN)) {tcp_options_size = tcp_syn_options(sk, skb, &opts, &md5);} else {tcp_options_size = tcp_established_options(sk, skb, &opts,&md5);/* Force a PSH flag on all (GSO) packets to expedite GRO flush* at receiver : This slightly improve GRO performance.* Note that we do not force the PSH flag for non GSO packets,* because they might be sent under high congestion events,* and in this case it is better to delay the delivery of 1-MSS* packets and thus the corresponding ACK packet that would* release the following packet.*/if (tcp_skb_pcount(skb) > 1)tcb->tcp_flags |= TCPHDR_PSH;}tcp_header_size = tcp_options_size + sizeof(struct tcphdr);/* if no packet is in qdisc/device queue, then allow XPS to select* another queue. We can be called from tcp_tsq_handler()* which holds one reference to sk.** TODO: Ideally, in-flight pure ACK packets should not matter here.* One way to get this would be to set skb->truesize = 2 on them.*/skb->ooo_okay = sk_wmem_alloc_get(sk) < SKB_TRUESIZE(1);/* If we had to use memory reserve to allocate this skb,* this might cause drops if packet is looped back :* Other socket might not have SOCK_MEMALLOC.* Packets not looped back do not care about pfmemalloc.*/skb->pfmemalloc = 0;skb_push(skb, tcp_header_size);skb_reset_transport_header(skb);skb_orphan(skb);skb->sk = sk;skb->destructor = skb_is_tcp_pure_ack(skb) ? __sock_wfree : tcp_wfree;skb_set_hash_from_sk(skb, sk);refcount_add(skb->truesize, &sk->sk_wmem_alloc);skb_set_dst_pending_confirm(skb, sk->sk_dst_pending_confirm);/* Build TCP header and checksum it. */th = (struct tcphdr *)skb->data;th->source        = inet->inet_sport;th->dest      = inet->inet_dport;th->seq           = htonl(tcb->seq);th->ack_seq        = htonl(rcv_nxt);*(((__be16 *)th) + 6)    = htons(((tcp_header_size >> 2) << 12) |tcb->tcp_flags);th->check        = 0;th->urg_ptr     = 0;/* The urg_mode check is necessary during a below snd_una win probe ** 判断是否需要设置紧急指针和带外数据标志,判断条件有两个,* 1、发送时是否设置了紧急方式* 2、紧急指针是否在以该报文数据序号为起始的65535范围内,* 其中,第二个条件主要是判断紧急指针的合法性。*/if (unlikely(tcp_urg_mode(tp) && before(tcb->seq, tp->snd_up))) {if (before(tp->snd_up, tcb->seq + 0x10000)) {th->urg_ptr = htons(tp->snd_up - tcb->seq);th->urg = 1;} else if (after(tcb->seq + 0xFFFF, tp->snd_nxt)) {th->urg_ptr = htons(0xFFFF);th->urg = 1;}}/* TCP首部调整完毕,开始构建TCP首部选项 */tcp_options_write((__be32 *)(th + 1), tp, &opts);skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type = sk->sk_gso_type;if (likely(!(tcb->tcp_flags & TCPHDR_SYN))) {th->window      = htons(tcp_select_window(sk));tcp_ecn_send(sk, skb, th, tcp_header_size);} else {/* RFC1323: The window in SYN & SYN/ACK segments* is never scaled.*/th->window    = htons(min(tp->rcv_wnd, 65535U));}
#ifdef CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG/* Calculate the MD5 hash, as we have all we need now */if (md5) {sk_nocaps_add(sk, NETIF_F_GSO_MASK);tp->af_specific->calc_md5_hash(opts.hash_location,md5, sk, skb);}
#endif/* 调用IPv4执行校验 和 接口send_check计算校验和,并设置到TCP首部中。* 在TCP中,send_check接口被初始化为tcp_v4_send_check()*/icsk->icsk_af_ops->send_check(sk, skb);/* 如果发送出去的段有ACK标志,则需要通知延时确认模块,递减* 快速发送ACK段的数量,同时停止延时确认定时器。*/if (likely(tcb->tcp_flags & TCPHDR_ACK))tcp_event_ack_sent(sk, tcp_skb_pcount(skb), rcv_nxt);/*  */if (skb->len != tcp_header_size) {tcp_event_data_sent(tp, sk);/* 数据包发送后的拥塞状态记账 */tp->data_segs_out += tcp_skb_pcount(skb);/* 统计发送出去的data seg数量 */tp->bytes_sent += skb->len - tcp_header_size;}if (after(tcb->end_seq, tp->snd_nxt) || tcb->seq == tcb->end_seq)TCP_ADD_STATS(sock_net(sk), TCP_MIB_OUTSEGS,tcp_skb_pcount(skb));/* 统计发送出去的所有seg数量 */tp->segs_out += tcp_skb_pcount(skb);/* OK, its time to fill skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_{segs|size} */skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_segs = tcp_skb_pcount(skb);skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size = tcp_skb_mss(skb);/* Leave earliest departure time in skb->tstamp (skb->skb_mstamp_ns) *//* Cleanup our debris for IP stacks */memset(skb->cb, 0, max(sizeof(struct inet_skb_parm),sizeof(struct inet6_skb_parm)));tcp_add_tx_delay(skb, tp);/* 调用发送接口queue_xmit发送报文,如果失败,返回错误码* 在TCP中,该接口实现函数为ip_queue_xmit()*/err = icsk->icsk_af_ops->queue_xmit(sk, skb, &inet->cork.fl);if (unlikely(err > 0)) {/* 当发送失败时,类似接收到显式拥塞通知,使拥塞控制进入CWR状态。* 最后,根据错误信息,返回发送是否成功*/tcp_enter_cwr(sk);err = net_xmit_eval(err);}if (!err && oskb) {tcp_update_skb_after_send(sk, oskb, prior_wstamp);tcp_rate_skb_sent(sk, oskb);}return err;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_output.c */
/* Note: skb->sk can be different from sk, in case of tunnels ** 在TCP中,将TCP段打包成IP数据包的方法根据TCP类型的不同而有多种接口。* 其中,最常用的就是ip_queue_xmit(),而ip_build_and_send_pkt()和* ip_send_reply()只有在发送特定段时才会被调用** @skb: 待封装成IP数据包的TCP段* * TCP发送的时候从tcp_transmit_skb函数里面跳转过来。*/
int __ip_queue_xmit(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, struct flowi *fl,__u8 tos)
{struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);struct net *net = sock_net(sk);struct ip_options_rcu *inet_opt;struct flowi4 *fl4;struct rtable *rt;struct iphdr *iph;int res;/* Skip all of this if the packet is already routed,* f.e. by something like SCTP.*/rcu_read_lock();inet_opt = rcu_dereference(inet->inet_opt);fl4 = &fl->u.ip4;rt = skb_rtable(skb);if (rt)goto packet_routed;/* Make sure we can route this packet. */rt = (struct rtable *)__sk_dst_check(sk, 0);if (!rt) {__be32 daddr;/* Use correct destination address if we have options. */daddr = inet->inet_daddr;if (inet_opt && inet_opt->opt.srr)daddr = inet_opt->opt.faddr;/* If this fails, retransmit mechanism of transport layer will* keep trying until route appears or the connection times* itself out.*/rt = ip_route_output_ports(net, fl4, sk,daddr, inet->inet_saddr,inet->inet_dport,inet->inet_sport,sk->sk_protocol,RT_CONN_FLAGS_TOS(sk, tos),sk->sk_bound_dev_if);if (IS_ERR(rt))goto no_route;sk_setup_caps(sk, &rt->dst);}skb_dst_set_noref(skb, &rt->dst);packet_routed:if (inet_opt && inet_opt->opt.is_strictroute && rt->rt_uses_gateway)goto no_route;/* OK, we know where to send it, allocate and build IP header. */skb_push(skb, sizeof(struct iphdr) + (inet_opt ? inet_opt->opt.optlen : 0));skb_reset_network_header(skb);iph = ip_hdr(skb);*((__be16 *)iph) = htons((4 << 12) | (5 << 8) | (tos & 0xff));if (ip_dont_fragment(sk, &rt->dst) && !skb->ignore_df)iph->frag_off = htons(IP_DF);elseiph->frag_off = 0;iph->ttl      = ip_select_ttl(inet, &rt->dst);iph->protocol = sk->sk_protocol;ip_copy_addrs(iph, fl4);/* Transport layer set skb->h.foo itself. */if (inet_opt && inet_opt->opt.optlen) {iph->ihl += inet_opt->opt.optlen >> 2;ip_options_build(skb, &inet_opt->opt, inet->inet_daddr, rt, 0);}ip_select_ident_segs(net, skb, sk,skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_segs ?: 1);/* TODO : should we use skb->sk here instead of sk ? */skb->priority = sk->sk_priority;skb->mark = sk->sk_mark;res = ip_local_out(net, sk, skb);rcu_read_unlock();return res;no_route:rcu_read_unlock();IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_OUTNOROUTES);kfree_skb(skb);return -EHOSTUNREACH;



/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\udp.c */
/* 应用层数据发包 */
int udp_sendmsg(struct sock *sk, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len)
{struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);struct udp_sock *up = udp_sk(sk);DECLARE_SOCKADDR(struct sockaddr_in *, usin, msg->msg_name);struct flowi4 fl4_stack;struct flowi4 *fl4;int ulen = len;struct ipcm_cookie ipc;struct rtable *rt = NULL;int free = 0;int connected = 0;__be32 daddr, faddr, saddr;__be16 dport;u8  tos;int err, is_udplite = IS_UDPLITE(sk);/* 局部标志corkreq的初始化取决于多个因素,而此标志回传给ip_append_data,用于指出是由应该使用缓冲区机制。 */int corkreq = up->corkflag || msg->msg_flags&MSG_MORE;int (*getfrag)(void *, char *, int, int, int, struct sk_buff *);struct sk_buff *skb;struct ip_options_data opt_copy;/* 如果长度大于64k, 返回错误 */if (len > 0xFFFF)return -EMSGSIZE;/** Check the flags.**  udp不支持带外数据的发送*/if (msg->msg_flags & MSG_OOB) /* Mirror BSD error message compatibility */return -EOPNOTSUPP;getfrag = is_udplite ? udplite_getfrag : ip_generic_getfrag;fl4 = &inet->cork.fl.u.ip4;/* UDP正在输出数据 */if (up->pending) {/** There are pending frames.* The socket lock must be held while it's corked.*/lock_sock(sk);if (likely(up->pending)) {if (unlikely(up->pending != AF_INET)) {release_sock(sk);return -EINVAL;}goto do_append_data;/* 确实在输出数据,跳转到do_append_data直接处理UDP数据 */}release_sock(sk);}ulen += sizeof(struct udphdr);/* 计算UDP报文总长度 *//**    Get and verify the address.*/if (usin) {if (msg->msg_namelen < sizeof(*usin))/* 检查目的地址长度 */return -EINVAL;if (usin->sin_family != AF_INET) {   /* 检查协议族 */if (usin->sin_family != AF_UNSPEC)return -EAFNOSUPPORT; }/* 缓存目的地址和端口 */daddr = usin->sin_addr.s_addr;dport = usin->sin_port;if (dport == 0)return -EINVAL;} else {if (sk->sk_state != TCP_ESTABLISHED)return -EDESTADDRREQ;daddr = inet->inet_daddr;dport = inet->inet_dport;/* Open fast path for connected socket.Route will not be used, if at least one option is set.*/connected = 1;}ipcm_init_sk(&ipc, inet);ipc.gso_size = up->gso_size;if (msg->msg_controllen) {err = udp_cmsg_send(sk, msg, &ipc.gso_size);if (err > 0)err = ip_cmsg_send(sk, msg, &ipc,sk->sk_family == AF_INET6);if (unlikely(err < 0)) {kfree(ipc.opt);return err;}if (ipc.opt)free = 1;connected = 0;}if (!ipc.opt) {struct ip_options_rcu *inet_opt;rcu_read_lock();inet_opt = rcu_dereference(inet->inet_opt);if (inet_opt) {memcpy(&opt_copy, inet_opt,sizeof(*inet_opt) + inet_opt->opt.optlen);ipc.opt = &opt_copy.opt;}rcu_read_unlock();}if (cgroup_bpf_enabled && !connected) {err = BPF_CGROUP_RUN_PROG_UDP4_SENDMSG_LOCK(sk,(struct sockaddr *)usin, &ipc.addr);if (err)goto out_free;if (usin) {if (usin->sin_port == 0) {/* BPF program set invalid port. Reject it. */err = -EINVAL;goto out_free;}daddr = usin->sin_addr.s_addr;dport = usin->sin_port;}}saddr = ipc.addr;ipc.addr = faddr = daddr;if (ipc.opt && ipc.opt->opt.srr) {if (!daddr) {err = -EINVAL;goto out_free;}faddr = ipc.opt->opt.faddr;connected = 0;}tos = get_rttos(&ipc, inet);if (sock_flag(sk, SOCK_LOCALROUTE) ||(msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTROUTE) ||(ipc.opt && ipc.opt->opt.is_strictroute)) {tos |= RTO_ONLINK;connected = 0;}if (ipv4_is_multicast(daddr)) {if (!ipc.oif || netif_index_is_l3_master(sock_net(sk), ipc.oif))ipc.oif = inet->mc_index;if (!saddr)saddr = inet->mc_addr;connected = 0;} else if (!ipc.oif) {ipc.oif = inet->uc_index;} else if (ipv4_is_lbcast(daddr) && inet->uc_index) {/* oif is set, packet is to local broadcast and* and uc_index is set. oif is most likely set* by sk_bound_dev_if. If uc_index != oif check if the* oif is an L3 master and uc_index is an L3 slave.* If so, we want to allow the send using the uc_index.*/if (ipc.oif != inet->uc_index &&ipc.oif == l3mdev_master_ifindex_by_index(sock_net(sk),inet->uc_index)) {ipc.oif = inet->uc_index;}}if (connected)rt = (struct rtable *)sk_dst_check(sk, 0);if (!rt) {struct net *net = sock_net(sk);__u8 flow_flags = inet_sk_flowi_flags(sk);fl4 = &fl4_stack;flowi4_init_output(fl4, ipc.oif, ipc.sockc.mark, tos,RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE, sk->sk_protocol,flow_flags,faddr, saddr, dport, inet->inet_sport,sk->sk_uid);security_sk_classify_flow(sk, flowi4_to_flowi(fl4));/* 在路由表中查询路由 */rt = ip_route_output_flow(net, fl4, sk);if (IS_ERR(rt)) {err = PTR_ERR(rt);rt = NULL;if (err == -ENETUNREACH)IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_OUTNOROUTES);goto out;}err = -EACCES;if ((rt->rt_flags & RTCF_BROADCAST) &&!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_BROADCAST)) /* 广播地址,但不允许进行广播,退出     */goto out;if (connected)sk_dst_set(sk, dst_clone(&rt->dst));进行}if (msg->msg_flags&MSG_CONFIRM)goto do_confirm;
back_from_confirm:saddr = fl4->saddr;/* 从路由中获取源地址和目的地址 */if (!ipc.addr)daddr = ipc.addr = fl4->daddr;/* Lockless fast path for the non-corking case. */if (!corkreq) {struct inet_cork cork;skb = ip_make_skb(sk, fl4, getfrag, msg, ulen,sizeof(struct udphdr), &ipc, &rt,&cork, msg->msg_flags);err = PTR_ERR(skb);if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(skb))/* 输出报文 */err = udp_send_skb(skb, fl4, &cork);goto out;}lock_sock(sk);if (unlikely(up->pending)) {/* The socket is already corked while preparing it. *//* ... which is an evident application bug. --ANK */release_sock(sk);net_dbg_ratelimited("socket already corked\n");err = -EINVAL;goto out;}/**  Now cork the socket to pend data.*/fl4 = &inet->cork.fl.u.ip4;fl4->daddr = daddr;fl4->saddr = saddr;fl4->fl4_dport = dport;fl4->fl4_sport = inet->inet_sport;up->pending = AF_INET; /* 此标志表示正在发送数据 */do_append_data:/* 累计发送报文长度 */up->len += ulen;/* 发送数据给ip层,让ip层自己分片 */err = ip_append_data(sk, fl4, getfrag, msg, ulen,sizeof(struct udphdr), &ipc, &rt,corkreq ? msg->msg_flags|MSG_MORE : msg->msg_flags);if (err)udp_flush_pending_frames(sk);else if (!corkreq)/* 没有后续数据或者IP选项步缓存数据,则调用udp_push_pending_frames发送数据 */err = udp_push_pending_frames(sk);else if (unlikely(skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_write_queue)))up->pending = 0;release_sock(sk);out:ip_rt_put(rt);/* 发送完成,递减对路由的引用 */
out_free:if (free)kfree(ipc.opt);if (!err)return len;/** ENOBUFS = no kernel mem, SOCK_NOSPACE = no sndbuf space.  Reporting* ENOBUFS might not be good (it's not tunable per se), but otherwise* we don't have a good statistic (IpOutDiscards but it can be too many* things).  We could add another new stat but at least for now that* seems like overkill.*/if (err == -ENOBUFS || test_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags)) {UDP_INC_STATS(sock_net(sk),UDP_MIB_SNDBUFERRORS, is_udplite);}return err;do_confirm:/* 发送数据时设置了MSG_CONFIRM标志* MSG_CONFIRM标志表示仅仅用来发现路径,并不直接发送数据。如果没有指定这个标志,则发送数据*/if (msg->msg_flags & MSG_PROBE)dst_confirm_neigh(&rt->dst, &fl4->daddr);if (!(msg->msg_flags&MSG_PROBE) || len)goto back_from_confirm;err = 0;goto out;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\udp.c */
static int udp_send_skb(struct sk_buff *skb, struct flowi4 *fl4,struct inet_cork *cork)
{struct sock *sk = skb->sk;struct inet_sock *inet = inet_sk(sk);struct udphdr *uh;int err = 0;int is_udplite = IS_UDPLITE(sk);int offset = skb_transport_offset(skb);int len = skb->len - offset;int datalen = len - sizeof(*uh);__wsum csum = 0;/** Create a UDP header*/uh = udp_hdr(skb);uh->source = inet->inet_sport;uh->dest = fl4->fl4_dport;uh->len = htons(len);uh->check = 0;if (cork->gso_size) {const int hlen = skb_network_header_len(skb) +sizeof(struct udphdr);if (hlen + cork->gso_size > cork->fragsize) {kfree_skb(skb);return -EINVAL;}if (skb->len > cork->gso_size * UDP_MAX_SEGMENTS) {kfree_skb(skb);return -EINVAL;}if (sk->sk_no_check_tx) {kfree_skb(skb);return -EINVAL;}if (skb->ip_summed != CHECKSUM_PARTIAL || is_udplite ||dst_xfrm(skb_dst(skb))) {kfree_skb(skb);return -EIO;}if (datalen > cork->gso_size) {skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_size = cork->gso_size;skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type = SKB_GSO_UDP_L4;skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_segs = DIV_ROUND_UP(datalen,cork->gso_size);}goto csum_partial;}if (is_udplite)                  /*     UDP-Lite      */csum = udplite_csum(skb);else if (sk->sk_no_check_tx) {          /* UDP csum off */skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;goto send;} else if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_PARTIAL) { /* UDP hardware csum */
csum_partial:udp4_hwcsum(skb, fl4->saddr, fl4->daddr);goto send;} elsecsum = udp_csum(skb);/* add protocol-dependent pseudo-header */uh->check = csum_tcpudp_magic(fl4->saddr, fl4->daddr, len,sk->sk_protocol, csum);if (uh->check == 0)uh->check = CSUM_MANGLED_0;send:err = ip_send_skb(sock_net(sk), skb);if (err) {if (err == -ENOBUFS && !inet->recverr) {UDP_INC_STATS(sock_net(sk),UDP_MIB_SNDBUFERRORS, is_udplite);err = 0;}} elseUDP_INC_STATS(sock_net(sk),UDP_MIB_OUTDATAGRAMS, is_udplite);return err;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_output.c */
int ip_send_skb(struct net *net, struct sk_buff *skb)
{int err;err = ip_local_out(net, skb->sk, skb);if (err) {if (err > 0)err = net_xmit_errno(err);if (err)IP_INC_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_OUTDISCARDS);}return err;



/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_output.c */
/* 通过ip_local_out()最终会走到IP层输出函数dev_queue_xmit() */
int ip_local_out(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
{int err;err = __ip_local_out(net, sk, skb);if (likely(err == 1))err = dst_output(net, sk, skb);return err;
}/* 当IP头封装好后,调用__ip_local_out() */
int __ip_local_out(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
{struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);iph->tot_len = htons(skb->len);ip_send_check(iph);/* if egress device is enslaved to an L3 master device pass the* skb to its handler for processing** vrf发包实现*/skb = l3mdev_ip_out(sk, skb);if (unlikely(!skb))return 0;skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP);return nf_hook(NFPROTO_IPV4, NF_INET_LOCAL_OUT,net, sk, skb, NULL, skb_dst(skb)->dev,dst_output);


/* File: linux-5.4.1\include\net\dst.h */
/* Output packet to network from transport.  * output()函数:* 1、如果是单薄数据包,设置的是ip_output();* 2、如果是组播数据包,设置的是ip_mc_output();*/
static inline int dst_output(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
{return skb_dst(skb)->output(net, sk, skb);


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_output.c */
/* 单播报文 */
int ip_output(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
{struct net_device *dev = skb_dst(skb)->dev;IP_UPD_PO_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_OUT, skb->len);skb->dev = dev;skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP);/* 经过netfilter处理后,调用ip_finish_output()继续IP数据包的输出 */return NF_HOOK_COND(NFPROTO_IPV4, NF_INET_POST_ROUTING,net, sk, skb, NULL, dev,ip_finish_output,!(IPCB(skb)->flags & IPSKB_REROUTED));


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_output.c */
static int ip_finish_output(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
{int ret;ret = BPF_CGROUP_RUN_PROG_INET_EGRESS(sk, skb);switch (ret) {case NET_XMIT_SUCCESS:return __ip_finish_output(net, sk, skb);case NET_XMIT_CN:return __ip_finish_output(net, sk, skb) ? : ret;default:kfree_skb(skb);return ret;}
}static int __ip_finish_output(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
{unsigned int mtu;#if defined(CONFIG_NETFILTER) && defined(CONFIG_XFRM)/* Policy lookup after SNAT yielded a new policy */if (skb_dst(skb)->xfrm) {IPCB(skb)->flags |= IPSKB_REROUTED;return dst_output(net, sk, skb);}
#endifmtu = ip_skb_dst_mtu(sk, skb);/* 支持gso的话用ip_finish_output_gso()函数 */if (skb_is_gso(skb))return ip_finish_output_gso(net, sk, skb, mtu);/* 如果数据包长度大于MTU,则调用ip_fragment()对IP数据包进行分片处理 * * 如果不支持TSO或者GSO,tcp发送的时候时按照mms来组织skb的,所以skb->len会等于mtu, * 所以TCP叫分段,和IP分片不一样,只有UDP才有IP分片*/if (skb->len > mtu || (IPCB(skb)->flags & IPSKB_FRAG_PMTU))return ip_fragment(net, sk, skb, mtu, ip_finish_output2);return ip_finish_output2(net, sk, skb);


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\ipv4\ip_output.c */
/* * 此函数通过另据子系统将数据包输出到网络设备。* 先调用__ipv4_neigh_lookup_noref()从邻居表查找邻居,* 如果没找到,则用__netgh_create新建一个。*/
static int ip_finish_output2(struct net *net, struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
{struct dst_entry *dst = skb_dst(skb);struct rtable *rt = (struct rtable *)dst;struct net_device *dev = dst->dev;unsigned int hh_len = LL_RESERVED_SPACE(dev);struct neighbour *neigh;bool is_v6gw = false;if (rt->rt_type == RTN_MULTICAST) {IP_UPD_PO_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_OUTMCAST, skb->len);} else if (rt->rt_type == RTN_BROADCAST)IP_UPD_PO_STATS(net, IPSTATS_MIB_OUTBCAST, skb->len);/* Be paranoid, rather than too clever. */if (unlikely(skb_headroom(skb) < hh_len && dev->header_ops)) {struct sk_buff *skb2;skb2 = skb_realloc_headroom(skb, LL_RESERVED_SPACE(dev));if (!skb2) {kfree_skb(skb);return -ENOMEM;}if (skb->sk)skb_set_owner_w(skb2, skb->sk);consume_skb(skb);skb = skb2;}if (lwtunnel_xmit_redirect(dst->lwtstate)) {int res = lwtunnel_xmit(skb);if (res < 0 || res == LWTUNNEL_XMIT_DONE)return res;}rcu_read_lock_bh();/* 从邻居表查找邻居 */neigh = ip_neigh_for_gw(rt, skb, &is_v6gw);/*  * 如果缓存了链路层的首部,则调用* neigh_hh_output()输出数据包。否则,* 若存在对应的邻居项,则通过邻居项的输出方式输出数据包。* 最后调用二层函数,dev_queue_xmit()*/if (!IS_ERR(neigh)) {int res;sock_confirm_neigh(skb, neigh);/* if crossing protocols, can not use the cached header */res = neigh_output(neigh, skb, is_v6gw);rcu_read_unlock_bh();return res;}rcu_read_unlock_bh();net_dbg_ratelimited("%s: No header cache and no neighbour!\n",__func__);kfree_skb(skb);return -EINVAL;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\include\net\neighbour.h */
static inline int neigh_output(struct neighbour *n, struct sk_buff *skb,bool skip_cache)
{const struct hh_cache *hh = &n->hh;/* 如果neighbour已连接且hh已设置 */if ((n->nud_state & NUD_CONNECTED) && hh->hh_len && !skip_cache)return neigh_hh_output(hh, skb);elsereturn n->output(n, skb);/* 初始阶段调用此函数,此时neigh_resolve_output函数 */
}static inline int neigh_hh_output(const struct hh_cache *hh, struct sk_buff *skb)
{unsigned int hh_alen = 0;unsigned int seq;unsigned int hh_len;do {seq = read_seqbegin(&hh->hh_lock);hh_len = hh->hh_len;if (likely(hh_len <= HH_DATA_MOD)) {hh_alen = HH_DATA_MOD;/* skb_push() would proceed silently if we have room for* the unaligned size but not for the aligned size:* check headroom explicitly.*/if (likely(skb_headroom(skb) >= HH_DATA_MOD)) {/* this is inlined by gcc */memcpy(skb->data - HH_DATA_MOD, hh->hh_data,HH_DATA_MOD);}} else {hh_alen = HH_DATA_ALIGN(hh_len);if (likely(skb_headroom(skb) >= hh_alen)) {memcpy(skb->data - hh_alen, hh->hh_data,hh_alen);}}} while (read_seqretry(&hh->hh_lock, seq));if (WARN_ON_ONCE(skb_headroom(skb) < hh_alen)) {kfree_skb(skb);return NET_XMIT_DROP;}__skb_push(skb, hh_len);return dev_queue_xmit(skb);



/* File:  X:\linux-5.4.1\net\core\dev.c*/
int dev_queue_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb)
{return __dev_queue_xmit(skb, NULL);
}/***   __dev_queue_xmit - transmit a buffer*   @skb: buffer to transmit*  @sb_dev: suboordinate device used for L2 forwarding offload**  Queue a buffer for transmission to a network device. The caller must*   have set the device and priority and built the buffer before calling*   this function. The function can be called from an interrupt.**  A negative errno code is returned on a failure. A success does not* guarantee the frame will be transmitted as it may be dropped due*   to congestion or traffic shaping.** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*      I notice this method can also return errors from the queue disciplines,*      including NET_XMIT_DROP, which is a positive value.  So, errors can also*      be positive.**      Regardless of the return value, the skb is consumed, so it is currently*      difficult to retry a send to this method.  (You can bump the ref count*      before sending to hold a reference for retry if you are careful.)**      When calling this method, interrupts MUST be enabled.  This is because*      the BH enable code must have IRQs enabled so that it will not deadlock.*          --BLG***** 网络接口核心层向网络协议层提供的统一的发送接口,无论IP还是ARP协议,以及其他各种底层协议,* 通过这个函数把要发送的数据传递给网络接口核心层。** 若支持流量控制,则将带输出额数据包根据规则加入到输出网络队列,并在合适的时机激活网络设备* 输出软中断,依次将报文从队列中取出通过网络设备输出。若不支持流量控制,则直接将数据包从网* 络设备输出。* 如果提交失败,则返回相应的错误吗,然而返回成功也并不能确保数据包被成功发送,因为有可能由* 于拥塞而导致流量控制机制将数据包丢弃。* 调用dev_queue_xmit()函数输出数据包,前提时必须启用中断,只有启动中断之后才能激活下半部。*/
static int __dev_queue_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *sb_dev)
{struct net_device *dev = skb->dev;struct netdev_queue *txq;struct Qdisc *q;int rc = -ENOMEM;bool again = false;skb_reset_mac_header(skb);if (unlikely(skb_shinfo(skb)->tx_flags & SKBTX_SCHED_TSTAMP))__skb_tstamp_tx(skb, NULL, skb->sk, SCM_TSTAMP_SCHED);/* Disable soft irqs for various locks below. Also* stops preemption for RCU.*/rcu_read_lock_bh();skb_update_prio(skb);qdisc_pkt_len_init(skb);
#ifdef CONFIG_NET_CLS_ACTskb->tc_at_ingress = 0;
# ifdef CONFIG_NET_EGRESSif (static_branch_unlikely(&egress_needed_key)) {skb = sch_handle_egress(skb, &rc, dev);if (!skb)goto out;}
# endif
#endif/* If device/qdisc don't need skb->dst, release it right now while* its hot in this cpu cache.*/if (dev->priv_flags & IFF_XMIT_DST_RELEASE)skb_dst_drop(skb);elseskb_dst_force(skb);txq = netdev_core_pick_tx(dev, skb, sb_dev);/* 实际上就是获取net_device->netdev_queue, 也就是该dev设备的根qdisc* 对于物理网卡而言,缺省使用的时FIFO qdisc, 该成员函数非空,只有逻辑网卡才可能为空*/q = rcu_dereference_bh(txq->qdisc);trace_net_dev_queue(skb);/** 如果队列输入非空,将数据包入队** 将待发送数据按排队规则插入到队列,然后进行流量控制,* 调度对立输出数据包,完成后返回。*/if (q->enqueue) {rc = __dev_xmit_skb(skb, q, dev, txq);goto out;}/* The device has no queue. Common case for software devices:* loopback, all the sorts of tunnels...* Really, it is unlikely that netif_tx_lock protection is necessary* here.  (f.e. loopback and IP tunnels are clean ignoring statistics* counters.)* However, it is possible, that they rely on protection* made by us here.* Check this and shot the lock. It is not prone from deadlocks.* Either shot noqueue qdisc, it is even simpler 8)** 如果设备已打开但未启用QoS,则直接输出数据包*/if (dev->flags & IFF_UP) {int cpu = smp_processor_id(); /* ok because BHs are off */if (txq->xmit_lock_owner != cpu) {if (dev_xmit_recursion())goto recursion_alert;/* 检查skb是否有效 */skb = validate_xmit_skb(skb, dev, &again);if (!skb)goto out;HARD_TX_LOCK(dev, txq, cpu);if (!netif_xmit_stopped(txq)) {dev_xmit_recursion_inc();skb = dev_hard_start_xmit(skb, dev, txq, &rc);dev_xmit_recursion_dec();if (dev_xmit_complete(rc)) {HARD_TX_UNLOCK(dev, txq);goto out;}}HARD_TX_UNLOCK(dev, txq);net_crit_ratelimited("Virtual device %s asks to queue packet!\n",dev->name);} else {/* Recursion is detected! It is possible,* unfortunately*/
recursion_alert:net_crit_ratelimited("Dead loop on virtual device %s, fix it urgently!\n",dev->name);}}rc = -ENETDOWN;rcu_read_unlock_bh();atomic_long_inc(&dev->tx_dropped);kfree_skb_list(skb);return rc;
out:rcu_read_unlock_bh();return rc;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\core\dev.c */
/* dev_hard_start_xmit()将输出的数据包提交给网络设备的输出接口,完成数据包的输出** SKB通过ip_local_out()走到这里, 在ip_local_out()中已经把IP层以及其以上各层已经封装完毕。该函数后* 开始走二层封装。** xmit_one()负责输出数据*/
struct sk_buff *dev_hard_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *first, struct net_device *dev,struct netdev_queue *txq, int *ret)
{struct sk_buff *skb = first;int rc = NETDEV_TX_OK;while (skb) {struct sk_buff *next = skb->next;skb_mark_not_on_list(skb);rc = xmit_one(skb, dev, txq, next != NULL);if (unlikely(!dev_xmit_complete(rc))) {skb->next = next;goto out;}skb = next;if (netif_tx_queue_stopped(txq) && skb) {rc = NETDEV_TX_BUSY;break;}}out:*ret = rc;return skb;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\net\core\dev.c */
/* 由 dev_hard_start_xmit() 调用,* netdev_start_xmit()用输出数据**/
static int xmit_one(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,struct netdev_queue *txq, bool more)
{unsigned int len;int rc;if (dev_nit_active(dev))dev_queue_xmit_nit(skb, dev);len = skb->len;trace_net_dev_start_xmit(skb, dev);rc = netdev_start_xmit(skb, dev, txq, more);trace_net_dev_xmit(skb, rc, dev, len);return rc;


/* File: linux-5.4.1\include\linux\netdevice.h */
static inline netdev_tx_t netdev_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,struct netdev_queue *txq, bool more)
{const struct net_device_ops *ops = dev->netdev_ops;netdev_tx_t rc;rc = __netdev_start_xmit(ops, skb, dev, more);if (rc == NETDEV_TX_OK)txq_trans_update(txq);return rc;
}static inline netdev_tx_t __netdev_start_xmit(const struct net_device_ops *ops,struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,bool more)
{__this_cpu_write(softnet_data.xmit.more, more);return ops->ndo_start_xmit(skb, dev);


ops->ndo_start_xmit(skb, dev);


/* File: linux-5.4.1\drivers\net\ethernet\intel\e1000e\netdev.c */
static const struct net_device_ops e1000e_netdev_ops = {.ndo_open      = e1000e_open,.ndo_stop        = e1000e_close,.ndo_start_xmit     = e1000_xmit_frame,  /* 这里是对应的函数指针挂载的驱动函数 */.ndo_get_stats64   = e1000e_get_stats64,.ndo_set_rx_mode  = e1000e_set_rx_mode,.ndo_set_mac_address  = e1000_set_mac,.ndo_change_mtu        = e1000_change_mtu,.ndo_do_ioctl       = e1000_ioctl,.ndo_tx_timeout      = e1000_tx_timeout,.ndo_validate_addr  = eth_validate_addr,.ndo_vlan_rx_add_vid   = e1000_vlan_rx_add_vid,.ndo_vlan_rx_kill_vid  = e1000_vlan_rx_kill_vid,
#ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER.ndo_poll_controller   = e1000_netpoll,
#endif.ndo_set_features = e1000_set_features,.ndo_fix_features = e1000_fix_features,.ndo_features_check   = passthru_features_check,


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