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I really look forward to going to this concert with my friends.


I think a parent should be careful of what their children watch on TV.


Air pollution caused many health problems.


I can make best use of my time by reading books or news while taking a bus.


I believe that I can get more things done if I don't watch it at all.


I'm sure I could get used to it and find better ways to spend my time, such as reading or drawing.


You will like Mary once you get to know her.


Time is precious. Nobody can afford to waste time. Once time has gone by, it will never return. You can never turn the colck back. Time passes very quickly. In fact, people say time flies. Time and tide wait for no man. We should, therefore, make the best use of our time from now on. Why not start off today by setting a goal and making a plan to reach it?


I take a walk with parents every day.


If I could travel around the world, I would like to go to Sweden. It looks like a beautiful country and the weather there is very different from that in China.


I say nice things about people in order to start a conversation with them. Everyone loves to hear good things about themselves and it's a great way to start a friendly conversation.


How much money do you have on you?


How 's everything going?






what is your best friend like?

She is a very kind person. She is a great listener. We have been friends for many years.

I've known her since i was in elementary school. As far as I know, she never loses her temper. In addition, whenever I'm in trouble, he is always the first one to offer help. I beleve that's waht friends are for.

She has a good sense of humor. I enjoy every minute of the time we spend together.





What sports do you like?

I enjoy many different sports, but tennis is my first love. It's a fun game and very exciting.

It might be called fast walking. I like it simply because it is neither strenuous nor easy.

I enjoy going hiking with my friends. The mountains around my home are very quiet and peaceful.



What activity do you do for fun?

I like American series like <Leverage>, it describes a small team with five people, pledging to protect those who are oppressed by society and power.



What is the most forgettable person in your life? Why?

 Teacher Li is the most unforgettable person in my life. She is the best English teacher i've ever had.



Do you like traveling? Why or why not?

I love traveling. It's great to see new places and people.



Do you enjoy fast food? Why or Why not?

No, I don't. Fast food is low in nutrition but rich in fat. It's not healthy.



Do you like going shopping? Why or Why not?

Yes, I do. I love shopping for new clothes. But I don't like to spend a lot of money. You can never tell what will happen int the future, so it's better to save money for a rainy day.



Do you like reading?

Yes,I love reading. When I read, I can travel to faraway places and forget all the worries in the real world.



Which season do you like best?

I think fall is the most beautiful season. The leaves on the tree have many colors and the weather is cool and comfortable. I love walking on sidewalks through fallen leaves.

In my opinoin, the most beautiful season is spring. Everthing is green and fresh. The weather is perfect, not too hot or too cold. Also, there are many flowers blooming.


What day is it today?

Today is Friday.



What's the weather like in your hometown?

The weather in my hometown is always nice. It's sunny most of the year.



What do you think about the Internet?

I use the Internet every single day because I take some online courses and most of them are related to my major, like computer network, deep learning and operating system. I find the Internet very useful and convenient.



How often do you watch TV? What do you usually watch?

I usually watch TV when I eat. I usually watch the news. This helps me keep up with what's going on in the world.



Please describe the most beautiful place you've ever been to.

The most beautiful place I've visited is Sayram Lake. A light wind disturbed the smooth suface of the lake. Faced the quiet lake, the water was so clean, made my heart calm and peace.





Is appearance important to you? why?

Appearance is important to everyone. I think we all want to look best. I also want to feel comfortable and confident. I always choose clothes that are simple and express my personality.

Yes,it is. But,I think the most important thing is a sense of humor. Humor can make life easier and more fun. If the person I just meet can make me laugh, then I'll be very interested in getting to know him or her better.



What is your favorite color? Why?

My favorite color is green. I like it best because I love plants and nature. I think it is a peaceful and happy color. It makes me think of fresh air and being in the countryside. Also, my mother's favorite color is green,

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