以下内容转载自 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60518823/error-cannot-use-promoted-field-in-struct-literal-of-type

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How do I initialize a composed struct in Go? (1 answer)

Closed 8 months ago.

I have two packages where Package B imports Package A, like this:

Package A

package Atype Car struct {Color       stringMake        stringModel       string

Package B

package Btype car struct {*A.Car
}func NewCar() car {return &car{Color: "red",Make:  "toyota",Model: "prius"}

However, this gives me the error: cannot use promoted field Car.Color in struct literal of type car inside NewCar function, how do I fix this? Everything I have read online just makes me more confused.


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edited Mar 4 at 8:08


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asked Mar 4 at 3:51


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    Does How do I initialize a composed struct in Go? or nested struct initialization literals answer your question? – Muffin Top Mar 4 at 4:03

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1 Answer



You need:

func NewCar() *car {return &car{ &A.Car{Color: "red",Make:  "toyota",Model: "prius",}}

See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/9859 for:

proposal: spec: direct reference to embedded fields in struct literals

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