

python pyinstxtractor.py xx.exe

pyinstxtractor.py 内容--下载的工具为Py文件


PyInstaller Extractor v1.9 (Supports pyinstaller 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.1, 2.0)

Author : Extreme Coders

E-mail : extremecoders(at)hotmail(dot)com

Web : https://0xec.blogspot.com

Date : 29-November-2017

Url : https://sourceforge.net/projects/pyinstallerextractor/

For any suggestions, leave a comment on


This script extracts a pyinstaller generated executable file.

Pyinstaller installation is not needed. The script has it all.

For best results, it is recommended to run this script in the

same version of python as was used to create the executable.

This is just to prevent unmarshalling errors(if any) while

extracting the PYZ archive.

Usage : Just copy this script to the directory where your exe resides

and run the script with the exe file name as a parameter

C:\path\to\exe\>python pyinstxtractor.py

$ /path/to/exe/python pyinstxtractor.py

Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.

You are free to modify this source.



Version 1.1 (Jan 28, 2014)


- First Release

- Supports only pyinstaller 2.0

Version 1.2 (Sept 12, 2015)


- Added support for pyinstaller 2.1 and 3.0 dev

- Cleaned up code

- Script is now more verbose

- Executable extracted within a dedicated sub-directory

(Support for pyinstaller 3.0 dev is experimental)

Version 1.3 (Dec 12, 2015)


- Added support for pyinstaller 3.0 final

- Script is compatible with both python 2.x & 3.x (Thanks to Moritz Kroll @ Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)

Version 1.4 (Jan 19, 2016)


- Fixed a bug when writing pyc files >= version 3.3 (Thanks to Daniello Alto: https://github.com/Djamana)

Version 1.5 (March 1, 2016)


- Added support for pyinstaller 3.1 (Thanks to Berwyn Hoyt for reporting)

Version 1.6 (Sept 5, 2016)


- Added support for pyinstaller 3.2

- Extractor will use a random name while extracting unnamed files.

- For encrypted pyz archives it will dump the contents as is. Previously, the tool would fail.

Version 1.7 (March 13, 2017)


- Made the script compatible with python 2.6 (Thanks to Ross for reporting)

Version 1.8 (April 28, 2017)


- Support for sub-directories in .pyz files (Thanks to Moritz Kroll @ Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)

Version 1.9 (November 29, 2017)


- Added support for pyinstaller 3.3

- Display the scripts which are run at entry (Thanks to Michael Gillespie @ malwarehunterteam for the feature request)


from __future__ import print_function

import os

import struct

import marshal

import zlib

import sys

import imp

import types

from uuid import uuid4 as uniquename

class CTOCEntry:

def __init__(self, position, cmprsdDataSize, uncmprsdDataSize, cmprsFlag, typeCmprsData, name):

self.position = position

self.cmprsdDataSize = cmprsdDataSize

self.uncmprsdDataSize = uncmprsdDataSize

self.cmprsFlag = cmprsFlag

self.typeCmprsData = typeCmprsData

self.name = name

class PyInstArchive:

PYINST20_COOKIE_SIZE = 24 # For pyinstaller 2.0

PYINST21_COOKIE_SIZE = 24 + 64 # For pyinstaller 2.1+

MAGIC = b'MEI\014\013\012\013\016' # Magic number which identifies pyinstaller

def __init__(self, path):

self.filePath = path

def open(self):


self.fPtr = open(self.filePath, 'rb')

self.fileSize = os.stat(self.filePath).st_size


print('[*] Error: Could not open {0}'.format(self.filePath))

return False

return True

def close(self):





def checkFile(self):

print('[*] Processing {0}'.format(self.filePath))

# Check if it is a 2.0 archive

self.fPtr.seek(self.fileSize - self.PYINST20_COOKIE_SIZE, os.SEEK_SET)

magicFromFile = self.fPtr.read(len(self.MAGIC))

if magicFromFile == self.MAGIC:

self.pyinstVer = 20 # pyinstaller 2.0

print('[*] Pyinstaller version: 2.0')

return True

# Check for pyinstaller 2.1+ before bailing out

self.fPtr.seek(self.fileSize - self.PYINST21_COOKIE_SIZE, os.SEEK_SET)

magicFromFile = self.fPtr.read(len(self.MAGIC))

if magicFromFile == self.MAGIC:

print('[*] Pyinstaller version: 2.1+')

self.pyinstVer = 21 # pyinstaller 2.1+

return True

print('[*] Error : Unsupported pyinstaller version or not a pyinstaller archive')

return False

def getCArchiveInfo(self):


if self.pyinstVer == 20:

self.fPtr.seek(self.fileSize - self.PYINST20_COOKIE_SIZE, os.SEEK_SET)

# Read CArchive cookie

(magic, lengthofPackage, toc, tocLen, self.pyver) = \

struct.unpack('!8siiii', self.fPtr.read(self.PYINST20_COOKIE_SIZE))

elif self.pyinstVer == 21:

self.fPtr.seek(self.fileSize - self.PYINST21_COOKIE_SIZE, os.SEEK_SET)

# Read CArchive cookie

(magic, lengthofPackage, toc, tocLen, self.pyver, pylibname) = \

struct.unpack('!8siiii64s', self.fPtr.read(self.PYINST21_COOKIE_SIZE))


print('[*] Error : The file is not a pyinstaller archive')

return False

print('[*] Python version: {0}'.format(self.pyver))

# Overlay is the data appended at the end of the PE

self.overlaySize = lengthofPackage

self.overlayPos = self.fileSize - self.overlaySize

self.tableOfContentsPos = self.overlayPos + toc

self.tableOfContentsSize = tocLen

print('[*] Length of package: {0} bytes'.format(self.overlaySize))

return True

def parseTOC(self):

# Go to the table of contents

self.fPtr.seek(self.tableOfContentsPos, os.SEEK_SET)

self.tocList = []

parsedLen = 0

# Parse table of contents

while parsedLen < self.tableOfContentsSize:

(entrySize, ) = struct.unpack('!i', self.fPtr.read(4))

nameLen = struct.calcsize('!iiiiBc')

(entryPos, cmprsdDataSize, uncmprsdDataSize, cmprsFlag, typeCmprsData, name) = \

struct.unpack( \

'!iiiBc{0}s'.format(entrySize - nameLen), \

self.fPtr.read(entrySize - 4))

name = name.decode('utf-8').rstrip('\0')

if len(name) == 0:

name = str(uniquename())

print('[!] Warning: Found an unamed file in CArchive. Using random name {0}'.format(name))

self.tocList.append( \

CTOCEntry( \

self.overlayPos + entryPos, \

cmprsdDataSize, \

uncmprsdDataSize, \

cmprsFlag, \

typeCmprsData, \

name \


parsedLen += entrySize

print('[*] Found {0} files in CArchive'.format(len(self.tocList)))

def extractFiles(self):

print('[*] Beginning extraction...please standby')

extractionDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.basename(self.filePath) + '_extracted')

if not os.path.exists(extractionDir):



for entry in self.tocList:

basePath = os.path.dirname(entry.name)

if basePath != '':

# Check if path exists, create if not

if not os.path.exists(basePath):


self.fPtr.seek(entry.position, os.SEEK_SET)

data = self.fPtr.read(entry.cmprsdDataSize)

if entry.cmprsFlag == 1:

data = zlib.decompress(data)

# Malware may tamper with the uncompressed size

# Comment out the assertion in such a case

assert len(data) == entry.uncmprsdDataSize # Sanity Check

with open(entry.name, 'wb') as f:


if entry.typeCmprsData == b's':

print('[+] Possible entry point: {0}'.format(entry.name))

elif entry.typeCmprsData == b'z' or entry.typeCmprsData == b'Z':


def _extractPyz(self, name):

dirName = name + '_extracted'

# Create a directory for the contents of the pyz

if not os.path.exists(dirName):


with open(name, 'rb') as f:

pyzMagic = f.read(4)

assert pyzMagic == b'PYZ\0' # Sanity Check

pycHeader = f.read(4) # Python magic value

if imp.get_magic() != pycHeader:

print('[!] Warning: The script is running in a different python version than the one used to build the executable')

print(' Run this script in Python{0} to prevent extraction errors(if any) during unmarshalling'.format(self.pyver))

(tocPosition, ) = struct.unpack('!i', f.read(4))

f.seek(tocPosition, os.SEEK_SET)


toc = marshal.load(f)


print('[!] Unmarshalling FAILED. Cannot extract {0}. Extracting remaining files.'.format(name))


print('[*] Found {0} files in PYZ archive'.format(len(toc)))

# From pyinstaller 3.1+ toc is a list of tuples

if type(toc) == list:

toc = dict(toc)

for key in toc.keys():

(ispkg, pos, length) = toc[key]

f.seek(pos, os.SEEK_SET)

fileName = key


# for Python > 3.3 some keys are bytes object some are str object

fileName = key.decode('utf-8')



# Make sure destination directory exists, ensuring we keep inside dirName

destName = os.path.join(dirName, fileName.replace("..", "__"))

destDirName = os.path.dirname(destName)

if not os.path.exists(destDirName):



data = f.read(length)

data = zlib.decompress(data)


print('[!] Error: Failed to decompress {0}, probably encrypted. Extracting as is.'.format(fileName))

open(destName + '.pyc.encrypted', 'wb').write(data)


with open(destName + '.pyc', 'wb') as pycFile:

pycFile.write(pycHeader) # Write pyc magic

pycFile.write(b'\0' * 4) # Write timestamp

if self.pyver >= 33:

pycFile.write(b'\0' * 4) # Size parameter added in Python 3.3


def main():

if len(sys.argv) < 2:

print('[*] Usage: pyinstxtractor.py ')


arch = PyInstArchive(sys.argv[1])

if arch.open():

if arch.checkFile():

if arch.getCArchiveInfo():




print('[*] Successfully extracted pyinstaller archive: {0}'.format(sys.argv[1]))


print('You can now use a python decompiler on the pyc files within the extracted directory')



if __name__ == '__main__':




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