
  • 1. Embedding Python in Another Application 将Python嵌入另一个应用程序中
    • 1.1. Very High Level Embedding 高层嵌入
    • 1.2. Beyond Very High Level Embedding: An overview 超越高级嵌入:概述
    • 1.3. Pure Embedding 纯嵌入
    • 1.4. Extending Embedded Python
    • 1.5. Embedding Python in C++ 在C ++中嵌入Python
    • 1.6. Compiling and Linking under Unix-like systems 编译和在类Unix系统链接

1. Embedding Python in Another Application 将Python嵌入另一个应用程序中

The previous chapters discussed how to extend Python, that is, how to extend the functionality of Python by attaching a library of C functions to it. It is also possible to do it the other way around: enrich your C/C++ application by embedding Python in it. Embedding provides your application with the ability to implement some of the functionality of your application in Python rather than C or C++. This can be used for many purposes; one example would be to allow users to tailor the application to their needs by writing some scripts in Python. You can also use it yourself if some of the functionality can be written in Python more easily.

前面的章节讨论了如何扩展Python,即如何通过将C函数库附加到Python来扩展Python的功能。也可以通过其他方式做到这一点:通过将Python嵌入到C / C ++应用程序中来丰富它。嵌入为您的应用程序提供了使用Python而非C或C ++实现应用程序某些功能的能力。这可以用于许多目的。一个示例是允许用户通过使用Python编写一些脚本来根据自己的需求定制应用程序。如果某些功能可以更轻松地用Python编写,那么您也可以自己使用它。

Embedding Python is similar to extending it, but not quite. The difference is that when you extend Python, the main program of the application is still the Python interpreter, while if you embed Python, the main program may have nothing to do with Python — instead, some parts of the application occasionally call the Python interpreter to run some Python code.


So if you are embedding Python, you are providing your own main program. One of the things this main program has to do is initialize the Python interpreter. At the very least, you have to call the function Py_Initialize(). There are optional calls to pass command line arguments to Python. Then later you can call the interpreter from any part of the application.


There are several different ways to call the interpreter: you can pass a string containing Python statements to PyRun_SimpleString(), or you can pass a stdio file pointer and a file name (for identification in error messages only) to PyRun_SimpleFile(). You can also call the lower-level operations described in the previous chapters to construct and use Python objects.


Python/C API 参考手册
The details of Python’s C interface are given in this manual. A great deal of necessary information can be found here.

1.1. Very High Level Embedding 高层嵌入

The simplest form of embedding Python is the use of the very high level interface. This interface is intended to execute a Python script without needing to interact with the application directly. This can for example be used to perform some operation on a file.


#include <Python.h>int
main(int argc, char *argv[])
{wchar_t *program = Py_DecodeLocale(argv[0], NULL);if (program == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: cannot decode argv[0]\n");exit(1);}Py_SetProgramName(program);  /* optional but recommended */Py_Initialize();PyRun_SimpleString("from time import time,ctime\n""print('Today is', ctime(time()))\n");if (Py_FinalizeEx() < 0) {exit(120);}PyMem_RawFree(program);return 0;

The Py_SetProgramName() function should be called before Py_Initialize() to inform the interpreter about paths to Python run-time libraries. Next, the Python interpreter is initialized with Py_Initialize(), followed by the execution of a hard-coded Python script that prints the date and time. Afterwards, the Py_FinalizeEx() call shuts the interpreter down, followed by the end of the program. In a real program, you may want to get the Python script from another source, perhaps a text-editor routine, a file, or a database. Getting the Python code from a file can better be done by using the PyRun_SimpleFile() function, which saves you the trouble of allocating memory space and loading the file contents.

Py_SetProgramName()在Py_Initialize()通知解释器有关Python运行时库的路径之前,应先调用该函数 。接下来,使用初始化Python解释器 Py_Initialize(),然后执行打印日期和时间的硬编码Python脚本。之后,该Py_FinalizeEx()调用将关闭解释器,然后结束程序。在实际程序中,您可能希望从其他来源(可能是文本编辑器例程,文件或数据库)获取Python脚本。使用该PyRun_SimpleFile()函数可以更好地从文件中获取Python代码,从而避免了分配内存空间和加载文件内容的麻烦。

1.2. Beyond Very High Level Embedding: An overview 超越高级嵌入:概述

The high level interface gives you the ability to execute arbitrary pieces of Python code from your application, but exchanging data values is quite cumbersome to say the least. If you want that, you should use lower level calls. At the cost of having to write more C code, you can achieve almost anything.


It should be noted that extending Python and embedding Python is quite the same activity, despite the different intent. Most topics discussed in the previous chapters are still valid. To show this, consider what the extension code from Python to C really does:


  1. Convert data values from Python to C,

  2. Perform a function call to a C routine using the converted values, and

  3. Convert the data values from the call from C to Python.

When embedding Python, the interface code does:

  1. Convert data values from C to Python,

  2. Perform a function call to a Python interface routine using the converted values, and

  3. Convert the data values from the call from Python to C.

As you can see, the data conversion steps are simply swapped to accommodate the different direction of the cross-language transfer. The only difference is the routine that you call between both data conversions. When extending, you call a C routine, when embedding, you call a Python routine.


This chapter will not discuss how to convert data from Python to C and vice versa. Also, proper use of references and dealing with errors is assumed to be understood. Since these aspects do not differ from extending the interpreter, you can refer to earlier chapters for the required information.

1.3. Pure Embedding 纯嵌入

The first program aims to execute a function in a Python script. Like in the section about the very high level interface, the Python interpreter does not directly interact with the application (but that will change in the next section).


The code to run a function defined in a Python script is:


#include <Python.h>int
main(int argc, char *argv[])
{PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pFunc;PyObject *pArgs, *pValue;int i;if (argc < 3) {fprintf(stderr,"Usage: call pythonfile funcname [args]\n");return 1;}Py_Initialize();pName = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(argv[1]);/* Error checking of pName left out */pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);Py_DECREF(pName);if (pModule != NULL) {pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, argv[2]);/* pFunc is a new reference */if (pFunc && PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) {pArgs = PyTuple_New(argc - 3);for (i = 0; i < argc - 3; ++i) {pValue = PyLong_FromLong(atoi(argv[i + 3]));if (!pValue) {Py_DECREF(pArgs);Py_DECREF(pModule);fprintf(stderr, "Cannot convert argument\n");return 1;}/* pValue reference stolen here: */PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs, i, pValue);}pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs);Py_DECREF(pArgs);if (pValue != NULL) {printf("Result of call: %ld\n", PyLong_AsLong(pValue));Py_DECREF(pValue);}else {Py_DECREF(pFunc);Py_DECREF(pModule);PyErr_Print();fprintf(stderr,"Call failed\n");return 1;}}else {if (PyErr_Occurred())PyErr_Print();fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find function \"%s\"\n", argv[2]);}Py_XDECREF(pFunc);Py_DECREF(pModule);}else {PyErr_Print();fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);return 1;}if (Py_FinalizeEx() < 0) {return 120;}return 0;

This code loads a Python script using argv[1], and calls the function named in argv[2]. Its integer arguments are the other values of the argv array. If you compile and link this program (let’s call the finished executable call), and use it to execute a Python script, such as:

此代码使用加载Python脚本argv[1],并调用中命名的函数argv[2]。它的整数参数是argv 数组的其他值。如果编译并链接该程序(让我们调用完成的可执行调用),并使用它执行Python脚本,例如:

def multiply(a,b):print("Will compute", a, "times", b)c = 0for i in range(0, a):c = c + breturn c

then the result should be:


$ call multiply multiply 3 2
Will compute 3 times 2
Result of call: 6

Although the program is quite large for its functionality, most of the code is for data conversion between Python and C, and for error reporting. The interesting part with respect to embedding Python starts with


pName = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(argv[1]);
/* Error checking of pName left out */
pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);

After initializing the interpreter, the script is loaded using PyImport_Import(). This routine needs a Python string as its argument, which is constructed using the PyUnicode_FromString() data conversion routine.

初始化解释器后,使用加载脚本 PyImport_Import()。该例程需要一个Python字符串作为其参数,该字符串是使用PyUnicode_FromString()数据转换例程构造的。

pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, argv[2]);
/* pFunc is a new reference */if (pFunc && PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) {...

Once the script is loaded, the name we’re looking for is retrieved using PyObject_GetAttrString(). If the name exists, and the object returned is callable, you can safely assume that it is a function. The program then proceeds by constructing a tuple of arguments as normal. The call to the Python function is then made with:

加载脚本后,将使用查找所需的名称 PyObject_GetAttrString()。如果名称存在,并且返回的对象是可调用的,则可以安全地假定它是一个函数。然后,程序通过正常构造参数元组继续进行。然后使用以下命令调用Python函数:

pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs);

Upon return of the function, pValue is either NULL or it contains a reference to the return value of the function. Be sure to release the reference after examining the value.


1.4. Extending Embedded Python

Until now, the embedded Python interpreter had no access to functionality from the application itself. The Python API allows this by extending the embedded interpreter. That is, the embedded interpreter gets extended with routines provided by the application. While it sounds complex, it is not so bad. Simply forget for a while that the application starts the Python interpreter. Instead, consider the application to be a set of subroutines, and write some glue code that gives Python access to those routines, just like you would write a normal Python extension. For example:

到目前为止,嵌入式Python解释器无法从应用程序本身访问功能。Python API通过扩展嵌入式解释器来实现这一点。也就是说,嵌入式解释器将使用应用程序提供的例程进行扩展。虽然听起来很复杂,但还不错。只需暂时忘记应用程序启动Python解释器。相反,应将应用程序视为一组子例程,并编写一些粘合代码以使Python可以访问这些例程,就像编写普通的Python扩展一样。例如:

static int numargs=0;/* Return the number of arguments of the application command line */
static PyObject*
emb_numargs(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
{if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ":numargs"))return NULL;return PyLong_FromLong(numargs);
}static PyMethodDef EmbMethods[] = {{"numargs", emb_numargs, METH_VARARGS,"Return the number of arguments received by the process."},{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
};static PyModuleDef EmbModule = {PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "emb", NULL, -1, EmbMethods,NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
};static PyObject*
{return PyModule_Create(&EmbModule);

Insert the above code just above the main() function. Also, insert the following two statements before the call to Py_Initialize():


numargs = argc;
PyImport_AppendInittab("emb", &PyInit_emb);

These two lines initialize the numargs variable, and make the emb.numargs() function accessible to the embedded Python interpreter. With these extensions, the Python script can do things like

这两行初始化numargs变量,并使该 emb.numargs()函数可被嵌入式Python解释器访问。通过这些扩展,Python脚本可以执行以下操作

import emb
print("Number of arguments", emb.numargs())

In a real application, the methods will expose an API of the application to Python.


1.5. Embedding Python in C++ 在C ++中嵌入Python

It is also possible to embed Python in a C++ program; precisely how this is done will depend on the details of the C++ system used; in general you will need to write the main program in C++, and use the C++ compiler to compile and link your program. There is no need to recompile Python itself using C++.

也可以将Python嵌入C ++程序中。确切地讲,这将取决于所使用的C ++系统的细节。通常,您将需要用C ++编写主程序,并使用C ++编译器来编译和链接程序。无需使用C ++重新编译Python本身。

1.6. Compiling and Linking under Unix-like systems 编译和在类Unix系统链接

It is not necessarily trivial to find the right flags to pass to your compiler (and linker) in order to embed the Python interpreter into your application, particularly because Python needs to load library modules implemented as C dynamic extensions (.so files) linked against it.


To find out the required compiler and linker flags, you can execute the pythonX.Y-config script which is generated as part of the installation process (a python3-config script may also be available). This script has several options, of which the following will be directly useful to you:

要找出所需的编译器和链接器标志,您可以执行 在安装过程中生成的脚本(也可以使用脚本)。该脚本有多个选项,其中的以下选项对您直接有用:pythonX.Y-configpython3-config

  • pythonX.Y-config --cflags will give you the recommended flags when compiling:
    pythonX.Y-config --cflags 编译时会给您推荐的标志:
$ /opt/bin/python3.4-config --cflags
-I/opt/include/python3.4m -I/opt/include/python3.4m -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
  • pythonX.Y-config --ldflags will give you the recommended flags when linking:
    pythonX.Y-config --ldflags 链接时会为您提供推荐的标志:
$ /opt/bin/python3.4-config --ldflags
-L/opt/lib/python3.4/config-3.4m -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -lpython3.4m -Xlinker -export-dynamic

注解 To avoid confusion between several Python installations (and especially between the system Python and your own compiled Python), it is recommended that you use the absolute path to pythonX.Y-config, as in the above example.

注解 为了避免一些Python的设备之间的混淆(尤其是系统Python和自己编译的Python之间),因此建议您使用绝对路径,如上面的例子。pythonX.Y-config

If this procedure doesn’t work for you (it is not guaranteed to work for all Unix-like platforms; however, we welcome bug reports) you will have to read your system’s documentation about dynamic linking and/or examine Python’s Makefile (use sysconfig.get_makefile_filename() to find its location) and compilation options. In this case, the sysconfig module is a useful tool to programmatically extract the configuration values that you will want to combine together. For example:

如果此程序对您不起作用(不能保证在所有类Unix平台上都有效;但是,我们欢迎提供错误报告),则您必须阅读系统文档中有关动态链接和/或检查Python的文档Makefile(用于sysconfig.get_makefile_filename() 查找其位置)和编译选项。在这种情况下,该sysconfig模块是有用的工具,可用于以编程方式提取要组合在一起的配置值。例如:

>>> import sysconfig
>>> sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBS')
'-lpthread -ldl  -lutil'
>>> sysconfig.get_config_var('LINKFORSHARED')
'-Xlinker -export-dynamic'

参考文章:Embedding Python in Another Application


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