python 打印文件名

Prerequisite: Opening, closing a file/open(), close() functions in Python

先决条件: 在Python中打开,关闭文件/ open(),close()函数

1)文件名( (1) File name (

To get the file name, we use – it returns the opened file name with extension.


2)文件关闭状态(file_object.closed) (2) File Close status (file_object.closed))

To find the file close status i.e. to check whether a file is opened or closed, we use file_object.close. It returns "True", if the file is opened otherwise it returns "False".

为了找到文件关闭状态,即检查文件是打开还是关闭,我们使用file_object.close 。 如果打开文件,则返回“ True” ,否则返回“ False”

3)文件模式(file_object.mode) (3) File Mode (file_object.mode))

To find the current file opening mode in which the file is opened, we use file_object.mode. It returns file opening mode like "wt", "rt" etc, which we have discussed in the previous post (Opening, closing a file/open(), close() functions in Python).

为了找到打开文件的当前文件打开模式,我们使用file_object.mode 。 它返回文件打开模式,如“ wt”“ rt”等,我们在上一篇文章中已经讨论过( 在Python中打开,关闭文件/ open(),close()函数 )。



# opening a file in write mode
fo = open("data.txt","wt")
# printing name of the file
print("Name of the File : ",
# priting file closed status
print("Closed or Not    : ",fo.closed)
# printing file Opening mode
print("Opening Mode     : ",fo.mode)
# closing the file
# priting file closed status after closing the file
print("Closed or Not    : ",fo.closed)



Name of the File :  data.txt
Closed or Not    :  False
Opening Mode     :  wt
Closed or Not    :  True


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