Given an array of positive and negative integers, re-arrange it 
so that you have postives on one end and negatives on the other, 
BUT retain the original order of appearance.

For eg. 1, 7, -5, 9, -12, 15 => -5, -12, 1, 7, 9, 15


1,7,-5 交换为 -5,1,7


-5,1,7,9,-12 交换为 -5,-12,1,7,9




//Given an array of positive and negative integers,
//re-arrange it so that you have postives on one end
//and negatives on the other, BUT retain the original order of appearance. do it in-place
//e.g. 1, 7, -5, 9, -12, 15 => -5, -12, 1, 7, 9, 15//When considering optimization from O(n^2) to O(nlogn),use divided & conquer
void swapRange(int a[], int nBeg, int nEnd)
{assert(a && nBeg <= nEnd);while (nBeg < nEnd)swap(a[nBeg++], a[nEnd--]);
//e.g. in any stage: ---- "+++ --" ++++, reverse middle part
// ==> ---- "--" "+++" ++++, reverse middle 2 parts seperatly to keep "stable"
void ReArrange(int a[], int n)
{assert(a && n > 0);if (n <= 1) return;ReArrange(a, n/2);ReArrange(a + n/2, n - n/2); //pitfall, notice both parametersint nLft = 0;while (a[nLft] < 0) nLft++;int nRgt = n-1;while (a[nRgt] >= 0)nRgt--;//Very important, no need to swap under this situation, returnif (nRgt <= nLft) return; swapRange(a, nLft, nRgt);int nBegRgt = nLft;while (a[nBegRgt] < 0) //no need to use "&& nBegRgt < n"nBegRgt++;swapRange(a, nLft, nBegRgt-1);swapRange(a, nBegRgt, nRgt);

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