
1,提出 cluster contrast(聚类对比)来存储特征向量和计算对比损失。
2,展示了 通过聚类级别的内存字典,可以解决聚类特征表达不一致的问题。


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论文名称 简称 会议/期刊 出版年份 baseline backbone 数据集
Cluster Contrast for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification CCU arxiv 2021 【SpCL】Yixiao Ge, Feng Zhu, Dapeng Chen, Rui Zhao, and hong- sheng Li. Self-paced contrastive learning with hybrid mem- ory for domain adaptive object re-id. ImageNet-pretrained [7] ResNet-50 [18]、use DBSCAN [9] for clustering Market- 1501 [52], DukeMTMC-reID [32], MSMT17 [42], Per- sonX [35], and VeRi-776 [26]

源码链接: https://github.com/alibaba/cluster-contrast-reid


1,we present Cluster Contrast which stores feature vectors and computes contrast loss in the cluster level.
2,We demonstrate that the inconsistency problem for cluster feature represen- tation can be solved by the cluster-level memory dictionary


By straightforwardly applying Cluster Contrast to a stan- dard unsupervised re-ID pipeline, it achieves considerable improvements of 9.5%, 7.5%, 6.6% compared to state-of- the-art purely unsupervised re-ID methods and 5.1%, 4.0%, 6.5% mAP compared to the state-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation re-ID methods on the Market, Duke, and MSMT17 datasets.



Figure 2: The unsupervised person re-ID pipeline. Feature vectors with the same color belong to the same cluster. The upper part is the memory initialization stage. Training data features are assigned pseudo labels by clustering algorithm. The lower part is the model training stage. Hard exampling method is used to select the hard query instance to update memory feature. The ClusterNCE loss computer contrastive loss between query features and all cluster features.

Figure 3: The comparison to existing memory based non-parametric classification loss.



1,采用ImageNet预训练过的 resnet 50 ,采用 DBSCAN 为聚类方法。


3,损失函数。 求查询样本和聚类特征之间的loss。



1,在Spcl的基础上,从UDA转为了 USL,在整体的训练loss上,就没有源域部分。另外,内存也不载叫混合内存了,而是单一的存储聚类特征。
2,最有创新性的点在于,一是内存中聚类特征的表示,初始化的时候采用的是 随机采样,更新过程中,采用的是hardest sample。 文章的discussion部分也对这两个机制为何work,做出了解释。


author = {Zuozhuo Dai and
Guangyuan Wang and
Siyu Zhu and
Weihao Yuan and
Ping Tan},
title = {Cluster Contrast for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2103.11568},
year = {2021}


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