

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#define Max 10
typedef struct suiguan {int type;int lt[4 + 1];
typedef struct {int x;int y;
mNode stack[Max*2];
int tail=0;
int m, n;
sNode map[Max + 2][Max + 2];
int book[Max + 2][Max + 2];
int ansFlag = 0;
int _x[3 + 1];
int _y[3 + 1];
int _type[3 + 1];int move[4 + 1][2] = {{ 0, 0 },
{ 0, -1 },
{ -1, 0 },
{ 0, 1 },
{ 1, 0},
};void display() {for (int i = 0; i <= m+1; i++){for (int j = 0; j <= n+1; j++){printf("%d\t",map[i][j].type);}printf("\n");}
sNode creat(int type) {sNode* shuiguan = (sNode*)malloc(sizeof(sNode)*(10+1));for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++){memset(shuiguan[i].lt, 0, sizeof(int) * 5);shuiguan[i].type = i;}shuiguan[1].lt[2] = shuiguan[1].lt[3] = 1;shuiguan[2].lt[3] = shuiguan[2].lt[4] = 1;shuiguan[3].lt[1] = shuiguan[3].lt[4] = 1;shuiguan[4].lt[1] = shuiguan[4].lt[2] = 1;shuiguan[5].lt[1] = shuiguan[5].lt[3] = 1;shuiguan[6].lt[2] = shuiguan[6].lt[4] = 1;shuiguan[7].lt[1] = shuiguan[7].lt[3] = shuiguan[7].lt[4] = 1;shuiguan[8].lt[1] = shuiguan[8].lt[2] = shuiguan[8].lt[4] = 1;shuiguan[9].lt[1] = shuiguan[9].lt[2] = shuiguan[9].lt[3] = 1;shuiguan[10].lt[2] = shuiguan[10].lt[3] = shuiguan[10].lt[4] = 1;return shuiguan[type];
int check(int x, int y, int oldX, int oldY ,mNode* newNode,int* tailN) {int flag1 = 0;//代表着从旧节点能否到达当前节点int flag2 = 0;//代表着从当前节点能否到达旧节点int flag3 = 0;//代表着从当前节点能否到达新节点int flag4 = 0;//代表着从新节点能否到达当前节点for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){int temX= oldX, temY= oldY;if (map[oldX][oldY].lt[i]) {temX += move[i][0];temY += move[i][1];if (temX >= 0 && temX <= m+1 && temY >= 0 && temY <= n + 1 && map[temX][temY].type!=0 && map[temX][temY].type != -1)if (&map[temX][temY] == &map[x][y]) {flag1 = 1;break;}}}if (!flag1)return 0;for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {int temX = x, temY = y;if (map[x][y].lt[i]) {temX += move[i][0]; temY += move[i][1];if (temX >= 0 && temX <= m+1 && temY >= 0 && temY <= n + 1 && map[temX][temY].type != 0 && map[temX][temY].type != -1)if (&map[temX][temY] == &map[oldX][oldY]) {flag2 = 1;}else {//如果(x,y)能与(oldX,oldY)连通,那么它有至多两个方向能到新节点//可是新节点又不一定能够和当前节点连接//但是这里不用管//现在出现了新的情况,有的水管能连通两个flag3 = 1;newNode[*tailN].x = temX; newNode[*tailN].y = temY; (*tailN)++;}}}if (!flag2)return 0;return 1;//flag3是一定成立的}
int dfs(int step, int x, int y, int oldX, int oldY);
int check2(int step,int x, int y, int oldX, int oldY) {mNode newNode[2];int tailN = 0;if (check(x, y, oldX, oldY, newNode, &tailN)) {for (int i = 0; i < tailN; i++) {int newX = newNode[i].x, newY = newNode[i].y;if (!book[newX][newY]) {book[newX][newY] = 1;stack[tail].x = newX; stack[tail].y = newY;tail++;dfs(step + 1, newX, newY, x, y);book[newX][newY] = 0;if (ansFlag)return 1;tail--;}}}
int dfs(int step,int x,int y,int oldX,int oldY) {if (x == _x[2] && y == _y[2]) {ansFlag = 1;for (int i = 0; i <= tail-2; i++){printf("(%d,%d)",stack[i].x, stack[i].y);}return 1;}if (ansFlag)return 1;if (map[x][y].type == 0)return 0;if (map[x][y].type <= 4) {for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++){map[x][y] = creat(i);check2(step, x, y, oldX, oldY);}}else if (map[x][y].type <= 6) {for (int i = 5; i <= 6; i++) {map[x][y] = creat(i);check2(step, x, y, oldX, oldY);}}else if (map[x][y].type <= 10) {for (int i = 7; i <= 10; i++) {map[x][y] = creat(i);check2(step, x, y, oldX, oldY);}}}
int main(){printf("please input the map size\n");scanf("%d%d", &m, &n);printf("Please input the outlet, the first point connected with the entrance(x,y,type)3's\n");//1入口//2出口//3出发点for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++){scanf("%d%d%d", &_x[i], &_y[i], &_type[i]);map[_x[i]][_y[i]] = creat(_type[i]);}for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++){for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {scanf("%d",&map[i][j].type);if (!map[i][j].type) {book[i][j] = map[i][j].type = -1;continue;}map[i][j] = creat(map[i][j].type);}}display();book[_x[3]][_y[3]] = 1;stack[tail].x = _x[3]; stack[tail].y = _y[3]; tail++;dfs(0, _x[3], _y[3], _x[1], _y[1]);if (ansFlag) {return 0;}else printf("impossible");return 0;


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