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ogg 数据结构

datatype purpose
ogg_page This structure encapsulates data into one ogg bitstream page. 编码时page的信息在此输出
ogg_stream_state This structure contains current encode/decode data for a logical bitstream. 代表当前流
ogg_packet This structure encapsulates the data and metadata for a single Ogg packet. 编码时数据输入的结构包
ogg_sync_state Contains bitstream synchronization information.




When encoding, the encoding engine will output raw packets which must be placed into an Ogg bitstream. Raw packets are inserted into the stream, and an ogg_page is output when enough packets have been written to create a full page. The pages output are pointers to buffered packet segments, and can then be written out and saved as an ogg stream. There are a couple of basic steps: Use the encoding engine to produce a raw packet of data. Call ogg_stream_packetin to submit a raw packet to the stream. Use ogg_stream_pageout to output a page, if enough data has been submitted. Otherwise, continue submitting data.

function purpose
ogg_stream_packetin Submits a raw packet to the streaming layer, so that it can be formed into a page.
ogg_stream_iovecin iovec version of ogg_stream_packetin() above.
ogg_stream_pageout Outputs a completed page if the stream contains enough packets to form a full page. 返回值非0代码输出成功
ogg_stream_pageout_fill Similar to ogg_stream_pageout(), but specifies a page spill threshold in bytes.
ogg_stream_flush Forces any remaining packets in the stream to be returned as a page of any size.
ogg_stream_flush_fill Similar to ogg_stream_flush(), but specifies a page spill threshold in bytes.


ogg_stream_init(&stream_, 0 /* serial number */);


typedef struct {unsigned char *packet;//数据long  bytes;//数据大小long  b_o_s;//1代表开始包long  e_o_s;//1代表结束包//A number indicating the position of this packet in the decoded data. This is the last sample, frame or other unit of information ('granule') that can be completely decoded from this packet.ogg_int64_t  granulepos;ogg_int64_t  packetno;//Sequential number of this packet in the ogg bitstream.} ogg_packet;


// Write the most recent buffer of Opus data into an Ogg packet.ogg_packet frame_packet;frame_packet.b_o_s = 0;frame_packet.e_o_s = flush ? 1 : 0;// According to// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-14#section-4 the// granule position should include all samples up to the last packet completed// on the page, so we need to update granule_position_ before assigning it to// the packet.  If we're closing the stream, we don't assume that the last// packet includes a full frame.if (flush) {granule_position_ += (elements_in_pcm_frame_ / num_channels_);} else {granule_position_ += frame_size_;}frame_packet.granulepos = granule_position_;frame_packet.packetno = packet_count_;frame_packet.packet = opus_frame_bytes;frame_packet.bytes = opus_bytes_length;// Add the data packet into the stream.packet_count_++;ogg_stream_packetin(&stream_, &frame_packet);


void OggOpusEncoder::AppendOggStateToBuffer(std::vector<unsigned char>* buffer,bool flush_ogg_stream) {int (*write_fun)(ogg_stream_state*, ogg_page*) =flush_ogg_stream ? &ogg_stream_flush : &ogg_stream_pageout;while (write_fun(&stream_, &page_) != 0) {const int initial_size = buffer->size();buffer->resize(buffer->size() + page_.header_len + page_.body_len);memcpy(buffer->data() + initial_size, page_.header, page_.header_len);memcpy(buffer->data() + initial_size + page_.header_len, page_.body,page_.body_len);}



函数 用途
ogg_sync_pageseek Finds the borders of pages and resynchronizes the stream. -n means that we skipped n bytes within the bitstream.0 means that the page isn’t ready and we need more data, or than an internal error occurred. No bytes have been skipped. n means that the page was synced at the current location, with a page length of n bytes.
ogg_sync_buffer Exposes a buffer from the synchronization layer in order to read data. 返回缓冲区引入,为下一步数据输入做准备
ogg_sync_wrote Tells the synchronization layer how many bytes were written into the buffer. 同步已经写入了多少数据
ogg_stream_pagein Submits a complete page to the stream layer. 把page的信息提交到流处理层
ogg_stream_packetout Outputs a packet to the codec-specific decoding engine. 取出packet信息,可进行原始数据处理


ogg_sync_state ogsync; ogg_sync_init(&ogsync);



while(get_next_page(file, &ogsync, &page, &written)) {...p->process_page(p, &page);...}


while((ret = ogg_sync_pageseek(ogsync, page)) <= 0) {if(ret < 0) {/* unsynced, we jump over bytes to a possible capture - we don't need to read more just yet */oi_warn(_("WARNING: Hole in data (%d bytes) found at approximate offset %" I64FORMAT " bytes. Corrupted Ogg.\n"), -ret, *written);continue;}/* zero return, we didn't have enough data to find a whole page, read */buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(ogsync, CHUNK);bytes = fread(buffer, 1, CHUNK, f);if(bytes <= 0) {ogg_sync_wrote(ogsync, 0);return 0;}ogg_sync_wrote(ogsync, bytes);*written += bytes;


ogg_stream_init(&stream->os, serial);
ogg_stream_pagein(&stream->os, page);
res = ogg_stream_packetout(&stream->os, &packet);
if(res <= 0) {oi_warn(_("WARNING: Invalid header page, no packet found\n"));null_start(stream);
else if(packet.bytes >= 19 && memcmp(packet.packet, "OpusHead", 8)==0)
.../* re-init, ready for processing */
ogg_stream_init(&stream->os, serial);




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