



import sys
import time
import playsound as pl
from multiprocessing import Process


def main():work(minutes=20, todo='blog')work(minutes=30, todo='recite words')rest(minutes=10)work(minutes=60, todo='programming')



def work(minutes, todo):working = Process(target=startWorking, name=todo, args=(todo,))timing = Process(target=timePassing, args=(minutes,), name='timePassing')working.start()timing.start()timing.join()working.join()working.close()timing.close()


def rest(minutes):timing = Process(target=timePassing, args=(minutes,), name='timePassing')resting = Process(target=startRest, name='startWorking')resting.start()timing.start()timing.join()resting.join()resting.close()timing.close()


def startWorking(todo):print('开始干活啦!!')print('todo:', todo)pl.playsound('piano.mp3')  # 音乐响起def startRest():print('开始休息啦!!')pl.playsound('exercise.mp3')  # 音乐响起def timePassing(minutes):print('=' * 20, '开始计时', '=' * 20)seconds = minutes * 60for i in range(round(seconds))[::-1]:time.sleep(1)sys.stdout.write(f'\r倒计时:{i // 60}分{i % 60}秒')sys.stdout.flush()print('\n' + '=' * 20, '计时结束', '=' * 20)



import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)class PlaysoundException(Exception):passdef _canonicalizePath(path):"""Support passing in a pathlib.Path-like object by converting to str."""import sysif sys.version_info[0] >= 3:return str(path)else:# On earlier Python versions, str is a byte string, so attempting to# convert a unicode string to str will fail. Leave it alone in this case.return pathdef _playsoundWin(sound, block = True):'''Utilizes windll.winmm. Tested and known to work with MP3 and WAVE onWindows 7 with Python 2.7. Probably works with more file formats.Probably works on Windows XP thru Windows 10. Probably works with allversions of Python.Inspired by (but not copied from) Michael Gundlach <gundlach@gmail.com>'s mp3play:https://github.com/michaelgundlach/mp3playI never would have tried using windll.winmm without seeing his code.'''sound = _canonicalizePath(sound)if any((c in sound for c in ' "\'()')):from os       import close, removefrom os.path  import splitextfrom shutil   import copyfrom tempfile import mkstempfd, tempPath = mkstemp(prefix = 'PS', suffix = splitext(sound)[1])  # Avoid generating files longer than 8.3 characters.logger.info('Made a temporary copy of {} at {} - use other filenames with only safe characters to avoid this.'.format(sound, tempPath))copy(sound, tempPath)close(fd)  # mkstemp opens the file, but it must be closed before MCI can open it.try:_playsoundWin(tempPath, block)finally:remove(tempPath)returnfrom ctypes import c_buffer, windllfrom time   import sleepdef winCommand(*command):bufLen = 600buf = c_buffer(bufLen)command = ' '.join(command)errorCode = int(windll.winmm.mciSendStringW(command, buf, bufLen - 1, 0))  # use widestring version of the functionif errorCode:errorBuffer = c_buffer(bufLen)windll.winmm.mciGetErrorStringW(errorCode, errorBuffer, bufLen - 1)  # use widestring version of the functionexceptionMessage = ('\n    Error ' + str(errorCode) + ' for command:''\n        ' + command +'\n    ' + errorBuffer.raw.decode('utf-16').rstrip('\0'))logger.error(exceptionMessage)raise PlaysoundException(exceptionMessage)return buf.valueif '\\' in sound:sound = '"' + sound + '"'try:logger.debug('Starting')winCommand(u'open {}'.format(sound))winCommand(u'play {}{}'.format(sound, ' wait' if block else ''))logger.debug('Returning')finally:try:winCommand(u'close {}'.format(sound))except PlaysoundException:logger.warning(u'Failed to close the file: {}'.format(sound))# If it fails, there's nothing more that can be done...passdef _handlePathOSX(sound):sound = _canonicalizePath(sound)if '://' not in sound:if not sound.startswith('/'):from os import getcwdsound = getcwd() + '/' + soundsound = 'file://' + soundtry:# Don't double-encode it.sound.encode('ascii')return sound.replace(' ', '%20')except UnicodeEncodeError:try:from urllib.parse import quote  # Try the Python 3 import first...except ImportError:from urllib import quote  # Try using the Python 2 import before giving up entirely...parts = sound.split('://', 1)return parts[0] + '://' + quote(parts[1].encode('utf-8')).replace(' ', '%20')def _playsoundOSX(sound, block = True):'''Utilizes AppKit.NSSound. Tested and known to work with MP3 and WAVE onOS X 10.11 with Python 2.7. Probably works with anything QuickTime supports.Probably works on OS X 10.5 and newer. Probably works with all versions ofPython.Inspired by (but not copied from) Aaron's Stack Overflow answer here:http://stackoverflow.com/a/34568298/901641I never would have tried using AppKit.NSSound without seeing his code.'''try:from AppKit import NSSoundexcept ImportError:logger.warning("playsound could not find a copy of AppKit - falling back to using macOS's system copy.")sys.path.append('/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/PyObjC')from AppKit import NSSoundfrom Foundation import NSURLfrom time       import sleepsound = _handlePathOSX(sound)url   = NSURL.URLWithString_(sound)if not url:raise PlaysoundException('Cannot find a sound with filename: ' + sound)for i in range(5):nssound = NSSound.alloc().initWithContentsOfURL_byReference_(url, True)if nssound:breakelse:logger.debug('Failed to load sound, although url was good... ' + sound)else:raise PlaysoundException('Could not load sound with filename, although URL was good... ' + sound)nssound.play()if block:sleep(nssound.duration())def _playsoundNix(sound, block = True):"""Play a sound using GStreamer.Inspired by this:https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/tutorials/playback/playbin-usage.html"""sound = _canonicalizePath(sound)# pathname2url escapes non-URL-safe charactersfrom os.path import abspath, existstry:from urllib.request import pathname2urlexcept ImportError:# python 2from urllib import pathname2urlimport gigi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')from gi.repository import GstGst.init(None)playbin = Gst.ElementFactory.make('playbin', 'playbin')if sound.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):playbin.props.uri = soundelse:path = abspath(sound)if not exists(path):raise PlaysoundException(u'File not found: {}'.format(path))playbin.props.uri = 'file://' + pathname2url(path)set_result = playbin.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)if set_result != Gst.StateChangeReturn.ASYNC:raise PlaysoundException("playbin.set_state returned " + repr(set_result))# FIXME: use some other bus method than poll() with block=False# https://lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/#Gst-1.0/classes/Bus.htmllogger.debug('Starting play')if block:bus = playbin.get_bus()try:bus.poll(Gst.MessageType.EOS, Gst.CLOCK_TIME_NONE)finally:playbin.set_state(Gst.State.NULL)logger.debug('Finishing play')def _playsoundAnotherPython(otherPython, sound, block = True, macOS = False):'''Mostly written so that when this is run on python3 on macOS, it can invokepython2 on macOS... but maybe this idea could be useful on linux, too.'''from inspect    import getsourcefilefrom os.path    import abspath, existsfrom subprocess import check_callfrom threading  import Threadsound = _canonicalizePath(sound)class PropogatingThread(Thread):def run(self):self.exc = Nonetry:self.ret = self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)except BaseException as e:self.exc = edef join(self, timeout = None):super().join(timeout)if self.exc:raise self.excreturn self.ret# Check if the file exists...if not exists(abspath(sound)):raise PlaysoundException('Cannot find a sound with filename: ' + sound)playsoundPath = abspath(getsourcefile(lambda: 0))t = PropogatingThread(target = lambda: check_call([otherPython, playsoundPath, _handlePathOSX(sound) if macOS else sound]))t.start()if block:t.join()from platform import system
system = system()if system == 'Windows':playsound = _playsoundWin
elif system == 'Darwin':playsound = _playsoundOSXimport sysif sys.version_info[0] > 2:try:from AppKit import NSSoundexcept ImportError:logger.warning("playsound is relying on a python 2 subprocess. Please use `pip3 install PyObjC` if you want playsound to run more efficiently.")playsound = lambda sound, block = True: _playsoundAnotherPython('/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python', sound, block, macOS = True)
else:playsound = _playsoundNixif __name__ != '__main__':  # Ensure we don't infinitely recurse trying to get another python instance.try:import gigi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')from gi.repository import Gstexcept:logger.warning("playsound is relying on another python subprocess. Please use `pip install pygobject` if you want playsound to run more efficiently.")playsound = lambda sound, block = True: _playsoundAnotherPython('/usr/bin/python3', sound, block, macOS = False)del systemif __name__ == '__main__':# block is always True if you choose to run this from the command line.from sys import argvplaysound(argv[1])


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