
“Get up, boy, it is time to go to school.”

“I dislike having get up early. I can take an on-line lesson at anytime I


It is a completely ordinary dialogue occurring in modern life. Yes, it is

the com

puter, whose ever-accelerated updating brings about tremendous changes in

our sch

ool lives. A typical application is Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI),

which ai

ds teacher to impart knowledge to student more efficiently by it’s

multimedia ch

aracters. However, a vigorous debate over the issue whether or not teacher

are by

no means important in pedagogy field has intrigued the public. In my


the computer can be great help of teacher but they can never replace or


the position of teacher. I will offer the following reasons.

Firstly, CAI are designed and programmed by human instructor. They only


parts of teacher’s experience and intelligence. Moreover, being a

successful ins

tructor requires not just these factors but a wealth of experience and


new experiences using that information. The computer after all are man-made



Secondly, the progress of instruction is complicated and complex, and the


onal achievement of CAI is limited. Some sorts of course, such as basic


al course( 想想什么课程用电脑教不好), are not necessarily to be expressed by the

computer to reach productive effect.

Finally, communications and interactions with teacher and computer are

quite diff

erent. The latter is too impersonal, which ruins the pleasure of emotional


ges. Sometimes gazing at the cold flickering screen is a disinteresting and


g experience.

Admittedly, though computer may help teacher to provide student with a

richer and

more effective learning environment, yet they can not substitute the

position of

teacher, not only today, but the future.

考前测评 了解真实的雅思水平


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