
2020年现代工作场所(The Modern Workplace 2020)

Every organization needs a skilled workforce to compete in the changing technological landscape. However, many organizations are falling behind skill requirements as business evolution continues with employees lacking the right skills.

E极组织需要有技能的劳动力在不断变化的技术状况进行竞争。 但是,随着员工缺乏正确技能的业务持续发展,许多组织都落后于技能要求。

In the digital environment, companies are upskilling and reskilling¹ to respond to changes and stay ahead of the curve. Technology solutions including #computervision, machine learning, and data science are sweeping across the business world and forcing companies to implement automation to derive value.

在数字环境中,公司正在提高技能和重新技能¹,以应对变化并保持领先地位。 包括#computervision,机器学习数据科学在内的技术解决方案席卷整个商业世界,并迫使公司实施自动化以获取价值。

Executives according to a McKinsey survey face skill gaps with most companies lacking strategies to address the problem. The choice between recruitments and internal employee training is becoming obvious for cost reasons. IBM and Amazon are leading efforts in employee reskilling in their latest initiatives for 2020 where employees undergo training programs to make them compatible with the current digital environment².

麦肯锡公司的高管 由于大多数公司缺乏解决问题的策略,因此调查面临着技能差距。 由于成本原因,招聘和内部员工培训之间的选择变得显而易见。 IBM和亚马逊均领先努力,员工在其最新举措重新学习技能的2020年,员工接受培训计划,以使它们与当前数字环境²兼容。

The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating reskilling and upskilling as companies adapt to the new normal of remote work and coordinating teams. Employees and employers are transforming in the wake of the pandemic and the time is right for a new approach to skill management. The current talent shortage and competition among companies to hire the best brains further complicates the situation and is forcing businesses to develop practical solutions for the widening skills gap³.

随着公司适应远程工作和协调团队的新常态,COVID-19大流行病正在加速技能提升和技能提升。 在大流行之后,员工和雇主正在转变,现在是采用新的技能管理方法的时候了。 当前人才短缺和公司间聘请最聪明人才的竞争使情况进一步复杂化,并迫使企业开发实用的解决方案以扩大技能差距³。


技能提升和再技能(Upskilling and Reskilling)

The success of any company depends on the skill levels of employees. Management should invest in skill development to deliver value and long-term success.

任何公司的吨他成功取决于员工的技能水平。 管理层应投资于技能开发以创造价值并取得长期成功。

Let us explore the rationale behind reskilling and upskilling for organizations


1.绩效与产出(1. Performance and Output)

Employee performance depends on the skills learned and implemented. Reskilling and upskilling enable the workforce to understand their roles and become innovative. Upskilling employees not only makes them productive but also gives them new ideas in their areas of work.

员工绩效取决于学习和实施的技能。 技能提升和技能提升使员工能够了解自己的角色并进行创新。 提高员工的技能不仅可以提高他们的生产力,还可以为他们提供工作领域的新想法。

2.包容性文化 (2. A Culture of Inclusiveness)

Most employees are stuck in their career paths because of poor skills and companies that promote reskilling efforts open new pathways for them to climb the ladder. Squarespace¹¹ is an example with the company investing in employee upskilling.

大多数员工由于技能不佳而被困在职业生涯中,而推动再技能化工作的公司为他们攀登阶梯开辟了新的途径。 Squarespace¹¹与公司员工提高技能的投资一个例子。


3.员工保留(3. Employee Retention)

Retention of employees is a problem facing most organizations as they face the skills gap. Some companies chose to recruit new candidates after off-boarding former employees. The problem with this approach is the cost factor and creating a culture of fear that does bode well in the corporate environment. By initiating #reskilling and upskilling efforts, companies retain current employees and incur minimal costs compared to recruitments.

保留员工是大多数组织面临的技能差距问题。 一些公司选择在解雇前雇员之后招募新候选人。 这种方法的问题是成本因素,创造一种恐惧文化,确实是好的兆头,在企业环境中⁵。 通过发起#reskill和upskilling努力,与招聘相比,公司保留了现有员工,并且产生的成本最低。

4.竞争力 (4. Competitiveness)

Research conducted by Mckinsey shows that organizations that reskill and upskill their employees become competitive because of meeting industry standards. Digital transformation means that skills are changing faster than ever and calls for training employees to adapt to the new times.

Mckinsey进行的研究表明,对员工进行技能培训和再培训的组织由于符合行业标准而变得具有竞争力。 数字化改造意味着技术正在发生变化比以往更快,对员工进行培训⁶,以适应新的时代呼唤。

5.积极的劳动力 (5. Motivated Workforce)

Nothing beats a motivated workforce and the same applies to the business world where companies that reskill employees experience high morale that translates to increased productivity. The training programs offered at Apple enable employees to remain motivated because of collaboration from top-level management.

无可匹敌的员工积极性,在商业世界也是如此,在这种商业世界中,对员工进行技能再培训的公司会士气高昂,从而提高了生产率。 Apple提供的培训计划使员工能够保持高层管理人员的积极性。

技能差距 (The Skills Gap)

Organizations are facing pressure because of the skills gap, which refers to the current skills of employees versus the skills required to boost the success of the organization. The C-Suite⁷ should lead the way when it comes to addressing the skills gap.

Ørganizations所面临的,因为技能差距,这是指目前员工技能与技能要求,以提高组织的成功压力。 在解决技能差距时,C-Suite⁷应该起到带头作用。


For instance, management should evaluate the overall skill sets in the organization and compare them to individual skills. This provides management with a clear picture of their skills situation and enables decision-making.

例如,管理层应评估组织中的整体技能并将其与个人技能进行比较。 这使管理层可以清楚地了解他们的技能状况,并可以进行决策。

Here are some benefits of managing the skills gap in the organization:


1.工作满意度 (1. Job Satisfaction)

Achieving job satisfaction at the organizational level should start with addressing the skills gap problem as this enables focus on the individual skills of employees.


2.市场情报 (2. Market Intelligence)

Understanding the skills gap assists organizations to understand the current requirements in the market translating to skill development⁸ and better performance.


3.员工之间的过渡 (3. Transitions among Employees)

Understanding the skills gap facilitates a smooth transition of skills whenever old employees leave and gives new employees skills to continue with the mission of the organization.


4.制定培训计划 (4. Development of Training Programs)

Companies that evaluate the current skills gap perform better because of initiating training programs for their employees unlike organizations with no training programs.


技能差距的解决方案 (Solutions to Skill Gaps)

Developing soft skills is the first solution to the widening skills gap in organizations and management should review interpersonal relationships among employees as automation continues. Most often, organizations forget about interpersonal skills as focus shifts to technology and this leads to problems.

不断发展的软技能是解决组织和技术差距不断扩大的第一个解决方案,随着自动化的不断发展,应审查员工之间的人际关系。 大多数时候,随着人们将注意力转移到技术上,组织会忘记人际交往能力,这会导致问题。

Secondly, organizations should influence engagements among employees to create a culture of cooperation and trust. In this way, management understands skill requirements for employees because of open communication channels.

其次,组织应影响员工之间的参与,以建立合作与信任的文化。 通过这种方式,管理层通过开放的沟通渠道了解员工的技能要求。

Thirdly, cost reduction is critical in closing the skills gap. The internal upskilling policy at Wework¹² is an example where the company reduced expenditure for new recruitments by training their employees. Employees became educated in the process and allowed Wework to channel resources to important areas.

第三,降低成本对于缩小技能差距至关重要。 Wework¹²内部提升政策就是一个例子,该公司通过培训员工来减少新招聘人员的支出。 员工在此过程中接受了教育,并允许Wework将资源分配到重要领域。

技能战略发展的最佳实践 (Best Practices for Skills Strategy Development)

Companies in 2020 have no choice but to develop a skills strategy if they have to compete and achieve a better return on investments.


Here are some best practices organizations can follow when developing a skills strategy plan:


1.学习与发展 (1. Learning and Development)

Achieving a successful skills strategy means adopting learning and development in the organization where employees learn new skills and continue progressing up the ladder. This creates confidence and promotes greater productivity.

实现成功的技能策略意味着在组织中采用学习和发展的方式,使员工学习新技能并不断进步。 这样可以建立信心并提高生产率。

2.技能体系中的漏洞 (2. Loopholes in Skills System)

Every organization struggles in one or two areas of their skills and management should explore such loopholes including lack of training specialists and tools for upskilling employees⁹.


3.技能的文化融合 (3. Cultural Integration of Skills)

Without a strong culture of skill acquisition, all efforts to transform the organization could mean nothing and all comes down to culture. Champion the culture of skills acquisition and encourage employees to communicate for better outcomes.

如果没有强大的技能培养文化,那么一切为组织转型而付出的努力都将无济于事,一切都归结为文化。 倡导技能获取文化,并鼓励员工进行交流以获得更好的结果。

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash
LinkedIn Sales Navigator在Unsplash上的照片

4.对投资回报率的影响(4. Implications on ROI)

Management should assess the influence of skills acquisition on the revenues and profitability of the company to determine the current direction. Evaluation of skills investments is critical in understanding the value of the skill sets in the organization.

管理层应评估技能获取对公司收入和盈利能力的影响,以确定当前的发展方向。 对技能投资的评估对于了解组织中技能集的价值至关重要。

2020年的现代工作场所和技能再培训 (The Modern Workplace and Reskilling in 2020)

The coronavirus pandemic has forced companies to transform their operations with remote work becoming the norm. No one anticipated this black swan event and through reskilling and #upskilling, companies can learn from this experience and become better moving forward.

吨他冠状病毒的蔓延迫使企业和远程工作成为常态转变其业务。 没有人能预料到这场黑天鹅大赛,通过重新技能和#upskilling,公司可以从这一经验中学到并变得更好。

#Artificialintelligence, #machinelearning, and advanced analytics imply that companies must evolve and encourage employees to adopt the new trends. Automation¹⁰ is affecting every job sector and without a concrete skills plan, companies face the risk of becoming obsolete in the competitive digital environment.

#Artificialintelligence,#machinelearning和高级分析意味着公司必须发展并鼓励员工采用新趋势。 自动化技术正在影响每个工作领域,并且没有具体的技能计划,公司面临着在竞争激烈的数字环境中过时的风险。

As the #futureofwork enters, the C-Suite should collaborate with employees and stakeholders across the board to identify skill requirements and harness their power.


Is your organization engaging in reskilling and upskilling? Share your comments below to contribute to the discussion

您的组织是否正在进行技能提升和技能提升? 在下方分享您的评论,以促进讨论


参考文献(Works Cited)

¹Upskilling and Reskilling, ²Digital Environment, ³Skills Gap, ⁴Employee Reskilling, ⁵Corporate Environment, ⁶Training Employees, ⁷The C-Suite, ⁸Skill Development, ⁹Upskilling Employees, ¹⁰Automation


被引用的公司(Companies Cited)

¹¹Squarespace, ¹²Wework

¹¹ Squarespace ,¹² Wework

David Yakobovitch的更多内容: (More from David Yakobovitch:)

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翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/the-commandments-of-workplace-reskilling-and-upskilling-in-2020-badf4375f7f6




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