msde和sql 区别

Ok all! I just found this, so forgive me if you’ve found it already.

好的! 我刚刚找到了,请原谅我。

Apparently Microsoft has decided to get rid of the MSDE version of SQL Server. MSDE is the Microsoft Developers Edition, this is a free version of SQL Server which is intended for development purposes and some stand alone applications.

显然,Microsoft已决定摆脱SQL Server的MSDE版本。 MSDE是Microsoft Developers Edition,它是SQL Server的免费版本,用于开发目的和某些独立的应用程序。

Now before you get upset (or get all excited that MS is dropping something), I have to tell you WHY they are dropping the MSDE. Apparently the next version of SQL will have a SQL Express version. It’s this version which will replace the MSDE Version AND it will also be more friendly with distribution and usage.

现在,在您感到不高兴(或让所有人为MS放弃某些东西而感到兴奋)之前,我必须告诉您为什么他们要放弃MSDE。 显然,下一版本SQL将具有SQL Express版本。 这个版本将取代MSDE版本,并且在发行和使用上也更加友好。

I see this as Microsoft attempt to break into the free market that MySQL and PostGreSQL have had for so long. Funny isn’t it, MySQL start charging for a version, and Microsoft gives a version away!

我看到了这一点,因为微软试图打入MySQL和PostGreSQL已有很长时间的自由市场。 有趣的是,MySQL开始收取版本费用,Microsoft放弃了版本!

You can learn all about it, and even download a beta 2 release here.

您可以了解所有内容,甚至可以在此处下载beta 2版本 。


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