
In 2017, TV watches you. At least, it does if you’re using a Roku device: that platform monitors everything you do on their devices. Data is shared with Neilson to supplement ratings, mostly it’s used for advertising purposes.

在2017年,电视收看了您。 至少,如果您使用的是Roku设备,它也会这样做:该平台会监视您在其设备上执行的所有操作。 数据与Neilson共享以补充评分,这些数据主要用于广告目的。

That’s right: advertising. You probably think of Roku as a hardware company, and it’s true that their various streaming devices make up the majority of their revenue. But it’s not they only way they make money: Roku earned around $100 million from advertising in 2016, a quarter of their overall revenue that year. Part of what makes their advertising so effective is their ability to track what you watch.

没错:广告。 您可能将Roku看作是一家硬件公司,确实,他们的各种流媒体设备构成了他们大部分的收入。 但这并不是他们赚钱的唯一途径: Roku在2016年的广告业务收入约为1亿美元 ,占当年总收入的四分之一。 使他们的广告如此有效的部分原因是其跟踪您观看的内容的能力。

This isn’t conjecture, by the way. It’s all outlined in Roku’s privacy policy:

顺便说一下,这不是推测。 Roku的隐私权政策概述了这些内容:

We also collect usage data such as your search history…search results, content and advertisements you select and view, including through use of automatic content recognition technology…and content settings and preferences, channels you add and view, including time and duration in the channels, and other usage statistics.


All of this tracking is baked into Roku, and the only way to fully avoid it is to not use the platform. This isn’t unique among internet companies: Google and Facebook monitor basically everything you do online, for example. And unlike those companies, Roku gives you a bit of an out.

所有这些跟踪都包含在Roku中,要完全避免这种情况的唯一方法是不使用平台。 这在互联网公司中并不是唯一的情况:例如,Google和Facebook基本上监视您在网上所做的一切。 与这些公司不同,Roku可以给您带来一些好处。

From your Roku’s home screen head to Settings > Privacy > Advertising. You’ll find the “Limit Ad Tracking” option there.

从Roku的主屏幕转到设置>隐私>广告。 您会在此处找到“限制广告跟踪”选项。

What does this change? Roku explains in their privacy terms, but here’s a quick summary:

这有什么变化? Roku 以其隐私条款进行了说明 ,但以下是简要摘要:

  • Ads on your Roku will no longer be personalized based on information tied to your device. You’ll see generic ads instead.Roku上的广告将不再根据与设备相关的信息进行个性化设置。 您会看到常规广告。
  • Tracked information will not be shared with third party services. The main exception seems to be antenna usage on Roku TVs, which will likely still be shared with Neilson depending on your setup.跟踪的信息将不会与第三方服务共享。 主要的例外似乎是Roku电视上的天线使用情况,具体取决于您的设置,仍可能与Neilson共享。
  • Channel providers, such as Netflix or Amazon, will be notified that you prefer not to be tracked, but Roku will not force them not to track you. It’s kind of like how browser “Do Not Track” doesn’t stop tracking: it only nicely asks sites not to track you.

    频道提供商(例如Netflix或Amazon)将收到通知,通知您您不想被跟踪,但Roku不会强迫他们不跟踪您。 这有点像浏览器“不追踪”不会停止追踪 :它只是很好地要求网站不追踪您。

  • If these third party channel providers decide to track you, there’s nothing stopping them form sharing their information to third party companies. You’ll need to check the privacy terms for individual channels if you’re concerned about that.

    如果这些第三方渠道商决定跟踪你,有什么能阻止他们的形式分享他们的信息给第三方公司。 如果您对此担心,则需要检查各个频道的隐私条款。

Roku’s “Limit Ad Tracking” is, if nothing else, honestly named. It doesn’t stop tracking outright, but it does make it feel a little less obvious. Some people may prefer to see the relevant ads, but at least Roku gives you somewhat of a choice.

别无选择,Roku的“限制广告跟踪”的名称是真实的。 它不会完全停止跟踪,但是确实会使它变得不太明显。 有些人可能希望看到相关的广告,但至少Roku给了您一些选择。




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