


Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer. Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.

给定一个罗马数字,将其转换成整数。输入确保在 1 到 3999 的范围内。

① 使用dict.get(耗时:64ms,内存:13.6M)

class Solution:def romanToInt(self, s: str) -> int:dic = {'I':1, 'IV':4, 'V':5, 'IX':9, 'X':10, 'XL':40, 'L':50, 'XC':90, 'C':100, 'CD':400, 'D':500, 'CM':900, 'M':1000}return sum(dic.get(s[max(i-1, 0):i+1], dic[n]) for i, n in enumerate(s))


② 双循环方法(耗时:156ms,内存:13.7M)

class Solution:def romanToInt(self, s: str) -> int:dic = {'IV':4, 'IX':9,'XL':40,'XC':90,'CD':400,'CM':900,'I':1, 'V':5,  'X':10,  'L':50,  'C':100,  'D':500,  'M':1000}flag=0res = 0lens = len(s)for key, val in dic.items():for i, char in enumerate(s):lenkey = len(key)if i<lens and s[i:i+lenkey]==key:if lenkey==2:flag=1i+=lenkeyres+=valif lenkey==2 and flag==1:res-=sum([dic.get(i) for i in (key)])flag=0return res

3.in enumerate会自动生成index,value,无论最后是否输出index,如果不给index留位置,则输出的是tuple类型(index,value)
4.str变量可以用for in的结构来得到每一个单一字符。

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