vicar 牧师

grocer 杂货铺店主

with a start 由于受到惊吓

Whtaever are you dong up here?你究竟在这上面干什么?whatever用于疑问句中,用以加强what语气。我们平时经常说的是What are you doing?

You certainly did give me a surprise. 在英语中助动词do,可以用来表示强调。此时助动词do放在位于谓语动词之前。


in surprise

in ink, in pencil

in common

in difficulty

in the end

in bed

in all

in a hurry

in debt

in love

in sight

in danger

in tears

take touble--不避烦劳,不辞劳苦

get used to (doing) something,习惯于。。。。,to是介词

night after night===every night

Still=Just the same.依然,放在句首,做类似于However之类的词用


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