Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Out of the box, your Samsung Galaxy S20, S20+, or S20 Ultra doesn’t display the device’s current battery percentage in the status bar. Instead, you have to use your best judgment based on the battery icon. Here’s how to display the battery percentage on your handset.

开箱即用的Samsung Galaxy S20 , S20 +或S20 Ultra不会在状态栏中显示设备的当前电池百分比。 相反,您必须根据电池图标做出最佳判断。 这是在手机上显示电池电量百分比的方法。

Get started by swiping down from the top of the Galaxy S20’s display to open the notification shade. Now, tap the Gear icon next to the Power button to open the Settings menu.

从Galaxy S20显示屏的顶部向下滑动以打开通知栏,开始使用。 现在,点击电源按钮旁边的齿轮图标以打开设置菜单。

Alternatively, swipe up on your handset’s home screen to open the app drawer. From there, either use the search bar at the top of the display or scroll between the panels and launch the “Settings” app.

或者,在手机的主屏幕上向上滑动以打开应用程序抽屉。 从那里,使用显示屏顶部的搜索栏或在面板之间滚动并启动“设置”应用程序。

Select the “Notifications” option near the top of the list.


Locate and tap the “Status Bar” button above “Do Not Disturb.”


Finally, select the toggle that corresponds with the “Show Battery Percentage” listing. Ensure the icon turns blue.

最后,选择与“显示电池百分比”列表相对应的切换开关。 确保图标变为蓝色。

The battery percentage of your Galaxy S20 will now be displayed in the top-right corner of the Samsung handset’s screen. Repeat these steps if you ever want to disable the feature.

现在,Galaxy S20的电池电量百分比将显示在三星手机屏幕的右上角。 如果您要禁用该功能,请重复这些步骤。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/661887/how-to-show-the-battery-percentage-on-the-samsung-galaxy-s20/

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