Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Samsung was one of the first Android manufacturers to add Dark Mode to its handsets. If you recently purchased a Galaxy S20, S20+, or S20 Ultra, enabling the UI feature and setting it up on a schedule is extremely easy. Here’s how.

三星是最早将暗模式添加到其手机中的Android制造商之一。 如果您最近购买了Galaxy S20 , S20 +或S20 Ultra ,则启用UI功能并按计划进行设置非常容易。 这是如何做。

从设置菜单启用暗模式 (Enable Dark Mode From the Settings Menu)

Turning on and setting up Dark Mode with a schedule is done from the Display menu. To get there, swipe down from the top of the Galaxy S20’s display to open the Notification Panel. Next, tap on the Gear icon next to the Power button to open the Settings menu.

通过“显示”菜单打开和设置带有时间表的暗模式。 要到达那里,请从Galaxy S20显示屏的顶部向下滑动以打开“通知面板” 。 接下来,点击电源按钮旁边的齿轮图标以打开设置菜单。

Tap on the “Display” option found at the top of the list.


Enable Dark Mode by tapping on the “Dark” button (1). If you don’t want to set up an automatic schedule, tap on the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen if you turned on gesture navigation.

通过点击“暗”按钮(1)启用暗模式。 如果您不想设置自动时间表,请点击“主页”按钮,或者如果打开了手势导航,则从屏幕底部向上滑动。

Select the “Dark Mode Settings” option (2) to set up a schedule.


Tap on the toggle next to “Turn On As Scheduled” to enable the schedule feature. The handset will default to “Sunset To Sunrise.” Manually set the Dark Mode schedule by selecting “Custom Schedule” and setting a start and end time.

点击“按计划打开”旁边的切换按钮以启用计划功能。 听筒将默认设置为“从日落到日出”。 通过选择“自定义时间表”并设置开始时间和结束时间来手动设置黑暗模式时间表。

从快速面板切换为暗模式 (Toggle On Dark Mode From the Quick Panel)

The benefit of going through the Samsung Galaxy S20’s Settings menu to turn on Dark Mode is to have the ability to schedule the feature. If you don’t want to dig through the menu every time you want to change the look of the phone’s interface, you can quickly toggle on the feature from the Quick Panel.

通过Samsung Galaxy S20的“设置”菜单打开“暗模式”的好处是可以安排该功能。 如果您不想每次都想更改手机界面的外观时都在菜单中进行挖掘,则可以从“快速面板”中快速启用该功能。

To navigate to the Quick Panel, swipe down twice from the top of the handset’s display. The first swipe will open the Notification Shade. The second will expose a grid of icons.

要导航至快速面板,请从听筒显示屏顶部向下滑动两次。 第一次滑动将打开“通知阴影”。 第二个将显示图标网格。

Next, find the icon that looks like a crescent-shaped moon labeled “Dark Mode.” You might have to scroll between sections to find the button. Tap on the icon to instantaneously turn Dark Mode on or off.

接下来,找到看起来像新月形月亮的图标,标记为“黑暗模式”。 您可能必须在各部分之间滚动才能找到该按钮。 点击图标可立即打开或关闭暗模式。

With Dark Mode now enabled on your Galaxy S20, it’s now time to disable Edge Panels, sort the app drawer alphabetically, and show the smartphone’s battery percentage.

现在已在Galaxy S20上启用了暗模式,现在是时候禁用边缘面板,按字母顺序对应用程序抽屉进行排序,并显示智能手机的电池电量百分比了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/663368/samsung-galaxy-s20-how-to-turn-on-dark-mode/

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