grammar包括Grammar deals with syntax, morphology, and semantics.其中while syntax studies sentence structures。
sentence structures 的最好的理解是word order。
the English grammar follows the structure of a subject, verb, object
ate the dog the bone, its syntax is wrong(syntax 错了 语法自然就错了。). the right order is the dog ate the bone..

syntax只关注 a sentence 是由NP(名词短语)和VP(动词短语构成)
但是syntax并不关心动词verb,名词noun等具体定义。也不关心word的内部结构比如 bookkeepershas four morphemes (类词根词缀复数)(book, keep, -er, -s) 。


A grammar is a series of productions that generate the valid “words” of a language. It is a way to specify the syntax of a language. Another way to specify the syntax would be using plain English, but that would end up being very verbose for non-trivial languages if you want it to be precise enough to serve as a specification.

As an example consider the following text:

A program is a series of zero or more statements.A statement is either the keyword "var", followed by an identifier, followed by a semicolon;
an identifier  followed by "++" or "--",   followed by a semicolon; or the keyword "while",
followed by an identifier, followed by the keyword "do", followed by zero or more statements,
followed by the keyword "end".

This describes the syntax of a very simple programming language, but it is not a grammar. Here is a grammar that describes the same language:

program   ::= statement*
statement ::= "var" ID ";"| ID "++" ";"| ID "--" ";"| "while" ID "do" statement* "end"



程序是一系列零个或多个语句。语句是关键字“var”,后跟标识符,后跟分号; 标识符后跟“++”或“ - ”,后跟分号; 或关键字“while”,
后跟一个标识符,后跟关键 字“do”,后跟零个或多个语句,后跟关键字“end”。


program   ::= statement*
statement ::= "var" ID ";"| ID "++" ";"| ID "--" ";"| "while" ID "do" statement* "end"

What’s the difference between grammar and syntax? in English


As defined from the NOAD, grammar is, “the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics.”

It includes the syntax, but it’s not limited to that.

The syntax of a language is, “the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.”
For example, the syntax is about which order subject, verb, and object have in a sentence to form a well-formed sentence. A sentence like “like it I” is not considered a well-formed sentence, basing on the English syntax, even if people would understand that the correct sentence is “I like it.”




As I hear them used, grammar

is usually a subfield of English or any other specific language
can be both descriptive and prescriptive
seeks to define parameters for use of a specific language
whereas syntax

is a subfield of linguistics
is descriptive only
seeks to describe language use in terms of language-neutral universal parameters
Both grammar and syntax are usually focused at the level of words-in-sentences (a level above pronunciation, a level below prose-style) but can spill over into these and other subfields.





Syntax pertains only to the arrangement of words in sentences. Grammar deals with syntax, morphology, and semantics.

Syntax: the grammatical arrangement of words in sentences
Grammar: the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)
Morphology: studies of the rules for forming admissible words, and sounds in words
Semantics: the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text
Phonology: the relationships among the speech sounds that constitute the fundamental components of a language




Grammar is a very broad term that can roughly be described as

the implicit rules by which speakers intuitively judge which strings are well-formed in a given language.

This includes

syntax: The structure of phrases and sentences - see above.
morphology: The internal structure of words.
Questions include:




语法:短语和句子的结构 - 见上文。

  1. Main Difference – Grammar vs Syntax
  2. http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-grammar-and-syntax/

Syntax refers to the linguistic structure above the word level (e.g. how sentences are formed) – though without taking into account intonation, which is the domain of phonology. Morphology, by contrast, refers to structure at and below the word level (e.g. how compound words are formed), but above the level of individual sounds, which, like intonation, are in the domain of phonology.[13] No clear line can be drawn, however, between syntax and morphology. Analytic languages use syntax to convey information that is encoded via inflection in synthetic languages. In other words, word order is not significant and morphology is highly significant in a purely synthetic language, whereas morphology is not significant and syntax is highly significant in an analytic language. Chinese and Afrikaans, for example, are highly analytic, and meaning is therefore very context-dependent. (Both do have some inflections, and have had more in the past; thus, they are becoming even less synthetic and more “purely” analytic over time.) Latin, which is highly synthetic, uses affixes and inflections to convey the same information that Chinese does with syntax. Because Latin words are quite (though not completely) self-contained, an intelligible Latin sentence can be made from elements that are placed in a largely arbitrary order. Latin has a complex affixation and simple syntax, while Chinese has the opposite.

语法是指单词级别之上的语言结构(例如句子是如何形成的) - 尽管没有考虑语调,这是音韵学的领域。相比之下,形态学指的是在单词水平上和下面的结构(例如复合词是如何形成的),但高于单个声音的水平,这与声音一样,在音韵学领域。[13]然而,在语法和形态之间没有明确的界线。分析语使用的语法来传达经由编码信息拐点在综合语。换句话说,词序不重要,形态在纯合成语言中非常重要,而形态学并不重要,语法在分析语言中非常重要。例如,中国人和南非荷兰人是高度分析性的,因此意义非常依赖于语境。(两者都有一些变形,并且在过去有更多的变化;因此,随着时间的推移,它们变得更加合成并且更“纯粹”分析。)拉丁语,高度合成,使用词缀和变形来传达相同的信息,中文用语法做。因为拉丁语单词是完全(虽然不是完全)自足,是一个可理解的拉丁语句子可以由以很大的任意顺序放置的元素构成。拉丁语有复杂的词缀和简单的语法,而中文则相反。


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