

from flask import Flask,make_response
app = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')
def register():rsp = make_response("test")rsp.headers['Content-Type']= 'text/xxx'return rspif __name__ == "__main__":app.run(host="",port=5000,debug=True)


from flask import Flask,make_response
app = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')
def register():rsp = make_response("test")rsp.headers['Content-Type']= 'text/xxx; charset=utf-8'return rspif __name__ == "__main__":app.run(host="",port=5000,debug=True)


from flask import Flask,make_responseapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/')
def register():rsp = make_response("xxx")rsp.mimetype="text/xxx" # 等价于rsp.headers['Content-Type']= 'text/xxx; charset=utf-8'return rspif __name__ == "__main__":app.run(host="",port=5000,debug=True)


flask response Content-Type相关推荐

  1. requests的response.text 与 response.content

    在某些情况下来说,response.text 与 response.content 都是来获取response中的数据信息,效果看起来差不多.那么response.text 和 response.co ...

  2. restTemplate http请求报错:no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type and content type

    报错信息: org.springframework.web.client.UnknownContentTypeException: Could not extract response: no sui ...

  3. Error while extracting response for type [] and content type [],json返回值被解析为xml

    在使用restTemplate请求restful接口时,在特定情况下总会将返回的json数据解析为xml数据然后处理,接着就会爆出标题中的错误: Error while extracting resp ...

  4. Error while extracting response for type [class xxx] and content type application/xml;charset=UTF-8

    强烈推荐一个大神的人工智能的教程:http://www.captainbed.net/zhanghan [前言] 最近在用restTemplate进行一次http请求时发现了报错(Error whil ...

  5. Server returned HTTP response code 415 for URL , Content type text/plain charset=UTF-8 not support

    客户端 http 请求报错 415,具体如下: Server returned HTTP response code: 415 for URL: http://ip:port/xxx 服务器端 用的是 ...

  6. Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for content type [text/html]

    目录 报错信息 源码分析 解决方法 修改 mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter 配置 继承 mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter 实 ...

  7. flask response对象

    方法或属性 描述 headers 类似于字典,用来存放headers status A string with a response status. status_code The response ...

  8. Posted content type isn't multipart/form-data

    版权声明:欢迎转载,请注明沉默王二原创. https://blog.csdn.net/qing_gee/article/details/48712507 在有文件上传的表单提交过程中,搞不好就会报Po ...

  9. “Content type ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8‘ not supported“解决方法

    项目接口返回 code: 500 data: null message: "Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=U ...

  10. feign.codec.DecodeException: Error while extracting response for type

    报错信息 feign.codec.DecodeException: Error while extracting response for type [java.util.List<cn.xxx ...


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