Assignment #2


1.Tensorflow Softmax





def softmax(x):"""Compute the softmax function in tensorflow.You might find the tensorflow functions tf.exp, tf.reduce_max,tf.reduce_sum, tf.expand_dims useful. (Many solutions are possible, so you maynot need to use all of these functions). Recall also that many commontensorflow operations are sugared (e.g. x * y does a tensor multiplicationif x and y are both tensors). Make sure to implement the numerical stabilityfixes as in the previous homework!Args:x:   tf.Tensor with shape (n_samples, n_features). Note feature vectors arerepresented by row-vectors. (For simplicity, no need to handle 1-dinput as in the previous homework)Returns:out: tf.Tensor with shape (n_sample, n_features). You need to construct thistensor in this problem."""# YOUR CODE HEREx -= tf.reduce_max(x, axis=1, keep_dims=True)out = tf.exp(x) / tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(x), axis=1, keep_dims=True)# END YOUR CODEreturn out

Softmax test 1 passed!
Softmax test 2 passed!
Basic (non-exhaustive) softmax tests pass




def cross_entropy_loss(y, yhat):"""Compute the cross entropy loss in tensorflow.The loss should be summed over the current minibatch.y is a one-hot tensor of shape (n_samples, n_classes) and yhat is a tensorof shape (n_samples, n_classes). y should be of dtype tf.int32, and yhat shouldbe of dtype tf.float32.The functions tf.to_float, tf.reduce_sum, and tf.log might prove useful. (Manysolutions are possible, so you may not need to use all of these functions).Note: You are NOT allowed to use the tensorflow built-in cross-entropyfunctions.Args:y:    tf.Tensor with shape (n_samples, n_classes). One-hot encoded.yhat: tf.Tensorwith shape (n_sample, n_classes). Each row encodes aprobability distribution and should sum to 1.Returns:out:  tf.Tensor with shape (1,) (Scalar output). You need to construct thistensor in the problem."""# YOUR CODE HEREout = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(y) * tf.log(yhat))# END YOUR CODEreturn out

Cross-entropy test 1 passed!
Basic (non-exhaustive) cross-entropy tests pass



class Config(object):"""Holds model hyperparams and data information.The config class is used to store various hyperparameters and datasetinformation parameters. Model objects are passed a Config() object atinstantiation."""n_samples = 1024n_features = 100n_classes = 5batch_size = 64n_epochs = 50lr = 1e-4


class SoftmaxModel(Model):"""Implements a Softmax classifier with cross-entropy loss."""def add_placeholders(self):"""Generates placeholder variables to represent the input tensors.These placeholders are used as inputs by the rest of the model buildingand will be fed data during training.Adds following nodes to the computational graphinput_placeholder: Input placeholder tensor of shape(batch_size, n_features), type tf.float32labels_placeholder: Labels placeholder tensor of shape(batch_size, n_classes), type tf.int32Add these placeholders to self as the instance variablesself.input_placeholderself.labels_placeholder"""# YOUR CODE HEREself.input_placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=(Config.batch_size, Config.n_features), dtype=tf.float32)self.labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=(Config.batch_size, Config.n_classes), dtype=tf.int32)# END YOUR CODEdef create_feed_dict(self, inputs_batch, labels_batch=None):"""Creates the feed_dict for training the given step.A feed_dict takes the form of:feed_dict = {<placeholder>: <tensor of values to be passed for placeholder>,....}If label_batch is None, then no labels are added to feed_dict.Hint: The keys for the feed_dict should be the placeholdertensors created in add_placeholders.Args:inputs_batch: A batch of input data.labels_batch: A batch of label data.Returns:feed_dict: The feed dictionary mapping from placeholders to values."""# YOUR CODE HEREfeed_dict = {}feed_dict[self.input_placeholder] = inputs_batchif labels_batch is not None:feed_dict[self.labels_placeholder] = labels_batch# END YOUR CODEreturn feed_dict


    def add_prediction_op(self):"""Adds the core transformation for this model which transforms a batch of inputdata into a batch of predictions. In this case, the transformation is a linear layer plus asoftmax transformation:y = softmax(Wx + b)Hint: Make sure to create tf.Variable as needed.Hint: For this simple use-case, it's sufficient to initialize both weights Wand biases b with zeros.Args:input_data: A tensor of shape (batch_size, n_features).Returns:pred: A tensor of shape (batch_size, n_classes)"""# YOUR CODE HEREW = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(Config.n_features, Config.n_classes)))b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(Config.batch_size, Config.n_classes)))pred = softmax(tf.matmul(self.input_placeholder, W) + b)# END YOUR CODEreturn preddef add_loss_op(self, pred):"""Adds cross_entropy_loss ops to the computational graph.Hint: Use the cross_entropy_loss function we defined. This should be a veryshort function.Args:pred: A tensor of shape (batch_size, n_classes)Returns:loss: A 0-d tensor (scalar)"""# YOUR CODE HEREloss = cross_entropy_loss(self.labels_placeholder, pred)# END YOUR CODEreturn loss



    def add_training_op(self, loss):"""Sets up the training Ops.Creates an optimizer and applies the gradients to all trainable variables.The Op returned by this function is what must be passed to the`` call to cause the model to train. See more information.Hint: Use tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer to get an optimizer object.Calling optimizer.minimize() will return a train_op object.Args:loss: Loss tensor, from cross_entropy_loss.Returns:train_op: The Op for training."""# YOUR CODE HEREtrain_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( END YOUR CODEreturn train_op


def t_softmax_model():"""Train softmax model for a number of steps."""config = Config()# Generate random data to train the model onnp.random.seed(1234)inputs = np.random.rand(config.n_samples, config.n_features)labels = np.zeros((config.n_samples, config.n_classes), dtype=np.int32)labels[:, 0] = 1# Tell TensorFlow that the model will be built into the default Graph.# (not required but good practice)with tf.Graph().as_default():# Build the model and add the variable initializer Opmodel = SoftmaxModel(config)init = tf.global_variables_initializer()# If you are using an old version of TensorFlow, you may have to use# this initializer instead.# init = tf.initialize_all_variables()# Create a session for running Ops in the Graphwith tf.Session() as sess:# Run the Op to initialize the Fit the modellosses =, inputs, labels)# If Ops are implemented correctly, the average loss should fall close to zero# rapidly.assert losses[-1] < .5print ("Basic (non-exhaustive) classifier tests pass")


Epoch 0: loss = 60.23 (0.029 sec)
Epoch 1: loss = 21.22 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 2: loss = 11.44 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 3: loss = 7.65 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 4: loss = 5.70 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 5: loss = 4.52 (0.013 sec)
Epoch 6: loss = 3.74 (0.013 sec)
Epoch 7: loss = 3.19 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 8: loss = 2.78 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 9: loss = 2.46 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 10: loss = 2.20 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 11: loss = 1.99 (0.013 sec)
Epoch 12: loss = 1.82 (0.015 sec)
Epoch 13: loss = 1.68 (0.016 sec)
Epoch 14: loss = 1.55 (0.015 sec)
Epoch 15: loss = 1.45 (0.017 sec)
Epoch 16: loss = 1.36 (0.021 sec)
Epoch 17: loss = 1.27 (0.077 sec)
Epoch 18: loss = 1.20 (0.086 sec)
Epoch 19: loss = 1.14 (0.063 sec)
Epoch 20: loss = 1.08 (0.075 sec)
Epoch 21: loss = 1.02 (0.043 sec)
Epoch 22: loss = 0.98 (0.045 sec)
Epoch 23: loss = 0.93 (0.036 sec)
Epoch 24: loss = 0.89 (0.053 sec)
Epoch 25: loss = 0.86 (0.049 sec)
Epoch 26: loss = 0.82 (0.035 sec)
Epoch 27: loss = 0.79 (0.019 sec)
Epoch 28: loss = 0.76 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 29: loss = 0.74 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 30: loss = 0.71 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 31: loss = 0.69 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 32: loss = 0.67 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 33: loss = 0.65 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 34: loss = 0.63 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 35: loss = 0.61 (0.019 sec)
Epoch 36: loss = 0.59 (0.030 sec)
Epoch 37: loss = 0.58 (0.052 sec)
Epoch 38: loss = 0.56 (0.060 sec)
Epoch 39: loss = 0.55 (0.032 sec)
Epoch 40: loss = 0.53 (0.017 sec)
Epoch 41: loss = 0.52 (0.016 sec)
Epoch 42: loss = 0.51 (0.046 sec)
Epoch 43: loss = 0.49 (0.037 sec)
Epoch 44: loss = 0.48 (0.031 sec)
Epoch 45: loss = 0.47 (0.022 sec)
Epoch 46: loss = 0.46 (0.015 sec)
Epoch 47: loss = 0.45 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 48: loss = 0.44 (0.014 sec)
Epoch 49: loss = 0.43 (0.014 sec)
Basic (non-exhaustive) classifier tests pass


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