
Chances are you’ve seen them online somewhere — they covered the Web a few years ago, but when used in moderation, collage-type images, such as the one shown here, can produce great results.


Essentially, the graphic is just a series of images, overlaid with a colored texture.


These collage-type images are commonly used as backgrounds, with other elements placed on top of them.


This tutorial will show you an easy way to produce these types of graphics using Macromedia Fireworks.

本教程将向您展示使用Macromedia Fireworks生成这些类型的图形的简便方法。

However, these techniques should work just as well on other graphics programs, given their simplicity.


1.画布 (1. The Canvas)

To start, all you’ll need is a blank canvas, a few images, and about 10 spare minutes. If you’re in need of some stock images, check some of the references in this thread.

首先,您需要做的是一张空白画布,一些图像和大约10分钟的备用时间。 如果您需要一些库存图像,请查看此线程中的一些参考 。

Firstly, open a white canvas, and set the size to match the dimensions of the area you want your image to cover. Now, consider what colour you’d like the base colour of your finished graphic to be, and place a square of your selected colour over the canvas area.

首先,打开白色画布,然后设置大小以匹配要覆盖图像的区域的尺寸。 现在,考虑您希望最终图形的基础颜色是什么颜色,然后将所选颜色的正方形放在画布区域上。

A good rule of thumb for colour selection is that if your images are dark, choose a lighter shade, and if they’re light, select a slightly darker shade. Here, I’ve used a dark green because my images have a lot of light areas.

选择颜色的一个很好的经验法则是,如果图像较暗,请选择较浅的阴影;如果图像较浅,则请选择较暗的阴影。 在这里,我使用了深绿色,因为我的图像上有很多亮区。

2.准备图像 (2. Prep the Images)

Next, import a number of pictures that will adequately cover the canvas area, resizing them if need be. Now, we need to make these images ‘melt’ together.

接下来,导入大量足以覆盖画布区域的图片,并在需要时调整它们的大小。 现在,我们需要使这些图像“融合”在一起。

First, let’s feather the edges of each image by cutting them out using the marquee tool:…with edge set to "feather". I’ve used a value of 10%, but you can alter this figure to reflect the degree to which you wish your images to ‘melt’ together.

首先,让我们使用选取框工具裁剪出每个图像的边缘:…将边缘设置为“羽化”。 我使用了10%的值,但是您可以更改此数字以反映希望图像“融合”在一起的程度。

Now, when you cut the images with a feather edge, only feather the edges that will ‘melt’ with other images — not the sides, or top and bottom of your canvas.


As demonstrated below, you’d feather only one side of the images that will appear at each end of your canvas, and you’d feather both the left and right sides of images that will appear in the middle of the canvas. But you’ll never need to feather the top and bottom edges of your images.

如下所示,您只需要对将出现在画布两端的图像的一侧进行羽化,并且只对将出现在画布中间的图像的左右两侧进行羽化。 但是,您永远不需要修饰图像的顶部和底部边缘。

Now copy the selected region of each image, and delete the original. Finally, paste the new feathered image back in. Repeat this process for each of your images.

现在复制每个图像的选定区域,然后删除原始图像。 最后,重新粘贴新的羽毛图像。对每个图像重复此过程。

3.创建拼贴 (3. Create the Collage)

Position the images on your canvas as I have below, with the feathered edges overlapping each other. The amount of overlap is really up to you.

将图像按照下面的方式放置在画布上,其羽状边缘彼此重叠。 重叠的数量实际上取决于您。

Next, you need to colorize the images. So, select all your images, click Effects > Adjust Color > Hue/Saturation, and check "Colourize". Adjust the Hue, Saturation and Lightness to produce your desired color. Keep in mind that dark and dull colors work best.

接下来,您需要为图像着色。 因此,选择所有图像,单击“ Effects > Adjust Color > Hue/Saturation ,然后选中“色彩化”。 调整色相,饱和度和亮度以产生所需的颜色。 请记住,深色和暗淡的颜色效果最好。

Next, adjust your image’s opacity. In the collage below, I’ve selected 80% so that the dark green square that I laid over my canvas won’t show through too much. If your images are light, use a low opacity percentage, to allow that coloured square to show through more strongly.

接下来,调整图像的不透明度。 在下面的拼贴画中,我选择了80%,这样我放在画布上的深绿色方块不会显示得太多。 如果图像较亮,请使用较低的不透明度百分比,以使该彩色正方形更强烈地显示出来。

Why is the use of that colored square so important? Well, if one of your images is dark, and another is light, this solid coloured square will help the images ‘melt’ together more completely.

为什么使用彩色正方形如此重要? 好吧,如果您的一幅图像较暗而另一幅图像较亮,则此单色正方形将帮助图像更完全地“融合”在一起。

4.画龙点睛 (4. Finishing Touches)

Now, place another square of your desired color over the top of the collage image, and set its opacity — I’ve used 30% here. Use the opacity of this square to adjust the overall image’s darkness.

现在,在拼贴图像的顶部放置所需颜色的另一个正方形,并设置其不透明度-我在这里使用了30%。 使用此正方形的不透明度调整整个图像的暗度。

Next, fill the square with your desired texture: either lines, squares, or the textures packaged with Fireworks. In this case, I’ve chosen squares. Make the texture transparent, and set the texture amount to 50% as shown below. Yet again, adjust this to your particular liking.

接下来,用所需的纹理填充正方形:线条,正方形或Fireworks打包的纹理。 在这种情况下,我选择了正方形。 使纹理透明,然后如下所示将纹理量设置为50%。 再根据您的喜好调整此设置。

You can adjust any of the values or colors to get the exact look you desire.


For instance, colorizing the images and the two squares will change the collage’s color completely. Try various fill textures also with different levels of fill amount and object opacity, and see what you like. Play around with the values, and you’ll be able to produce varying effects to suit a range of different purposes. You can also lay other images over the originals to produce different results.

例如,对图像和两个正方形进行着色将完全改变拼贴的颜色。 尝试各种填充纹理以及不同级别的填充量和对象不透明度,然后看看您喜欢什么。 试一试这些值,您将能够产生各种效果,以适应各种不同的用途。 您也可以将其他图像放在原稿上以产生不同的结果。

5.一些变化 (5. A Few Variations)

The final result should look similar to this:


To add some more detail and depth, simply place more images over your originals, under that final textured square.


As you can see, these types of images are well applied as backgrounds on header graphics etc. Changing the texture is just as easy:


Have a play around with this technique to see what you can come up with. Trial and error is the best way to come up with the specific look you desire.

试一试这种技术,看看您能想到什么。 反复试验是得出您想要的特定外观的最佳方法。

I hope you enjoy using this effect!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/create-collage-fireworks/



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