期刊论文返修时,需要在审稿意见回复(Response to reviewer)中对审稿人的修改意见进行点对点的回复。

那么,一篇标准的审稿意见回复(Response to reviewer)应该是什么样的呢?





Dear Editors and Reviewers:

Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号).Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval.


SUGGESTIONS FROM EDITOR(注意这一段要把编辑原始的建议粘贴在这里,不能只有回应)


Your response to the general comments from the editor

Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:



Responds to the reviewer’s comments:

Reviewer #1:

1. Response to comment: …………。





2. Response to comment: …………。







  • We are very sorry for our negligence of ……...

  • We are very sorry for our incorrect writing ……...

  • It is really true as Reviewer suggested that……

  • We have made correction according to the Reviewer’s comments.

  • We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion

  • As Reviewer suggested that……

  • Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have ……

4. 感谢语,期待反馈等。


6.标注每一处修改在文中的Page** Line**可见,方便审稿人重定位到文章。


来自期刊BMC Cancer的审稿意见回复(Response to reviewer)

SAGE出版社审稿意见回复(Response to reviewer)模板

更多Response to reviewer例句:

A. 普适的回应:

1. We feel great thanks for your professional review work on our article. As you are concerned, there are several problems that need to be addressed. According to your nice suggestions, we have made extensive corrections to our previous draft, the detailed corrections are listed below.

2. We sincerely thank the editor and all reviewers for their valuable feedback that we have used to improve the quality of our manuscript. The reviewer comments are laid out below in italicized font and specific concerns have been numbered. Our response is given in normal font and changes/additions to the manuscript are given in the blue text.

3. On behalf of all the contributing authors, I would like to express our sincere appreciations of your letter and reviewers’ constructive comments concerning our article entitled “XXX” (Manuscript No.: XXXX). These comments are all valuable and helpful for improving our article. According to the associate editor and reviewers’ comments, we have made extensive modifications to our manuscript and supplemented extra data to make our results convincing. In this revised version, changes to our manuscript were all highlighted within the document by using red-colored text. Point-by-point responses to the nice associate editor and two nice reviewers are listed below this letter.

4. Thank you again for your positive comments and valuable suggestions to improve the quality of our manuscript.

5. If there are any other modifications we could make, we would like very much to modify them and we really appreciate your help. Thank you very much for your help.

6. According to the associate editor and reviewers’ comments, we have made extensive modifications to our manuscript and supplemented extra data to make our results convincing.

7. Thank you for your nice comments on our article. According to your suggestions, we have supplemented several data here and corrected several mistakes in our previous draft. Based on your comments, we also attached a point-by-point letter to you and the other two reviewers. We have made extensive revisions to our previous draft. The detailed point-by-point responses are listed below.


1. We were really sorry for our careless mistakes. Thank you for your reminder.

2. Thank you for pointing this out. The reviewer is correct, and we have .... The revised text reads as follows.

3. Thank you for pointing this out. The... has been corrected on....

4. We sincerely thank the reviewer for careful reading. As suggested by the reviewer, we have corrected the “___” into “___”.

5. We feel sorry for our carelessness. In our resubmitted manuscript, the typo is revised. Thanks for your correction.

6. We have carefully checked the manuscript and corrected the errors accordingly.

7. It is really a giant mistake to the whole quality of our article. We feel sorry for our carelessness. We have corrected it and we also feel great thanks for your point out.

8. Thanks for your careful checks. We are sorry for our carelessness. Based on your comments, we have made the corrections to make the unit harmonized within the whole manuscript.


1. We tried our best to improve the manuscript and made some changes to the manuscript. These changes will not influence the content and framework of the paper. And here we did not list the changes but marked in red in the revised paper. We appreciate for Editors/Reviewers’ warm work earnestly and hope that the correction will meet with approval.

2. Thanks for your suggestion. We feel sorry for our poor writings, however, we do invite a friend of us who is a native English speaker from the USA to help polish our article. And we hope the revised manuscript could be acceptable for you.

3. Thanks for your suggestion. We have tried our best to polish the language in the revised manuscript.


1. We sincerely appreciate the valuable comments. We have checked the literature carefully and added more references on ___ and___ into the INTRODUCTION part in the revised manuscript.

On XXX,文献;

On YYY, 文献;

2. As suggested by the reviewer, we have added more references to support this idea (文献1.2.3...). According to 文献1, ... is ...


E1. 如果能补:

The manuscript has been revised accordingly to clarify the above concerns.....

E2. 如果补的实验没有得到预期的结果(一般找文献来支撑相应结果):

As suggested by the referee, we have tried our best to verify XXX by____. However, no ___ signal has been detected in our synthesis system. Other researchers also found that it is very difficult to obtain a well-resolved hyperfine structure for ___. As suggested in the literature, ____; Some researchers even think that it is impossible to obtain a well-resolved hyperfine structure by ___.

E3. 如果实验条件或者客观条件不允许:

We agree that more studies would be useful to understand the details of interaction and enhancement. At this point, we do not have the necessary tool-set to study the ___. We hope, in the future, to employ ___ techniques to determine ___. This study is beyond the scope of this report which focuses on answering critical questions regarding the ___. We note also that since submission of our manuscript there has been a publication by Alex Bell and Martin Head-Gordon at Berkeley showing that Fe on Au2O3 has enhanced OER activity with DFT calculations (Ref. 79). We have added this citation and reference to the manuscript.

但是,请切记,一篇审稿意见回复(Response to reviewer)最重要的还是回复的内容,而不是格式或模板。


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